Short & Sweet: The Other Cheek by Mary Kane

Nourishment and Refreshment for your soul.

Nourishment and Refreshment for your soul.

29 To him who strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other also. And from him who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your tunic either.” Luke 6:29

I admit, I have struggled with this verse; it goes against what comes natural to my flesh.  If someone insults me, I want to insult in return … an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. When I was growing up, I quickly learned what happened to people who did not “defend themselves”; they were beaten, battered, and bullied.

Through the years, I have heard many different people speak and preach on this verse, but I think most missed the point. Luke 6:29 is not about defending or not defending oneself, it’s about deferring to a higher calling. It’s turning the cheek for the sake of the Gospel.

Over the weekend, I watched a great movie, “42.” (Yes, the movie contains strong language. Don’t judge me.) The story line revolves around a man who is asked to give up his right to retaliate; his right to justly defend himself against grave injustice … against cruel and ugly treatment … against racism and hatred. He is asked by his boss to “turn the other cheek.” Why? Because of a greater cause. Something bigger than personal dignity and respect, the destiny of all mankind.

As believers, Jesus asks us to do the same thing; turn the other cheek for the sake of mankind. Turning the other cheek does not mean living a life in the shadows, afraid of our own shadow. (Clearly there is a time to fight.) We are to live in the light, to live courageously, despite the opposition and to maybe even take a few beatings for the sake of the cross. What is more important, vindicating ourselves, or the cause of the Christ? Can we allow someone to take advantage of us and offer forgiveness for the sake of the Gospel?

What takes more effort, to let your temper flare or to rein it in for a greater cause? Turning the other cheek does not indicate weakness. It requires great strength and self control. There are two kinds of people – those who choose to fight, and those who choose the greater fight: the fight for the Gospel.

Turn the other cheek.

Action Points:

  1. When are you tempted not to turn the other cheek?
  2. When should you stand and fight?
  3. In your present challenge, is God calling you to stand or to turn the other cheek?

Life is sweet.




Short & Sweet: Keep Calm and Carry On, by Mary Kane

Nourishment and Refreshment for your soul.

Nourishment and Refreshment for your soul.

“Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me.” John 14:1

It’s everywhere: Keep Calm and Carry On. This famous British slogan from World War II, is currently emblazoned on T-shirts, billboards, magazines, and advertisements.

During World War II, the British government issued many morale-boosting posters. According to, “The plan in place for this poster was to issue it only upon the invasion of Britain by Germany. As this never happened, the poster was never officially seen by the public.” The rest of the story is history.DoNOT

God also wants us to “Keep Calm and Carry On.” Why? Because He is our sovereign Father, who knows what we need before we even ask Him. How do we keep calm? By continuing to believe Him, despite our circumstances.

If you have lost your job … keep calm and carry on.

If you are facing the thing you feared would come … keep calm and carry on.

If the hardship has come upon you which you said you could never survive … keep calm and carry on.

If in the face of your greatest heartbreak, loss, or hardship … keep calm and carry on.

Until Jesus comes back or calls you home … keep calm and carry on.

Action Points:

  1. Name an action you will take today to show God you trust Him.
  2. Every time you start to worry today (America’s favorite pastime), replace worry with prayer.
  3. Speak a Bible verses instead of anxious words.

Life is sweet.


Short & Sweet: Let it Go! Let it Go! by Mary Kane

Nourishment and Refreshment for your soul.

Nourishment and Refreshment for your soul.

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”

Galatians 5:1

Why has Christ set us free? So we can be free.  God does not want us to be enslaved to any sin or habit. The chains of sin  prevent us from walking with Christ.  If we have accepted Christ as our Savior, we have the power, at any moment, to let it (sin) go.

Anger … let it go. Wrath … let it go. Bitterness … let it go.  Jealousy, hatred, envy, vengeance … let it go. When we let these injurious things go, we will be able to receive God’s healing and blessing.

As our verse states, freedom requires work. We must stand firm and not let ourselves be burdened again with sinful thoughts, attitudes and habits. We have been freed so we can set these things free. Let them go and let Him fill us up.

Action Points:

1. Name one thing you need to let go.

2. If you let it go, how will your life change?

3. What will you do in place of the item you let go?


Life is sweet.


Short & Sweet: Feeling Cross, by Mary Kane

Nourishment and Refreshment for your soul.

