Bible Scripture Art: The Heart Speaks by Mary Kane

“He has filled them with skill to do all manner of work of the engraver and the designer and the tapestry maker, in blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and fine linen, and of the weaver—those who do every work and those who design artistic works. Exodus 3:35

Heart SPeaksOur God is a very creative God. In the opening verses of the book of Genesis,  we first meet God in the midst of creating. When studying Scripture, first mentions are very critical. Since God chose to open Scripture with the act of creation, we can assume creating is a very godly thing to do. Combining the study of Scripture and creating works of art is very pleasing to our Father.

The Heart Speaks is a very visual reminder of how the contents of the heart affect the words we speak. Whatever we store in our heart will be spoken by the tongue. As we go throughout the day we gather words, thoughts, and memories , good or bad, and choose to discard them or store them in our heart. If we decide to keep them, we will eventually speak them because, “Out of the treasures of the heart, the mouth speaks.

What does your heart speak? Does it speak words of hope and life or does it speak bitterness, complaints, and criticism? Do you hide God’s Word in your heart so you can speak grace and peace into your life and the lives of others?

Please join me a little Scripture and canvas, The Heart Speaks,  by clicking on the link below.

Bible Scripture Art: The Heart Speaks


Scripture Art Journaling with Erin Leigh

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At Only By Prayer, we are excited to have artist Erin Leigh with us today for an interview. We are discussing Scripture Art Journaling and will be covering how you can get started and what supplies you need. Don’t worry — this can be a cheap hobby, and very few art supplies are required to get started.

Lest you think you need to be artistically talented to try this out, let us relieve you of that worry too. Neither Mary nor I have any formal art training, yet we have fallen in love with this form of art that helps us draw closer to Jesus in the process!

Erin’s enthusiastic encouragement and love of art is contagious. We can’t wait to see what you try out. Be sure to snap a few pictures and share them in the comment section below. Mary has also posted a few Scripture Art Journaling lessons on our website, as well, but we encourage you to take Erin’s 31 days of Scripture Art Journaling lessons for free on her website.

Be sure to check out our list of resources at the bottom of this post.


  1. Erin Leigh’s website
  2. Erin’s 31 Days of Scripture Art Journaling
  3. Erin’s Etsy Shop
  4. Erin’s Facebook page, Pinterest page, and find her on Instagram under ArtByErinLeigh

Possible Supplies

Art Supplies for Erin

Thanks for watching and let us know what else you would also like to hear about from Erin in the comments below!

Bible Scripture Art: by Mary Kane

Bible Scripture PicHe has filled them with skill to do all manner of work …
those who do every work and those who do artistic works.
Exodus 35:35


Creating is a very God-like activity. In the very first book of the Bible, we read God created the earth and filled it with wondrous things; the work of His hands. After gazing upon His creation He pronounced it very good.

Bible Scripture Art combines the joy of creating with the joy of studying God’s Holy Word. You do not need to be an accomplished artist to enjoy Bible Scripture Art; neither do you need expensive tools. An inexpensive supply list is provided at the beginning of each Bible Scripture Art lesson. Written instructions as well as step by step pictures will  make your time with God enjoyable and fulfilling.

You will experience God’s Word in a new way as you interact with Scripture through drawing, writing, coloring and painting. The possibilities are as deep as God’s Word. Get ready to release your inner artist and breath new life into your time with God.


2015-02-02 05.45.30 Bible Scripture Art: Lilies of the Field



  Bible Scripture Art: Bubbles of Joy