The 12 Days of Thanks Giving: Day 8

Pump OBP Header 12Day 8:Purpose

 “But indeed for this purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth.” Exodus 9:16

purpose[pur-puh s] noun

1. the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc.
2. an intended or desired result; end; aim; goal.
3. determination; resoluteness.
4. the subject in hand; the point at issue.
5. practical result, effect, or advantage: to act to good purpose.
One of the Greek words for purpose is prothesis. At its root, prothesis means to set forth to be looked at, to place in public view. According to this definition, part of our purpose in Christ is to make manifest the power of God in our life. We are to shine forth how He has redeemed, restored and shaped us into the image of Christ. We place ourselves in public view when we purposefully use our gifts to speak God’s truth to the lost of the world. How are you using your gifts to show the world there is purpose to your life?

Give Thanks for Purpose

Purpose of Life: Dear Father, we give thanks for You have called us to live a life of purpose. Thank you we have a reason to get up each day and we have important work to do for Your kingdom. We also give thanks because You use all things for Your purposes … good things, bad things, hard things, painful things. You even re-purpose our failings and mistakes to work for our good and Your glory. Father, You have specifically gifted us to be fruitful and effective ministers of your Word. We are Your hands and feet. Please send us and use us according to Your purpose. We thank you for the gift of purpose.

More Purpose

One Anna, One Purpose a Bible study by Mary Kane

On Purpose a short Bible study by Mary Kane

Believer or Achiever?  an article by Joyce Meyer



Please leave a comment below in the Speak Your Mind section on what God teaches you today about purpose.


Previous Links

purpose. Collins English Dictionary – Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition. HarperCollins Publishers. (accessed: November 15, 2014)
“Exodus 9 (New King James Version).” Blue Letter Bible. Sowing Circle. Web. 22 Nov, 2014. <>.

The 12 Days of Thanks Giving: Day 6 Service

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Day 6:Service

“There was an abundance of burnt offerings, along with the usual liquid offerings, and a great deal of fat from the main peace offerings. So the Temple of the LORD was restored to service.” 2 Chronicles 29:35



Service [sur-vis] noun

  1. an act of helpful activity; help; aid: to do someone a service.
  2. the supplying or supplier of utilities or commodities, as water, electricity, or gas, required or demanded by the public.


  1. to make fit for use; repair; restore to condition for service: to service an automobile.
  2. to supply with aid, information, or other incidental services.

Have you ever endured the breakdown of an appliance or other convenience at your home?

About one year ago, we purchased a new washing machine. Shortly after we bought it, it malfunctioned so I called the service department number. Unfortunately, the service department was going through a computer upgrade and as a new customer my information had not yet been entered into the old or the new system. I was assured it would happen the next day, and they instructed me to call back then. This same scene played out every day for 5 days. My impatience and anger grew as large as my mountain of unwashed laundry on the basement floor. My out-of-service washing machine was doing me no good.

Well, during the reign of King Ahaz, the people of Judah had an out-of-service problem too, but it wasn’t an appliance; it was much more serious than my inconvenience. They posted an out-of-service sign  on the door of the Temple. It closed due to the people’s freefall into idolatry and sin.

When Hezekiah became king, he reversed this slide into sin and, as we saw on Day 2, began cleansing the temple. The temple was cleansed, the people were cleansed, and sacrifices and burnt offerings were made. Today’s verse may seem a bit odd, talking about burnt offerings, liquid offerings, and fat ( well, then again, maybe not with Thanksgiving next week!), but then the writer of this books slips in this sentence, “so the Temple of the Lord was restored to service.” Now we see that this verse is actually cause for great celebration. For years the Temple had been closed. No worship, no cleansing of sins, no restoration. But now the out-of-service sign is ripped off the door and once again mercy and forgiveness are flowing.


Pray for Service

As we’ve already talked about this week, as New Testament Christians, we are temples for the Holy Spirit. What kind of signs are we hanging on the doors of our temples? Do they say “Out of Service” or “Open for Service”? I have to ask myself, do my attitude and actions draw people to the Lord or am I driving them away? Am I only concerned with my needs, or am I setting aside time to do

Lord, let us do good when it is within our power to do so.


More of Service

If you’d like to explore this theme further, please see The Ministry of the Word and Table.



Please leave a comment below in the Speak Your Mind section on what God teaches you today about Service.


Previous Links


service. Unabridged. Random House, Inc. (accessed: November 20, 2014).

The 12 Days of Thanks Giving: Day 4, God’s Word

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Day 4: God’s Word

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1


God’s word [wurd] noun

1. the Bible.


We would not get very far without God’s Word.

In Genesis 1:3 God speaks creation into being. The whole universe comes together at His words. Sun, moon, stars, seas, plants, animals, people. Everything. Without God’s Word nothing would be here. Fast forward many years to the birth of Jesus. John 1:14 tells us that Jesus not only speaks God’s Word, He is God’s Word. “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” God sent Jesus to earth to fix the break in the relationship between man and God brought about by sin. God’s Word gives us new life when we accept Jesus as our Savior.

After salvation, God’s Word continues to play a most important role in our lives. Through it God instructs and encourages us. He molds us and disciplines us. He shapes us into His image through our obedience to His Word and the Holy Spirit’s work in each believer. It’s important to grasp the power of His Word. Hebrews 4:12 tells us “For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

Pray God’s Word

I am so thankful for scripture and it’s power in my life. If you’ve not yet begun praying it, this is a perfect time to begin.

  1. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you a scripture for your prayer requests.
  2. Begin praying God’s Word over people and into situations.
  3. Memorize scripture. The more verses you know by heart, the more effectively you can pray.

More of God’s Word

If you’d like to explore this theme further, please listen to  How to Pray God’s Word.

Also, you must check out this beautiful Pinterest pin I found highlighting some of God’s Words.



Please leave a comment below in the Speak Your Mind section on what God teaches you today about His Word.


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By Mary Kane

All rights reserved.

copyright 2016

god’s word. Unabridged. Random House, Inc.’s word (accessed: November 18, 2014).