Ready, Set, Pray! An Audio Guide To Help You Jumpstart Your Prayer Life With God!

Do you often start your day on fast forward without ever seeming to hit the pause button?

jane vanosdol

 If you’d like to set a different tone for your day, this audio will help you learn how to start your day with a peaceful, quiet time of praying and listening to God.

Communicating with God doesn’t have to be difficult or overwhelming. Our Father desires for us to spend time with Him; as a matter of fact, He misses us if we don’t show up, and we miss out on His wisdom and love if we don’t take the time to be with Him.

Over the last several years, I’ve tried many different methods of praying and have learned something from them all. This audio contains several suggestions to renew your prayer life --whether you are new to praying or have prayed for years.

What to Expect in Ready, Set Pray

Ready, Set, Pray! is an mp3 download which you can listen to on your computer, add to your mp3 player or burn to a CD. It will cover the following topics.

Bonus Goody

I've also included a download of a Prayer Sheet that you can print off and use as many times as you want. You can tailor the sheet to fit your needs. Use one sheet per day, per week, two laid side by side per week (like I do) or whatever works best for you.



Jane VanOsdol's and her sister Mary Kane's website is truly a breath of fresh air. You'll very quickly realize after reading their blogs, articles, devotions, and Bible studies that they are both sitting consistently at the feet of their teacher Jesus, intently listening to Him and drinking in everything that He is saying. I highly recommend the audio product, Ready, Set, Pray.  I love the creative title, and I can't wait for more products from her and Mary.  This audio will refresh you and encourage you to have that daily quiet time with God, listening for His still small voice, and then most importantly applying His words of truth to our lives today. Jane's gentle, sincere heart of love and her words of grace will deeply minister to you.  Beth Jones, Christian writer/speaker,

Ready, Set, Pray! Order Now $5.50

Pray On!
Copyright 2009          Jane VanOsdol                     All Rights Reserved