One-Week Workout! Book of James: Day 4

Day 4 Header

Welcome to Day Four of One-Week Workout! Give yourself a pat on the back for your hard work! We had 44 people do Bible study yesterday. Remember to pray for each other! Gather your Bible, pen, notebook and slip on your tennis shoes. Jane and I are praying for you to use your tongue to  bring God’s blessings into your life and the lives of others. Let’s get going!


 Bible Study:

To do the Day Four Bible study, just click on the link!

One-Week Workout! Bible Study: Day Four


 Workout Options:

Easy  2 Mile Walking Workout

Intermediate 3 Mile Walking Workout

Advanced  4 Mile Walking Workout


Extra Challenge with Coach Dan!

Do you want a little extra challenge? Join Coach Dan of Let’s Go Fitness for a quick workout!