Lock Screens and Wallpaper

Something new, for free, for you!

prayWe have something new for you straight from the desks of Only By Prayer—lock screens and wallpaper! Be encouraged to follow God every time you pick up your phone or iPod! All our wallpaper and lock screens are free!  Simply click on the link (the words next to the icons) and download the lock screen or wallpaper to your device.Then go to settings and change your wallpaper and lock screen!

If you have trouble saving lock screens to your device, I  email them to myself, opened my email on my phone and save the photo to my gallery. Then I can choose the lock screen from my gallery when changing my wallpaper or lock screen. Works like a charm. Enjoy!

Keep following Jesus!




Lock screens and wallpaper!

Love GodLove God




Iphone 6 Follow jpegFollow Him




Believe IPHONE 6 Believe




pray Pray




OBP blue Pray Pray Blue








Love God   Love God




OBP Jesus U  Jesus Loves U!




Sacred wallpaper

Find the Sacred