Walking in Truth, Podcast #3: Created for Him!

Thank you for joining us in our Colossians series. Today Mary Kane and I (Jane VanOsdol) will be discussing Colossians 1:13-17. This session finds us exploring how we were each created for God.We also learn that God is involved in every facet of our lives.onlybyprayerlogowebsquare

For such a small book of the Bible, Colossians is loaded with information. So, grab your Bible and a pen, and let’s get started!

Feel free to pick up our Viewer Guide to get even more out of this podcast session. Some sessions also have additional resources available for download, which you will find on the Viewer Guide page.

We pray that this series blesses you. Feel free to add your comments and questions below.

Pray on!


Walking In Truth Podcast #2: Walk Worthy of the Lord

Welcome to podcast #2 in our Walking In Truth series on the book of Colossians. Today Mary and I discuss Colossians 1:9-12. We’ll discover that God wants us to increase our relationship with Him, and that far from being alone, God  is very present with us in all our circumstances of life. We can count on Him to give us the grace and strength we need for each situation we are in and for every work He gives us to do.old canvas shoe By Panpote

Just click on the above arrow to listen. We’ve also included a listener guide for you to fill in as you listen to the podcast to help you glean the most information as possible from this teaching.

We pray you are blessed by this series. Feel free to leave your comments and questions below.

Here is the link to the page for the entire series. I will be updating the page with new recordings over the next few weeks. Walking In Truth

Image courtesy of Panpote / FreeDigitalPhotos.net


Walking in Truth Podcast # 1: Supremacy of Christ

Mary Kane and Jane VanOsdol are excited for this new podcast series called Walking in Truth, A Study in the book of Colossians. Let’s learn and laugh together as we explore what it means to grow in our faith. In this first session, Preparing for the Journey, we’ll explore Colossians 1:1-8. We’ll start with a brief background and then jump right into the verses.

Here is a free viewer guide for you to download and print off so that you can follow along with us as we study together.

Viewer Guide

You can listen to the podcast below (see player at the end of this post) or download Only By Prayer from iTunes.

Thanks for joining us !

Jane and Mary



You Are Complete!

Do you have days or months or maybe your life (!) where you feel scattered and fragmented, pulled in 100 different directions?

Perhaps the last thing you feel is complete, like you have life under control.

Well, that’s because in reality, we don’t! But I know someone who does, and He has the perfect promise for us.

I love the verse in Colossians 2: 10 that says ” and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.” What does the word complete mean? In the Greek  pleroo, it means “to make full, to abound, to be liberally supplied, to fill to the top, to carry out some undertaking.” Notice it doesn’t say perfect!

What this means to me is that in the midst of my scattered, fragmented life, Jesus has made me complete for what He is calling me to right now.

Right now I possess everything I need to step out and do what He wants me to do. I don’t have any excuses. Gulp. Maybe like me you’ve heard God calling you to start something, but you’re waiting for someone with far more wisdom and gifts to step up. Maybe you’re waiting until … your kids are grown, you get that degree, you’re in shape or your health is better.

The truth is that if God has put a call on your heart, then He’s waiting for you to get started now. Yes, there are times for waiting and resting and learning, but if you feel that continual nudge to do something, then you need to step out and be obedient. He’s made you complete where you are for what He has you to do, and He will provide for your lack with resources and other people as you’re obedient to Him.

I’m there myself today. I’ve felt a nudge to be involved in an outreach ministry that I’ve kept putting off. I know it’s time. What’s on your heart today? Let’s take that step together.

Pray on!


Walking in Truth Podcast Links to User Guides

Here are the links to the User Guides and any additional materials for each session of Walking in Truth, A Study in Colossians.

Session 1  User Guide ,  Preparing for the Journey;

Session 2 User Guide, Walk Worthy of the Lord,

Session 3 User Guide, Created for Him

Session 4 User Guide, Reconciled with God

Session 4 Resource Lectio Divina

Session 5 User Guide, The Work of the Lord

Session 5 Resource: Prayer of Examen

Session 6, Walk in the Lord

Session 6 Resource:  Prayer Strategy

Session 7, You are Complete in Him

Session 8, Alive Together With Christ



Image: PANPOTE / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Old Canvas Shoe

What Does Sacred Reading Look Like?

In my last post, we explored the spiritual discipline of sacred reading. Today I’d like to show you an example of what this looks like from my journal entries. I’m certainly not an expert on this, but sometimes it helps to see what a discipline looks like for someone else when you’re trying to learn it yourself. On this particular day, I read from Colossians 4:5-8. I was following along with my church as we were doing a study on the book of Colossians. So, using the four steps of sacred reading 1) Read, 2) Reflect, 3) Respond and 4) Rest, this is what my entry looked like that for that day.

1) Read. The part of scripture that jumped out to me was “Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time,” and “Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt that you may know how to answer each one.”

2) Reflect. The answer to the question, Where do I see myself in this passage? was that I felt like God was talking about the importance of time and making the most of the opportunities He gives us. Also, the thought that God wants us to spend some time evaluating our speech–about the words that come out of our mouths on a daily basis–seemed to jump out to me too.

3) Respond. In this third step of sacred reading, I had to pray about how God wanted me to personally respond to the scripture. In this case, I felt like God was telling me to get braver about sharing my faith in those opportunities that He gives me–not to force it, but to watch for the opportunities the Holy Spirit opens up and then be obedient and follow through. I can be shy to share this part of my life with strangers, because of how I might appear. God was convicting me to get past the obsession of worrying that others might think of me as weird if I talked to them about Jesus.

Next, I also felt like God was showing me to pray about my words to others, especially to my husband, Mark. I was being patient with other people, but not so much with him, the most important person in my life. God was telling me to build him up with my words, not tear him down.

4) Rest. During this time, I just sat quietly and reflected on what I had learned. I also wrote a short synopsis on a sticky note so that I didn’t forget that day’s lesson. Then I stuck it right in front of me while I was working in my office. Finally, I  thanked God for His wisdom and prayed for help to do make the changes that I needed to make.

I’ve found the practice of sacred reading to be so valuable in teaching me and continuing to mold me into the person Christ wants me to be.

I hope you do too!

Pray on!

Image: nuchylee / FreeDigitalPhotos.net