Nourishment and Refreshment for your soul.

“2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2

Last week I was having a hard week. Usually I am a pretty happy person; I can find joy in the little things of life. A lovely sunset, a quiet walk in the forest, an elegant house from a bygone century can bring a smile to my lips. I was feeling a little out of sorts. As my mother would say, I was “feeling a little cross.”

Feeling cross (Webster’s): angry, annoyed, irritated, put out.

Jesus has also felt cross, but his experience was very different than mine. According to Hebrews 12:2 when Jesus was feeling cross, He felt joy.

Feeling cross meant pleasing His Father. Feeling cross meant purchasing our redemption. Feeling cross meant salvation for all mankind. Because Jesus was feeling cross, we have been set free from our sin and shame and are free to live for him.

Feeling cross (redefined by Jesus): joy, peace, grace, freedom, thankfulness, blessedness.

Action Points:

1. How has the cross changed your life?

2. Thank Jesus for the life changing work of the cross.

3. Today, share the work of the cross with another person who needs encouragement.

Life is sweet.



Short & Sweet: Cross Guard, by Mary Kane

Nourishment and Refreshment for your soul.

Nourishment and Refreshment for your soul.

34 And at the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” which is translated, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”

37 And Jesus cried out with a loud voice, and breathed His last.
38 Then the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. 39 So when the centurion, who stood opposite Him, saw that He cried out like this and breathed His last, he said, “Truly this Man was the Son of God!” Mark 15:34, 37-39
When I was in elementary school, I attended a neighborhood parochial school a couple of blocks from my house. Back in the halcyon days of my childhood, we played for hours outside with the kids on our block, we set up lemonade stands, we came home for dinner when the church bells rang, and we walked to school by ourselves. At the corner of Brookfield and State Street, was a Cross Guard. The Cross Guard, who wore a bright orange belt across his chest, manned his post in the morning, at lunch time, (yes, we did walk home for lunch) and in the afternoon. His job was to safely conduct us across the street. He took his job very seriously and could REPORT us if we didn’t obey his every command.
When I reached 5th grade, I too became a Cross Guard. One time, while on duty, I was caught goofing around. My indiscretion earned a lecture from my father. Thankfully, he gave me a second chance.
In the Bible, another kind of Cross Guard is mentioned, the centurion. He stood watch at the foot of the cross. The Cross Guard had one job – to watch the cross. As the Cross Guard watched the cross and the Son of God as He poured out His life’s blood, he could only say one thing: “Truly this man was the Son of God.
We are now the Cross Guards of the 21st Century. Like the Cross Guard of my childhood, we must take our job very seriously (we don’t want a lecture from our Father); it is a matter of life and death. We stand at the foot of the cross and call out to all who will listen, “Truly this Man is the Son of God.” By our witness, may we safely conduct many to a saving faith in Christ.
Action Points:
  1. How are you witnessing for Jesus Christ?
  2. How do you guard the message of the cross in your life?
  3. Who needs you to be a Cross Guard so they can safely find Jesus?

Life is sweet.


Short & Sweet: Take up His Cross by Mary Kane

Nourishment and Refreshment for your soul.

Nourishment and Refreshment for your soul.

When He had called the people to Himself, with His disciples also, He said to them, “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. Mark 8:34

Everyday, God commands us to take up our cross and follow Him. On my jewelry rack I have a variety of crosses to take up and put on – one to suit my every mood. On casual days, I take up my plain silver cross and clasp it around my neck.  If I am feeling a little trendy, I have several edgy-looking crosses to take up and sling on. When I need to look elegant, I take up and put on my crystal cross. I love how it feels as I slip its costly sterling silver chain over my head. It is beautiful; covered in crystals, in a setting of silver …

How different my collection of crosses is from the cross of Christ. Perhaps taking taking up my cross is more than just putting on an ornament. Maybe taking up my cross is really taking up His cross … walking in His steps. Sacrifice, love, obedience.

The cross of Christ. It is for every day, every situation, every challenge. The cross of Christ is a beautiful cross – plain, wooden, edgy, costly – covered in blood, in a setting of love. I must deny myself, take up His cross, and follow Him.

Action Points

  1. What does it mean to deny yourself?
  2. What do you need to lay down so you can have the strength and ability to take up His cross?
  3. Where does Jesus want you to follow Him?

Life is sweet.
