Pray Specifically: The Fast He Has Chosen by Mary Kane

Flower potMany Christian people are fearful of fasting. I used to be too. I was afraid that I would do something wrong and offend God. I also thought that fasting would make me weak. In contrast, fasting actually strengthens and reinforces the faith of believers, putting them on the fast track to spiritual growth.

There is one type of fast that God favors above all others. You may be surprised to learn that with God it’s not about the food but the heart. To Pray Specifically about fasting please click on the link below:


The Fast He Has Chosen


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P.S.~ Pray Specifically: Walk With God by Mary Kane

ID-10033111“Come follow Me.” Jesus calls all of His disciples (you and me included) to come and walk with Him. Walking with Jesus does not come naturally to us, we need to pray for God to help us follow in His footsteps. In order to Pray Specifically to follow Jesus, please click on the link. Pray Specifically: Walk with God




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P.S. ~ Pray Specifically: Peace of My Mind by Mary Kane

ID-100120506A sunset… a walk by the waters of Lake Michigan…a stroll in the woods. What makes you peaceful? While many activities may refresh and renew us, true peace often eludes us. To receive a little peace, please click on the link: Peace of My Mind


Image courtesy of evgeni dinev/

P.S. ~ Pray Specifically: Deliverance and Restoration by Mary Kane

ID-10095434We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, but when we repent with all our heart God gives us a “divine do-over.” To pray specifically for a “divine do-over,” please click on the link.




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P.S~Pray Specifically: Walk Worthy by Mary Kane

Walking through the land of Israel, walking with His Apostles, or walking the road to the cross… Jesus walked out His life upon this earth. He invites us to walk with Him. To Pray Specifically about walking with Jesus, please click on the link.


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P.S.~Pray Specifically Loving God by Mary Kane

What do you think is the most important commandment that God has given us? “Do not lie,” or “Do not kill, ” are very important commandments but they are not first and foremost on God’s priority list for us. To find out what Jesus says is the greatest commandment , please click on the link!


Image: Evgeni Dinev /