Lent Day 29, Praise the Lord!

Welcome to Day 29 of our Lent Devotions! This week we are studying spiritual growth, and today we are looking at the power that praise can have in our lives. After writing this devotion, I am revved up and praising God! I hope this devotion sets you in an attitude of praise today! Just click on the link below to read today’s post.

Lent Day 29, Praise the Lord!

As an added bonus, here is an oldie but a goodie song by the Imperials called Praise the Lord. Listen to it on YouTube. Even after all these years, this song is anointed and the words are powerful. If you need some encouraging, really listen to the words. My favorite verse says the following:

Now Satan is a liar and he wants to make us think

that we are paupers when he knows himself

we’re children of the King.

So lift up the mighty shield of faith, for the battle must be won.

We know that Jesus Christ is risen, so the work’s already done.

Praise the Lord.

He can work through those who praise him,

Praise the Lord, for our God inhabits praise.

Praise the Lord, for the chains that seem to bind you

serve only to remind you that they fall powerless behind you

when you praise him.

Image: Chaiwat / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Lent Day 26, Yes Be Yes

Welcome to Lent Day 26! Today is our last day in our focus on simplicity. We will take a look at the importance of our words. We’ll learn how important what we say is to God.

To read today’s devotion, just click on the link below.

Lent Day 26 Yes Be Yes

Image: digitalart / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Lent Day 23, Redeeming the Time

Welcome to Day 23 of our Lenten Devotional! We are continuing our study this week on the topic of simplicity. In today’s devotion, we have to take a hard look at our schedules. Are we spending our time in the areas God wants us to, or are lives out of kilter? Just click on the link below to read today’s post about redeeming the time.

Lent Day 23, Redeeming the Time

Have a blessed day!

Image: winnond / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Lent Day 20, Simplicity, a Not-So-Simple Choice

Welcome to Day 20 of our Lent Devotions. This week, we are tackling the topic of simplicity, which is not always a simple thing to do! Join us as we explore what a lifestyle of simplicity looks like. To read today’s devotion, just click on the link below.

Lent Day 20, Simplicity, a Not-So-Simple Choice

Image: Vlado / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Lent Day 11, Pride Goes Before a Fall

Welcome to Lent Day 11 as we wrap up our study for the week on the topic of self-denial with a focus on pride. Pride is another topic that can be difficult to deal with, but God is faithful to point out the areas in our lives where we have a tendency to be prideful.

Thanks so much for joining us this week. Tomorrow we’ll start off a week of study on fasting. Just click on the link below to read today’s devotion.

Click here: Lent Day 11, Pride

Image: Nutdanai Apikhomboonwaroot / FreeDigitalPhotos.net


Lent Day 10, Care for Your Body

Welcome to Lent Day 10, Care for Your Body. Today we will look at self-denial and how that relates to caring for your body. As much as we can, we should strive to take care of our physical bodies as well as our spiritual selves. Chronic illness can make that very difficult. Sometimes we have to accept what we can’t change and work on what we can. Click below to read today’s devotion.

Lent Day 10, Caring for Your Body

Image: luigi diamanti / FreeDigitalPhotos.net