12 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 9, Discipleship

Day 9: Discipleship

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

Disciple [dih-sahy-puhnoun

  1. Religion
    1. One of the 12 personal followers of Christ.
    2. One of the 70 followers sent forth by Christ. Luke 10:1.
    3. Any other professed follower of Christ in His lifetime.
  2. Any follower of Christ
  3. A person who is a pupil or an adherent of the doctrines of another; follower: “a disciple of Freud.”

Disciple: Your Identity

We spend much of our lives trying to get approved. Jobs have rigorous interviews. Colleges – and even some preschools — have intense application processes. Even getting a credit card requires a certain level of financial stability.

It’s in the midst of our performance-based culture that God offers us a free gift: becoming his disciple.

Surprisingly, Jesus doesn’t have a list of prerequisites we have to fulfill before becoming his disciple. He walked up to Matthew’s tax collector booth – maybe even while Matthew was in the middle of overcharging the poor and pocketing the surplus – and called him to be a disciple.

Action Step: As we near Thanks Giving, thank God for the gift of becoming his disciple. Express to God how much learning at his feet means to you.

Discipleship: Your Calling

As disciples, our mission is to follow God. We’re also called to disciple others. Take a look at Matthew 28:19-20 again. These were the last words Jesus spoke before leaving the earth. We should treat them like we would the dying wish of a loved one – with great weight and importance.

Jesus’ last words call us to not only be disciples, but also to make disciples. The Greek word for this is matheteuo. According to Bible Hub, it means, “helping someone to progressively learn the Word of God to become a matured, growing disciple.”

Action Step: Ask God who in your life he is calling you to disciple. Then, reach out to them and help them learn what it means to live as an authentic Christ follower.

Discipleship Resources

The idea of discipling someone is intimidating for many people. If the prospect feels a little overwhelming, start with these fantastic resources:



Our guest poster, Amber Miller, is a board game fanatic, coffee enthusiast, and proponent of loud laughing. She lives in St. Louis with her husband and son, trying to further God’s kingdom one small step at a time.


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Image courtesy of graur razvan ionut/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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Image courtesy of graur razvan ionut/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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Image courtesy of graur razvan ionut/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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Image courtesy of adamr / FreeDigitalPhotos.net