Christmas is the perfect time to do something nice for someone else. Jesus set the example for us to do this as He came to earth to give us the ultimate gift of salvation. We’d like to celebrate this at Only By Prayer by having a Christmas contest. To enter the contest, you need to do something nice for another person; if you’d like, it can even be done anonymously. Then enter a comment on the blog and mention what it was you did.
We’ll draw a name at the end of December from all the comments to win a prize. Put some thought into what you do. Think about what would really bless the person you are going to help. Could they use a home-cooked meal? Does someone need a handwritten letter of encouragement? Could you anonymously do a chore for someone? Be creative and thoughtful and have fun!
Merry Christmas!
Me and most of my family went to the movies and i told my dad i wanted to pay for it so he let me pay!!!!!!!!!!!!
i went outside and shoveled the snow for my dog and grandma.
i have made someone dinner before i have cleaned one of my friends house i asved my naext door neighbor when she came over to my house
I have shoveled our steep driveway for mom and my dad so they could drive up the driveway in their cars and don’t get stuck and spend an hour trying to get the car unstuck and shoveled a passage way for the mailman and news paper man. Also cleaned my family’s room
This Christmas I prayed for a lady that my dad works with.Her son just died frome cancer in August ,so now she lives with her other son and they have no heat.Since she has no heat she hangs around her house in a winter coat.She earns not very much.She is only 48 but shes in great shape.Please pray for her,her name is Mindy Flower Daisy.Her last name may sound weird but it really is her last name
I prayed for mrs.murrel that her and her moms surgery goes well and that we and all the other people traveling will safely reach their destination. that all the people in the class do good at their presintation and that I can get over my babysitter