How To Make an Herbal-Infused Oil
Enjoy making your own herbal-infused oils.
  • Glass canning jar and lid (whatever size you want)
  • Calendula dried herbs (enough to fill ¾ of the jar
  • Olive oil (or oil of your choice)
  1. Start with a clean, sanitized jar (I run mine through the dishwasher.)
  2. Fill the jar ¾ full with dried herbs.
  3. Pour oil to completely cover the herbs and about ½-1 inch over the top.
  4. Turn upside down to completely mix and return to right-side up.
  5. Let sit in a warm, sunny place for 3-4 weeks.
  6. Strain out the herbs with cheesecloth or muslim.
  7. Bottle the oil.
  8. Label with name and date on the jar.
  9. Store in a cool, dark place.
Note: If you want an extra-strength oil, infuse your oil for two weeks and strain it. Add a new batch of dried herbs to the oil and infuse for an additional two weeks.

**It is very important that your herbs, the jar, and the lid are completely dry. Moisture introduces the possibility of mold growth.
Recipe by Only By Prayer at