Essential Oils for Kids: Safety it comes to essential oils and kids, you can’t be too careful.

As an aromatherapist, one of the things that bothers me the most is misinformation concerning the use of essential oils on children. Too often I hear of essential oils being applied to children without diluting them first, or essential oils being put in baby bottles, or of using essential oils on very young babies.

Six Important Guidelines to Using Essential Oils on Children

I’ve made an essential oil infographic to help you remember 6 important guidelines about using essential oils on children.

To sum up the guidelines:

  1. Wait until about the age of six months before using essential oils on your children. At this age you may diffuse child-safe essential oils for them for short periods of time for acute conditions.
  2. Always dilute the essential oils. See Tisserand’s chart below for the proper rates.
  3. Children should not be ingesting essential oils. Remember, essential oils are 75 to 100 times stronger than the plant they come from. The exception to this is if your child is under the care of a doctor, naturopath, or clinical aromatherapist trained in the practice of ingesting essential oils.
  4. For children under the age of five, use essential oils for acute conditions like injuries or illnesses.
  5. Avoid using essential oils everyday on your children. With repeated prolonged use, they may become sensitized to the oils. When using creams or salves on their skin, alternate with days when you use unscented products..
  6. Keep in mind that eucalyptus and certain chemotypes of Rosemary should be avoided on children under age 10. Don’t use peppermint with children under age 6. This is due to the possibility of slowed respiration caused by menthol and 1,8-cineole in the essential oils. (These guidelines apply to both topical use and inhalations.) A gentler option to use on young children is rosalina.

You can also explore more specific information in this post on diffusing antimicrobial essential oils safely with children .

Hydrosols are a Good Option for Babies

Keep in mind that hydrosols are much gentler then essential oils and can be used on babies. Hydrosols are a by-product of the distillation process of essential oils and they retain a tiny amount of the essential oil along with the water soluble, volatile components of the plant. They will have a fragrance similar to but not as strong as the essential oil. They are gentle, but still beneficial for health and wellness.

One way you could choose to use them would be to add 1 tsp of your chosen hydrosol to an infant bathtub or 2 tsp. of hydrosol added to an adult tub filled with the smaller amount of water suitable for an infant. For children up to 12 years old, add 1 tsp. of hydrosol for every year of age up to a maximum of 8 teaspoons.

In summary, essential oils can be an important part of a wellness program for your children as long as you follow the safety guidelines. What is one way you use essential oils to help care for your children?

Botanically me,







Essential Oils in the Bible, Part 3

In Essential Oils in the Bible Part 1 and Part 2, we looked at whether using essential oils and botanicals are a viable option and how they were used during Bible times.

In this post, we are going to look at ways Christ-followers can use botanicals and biblical oils today in their faith practice.

Quick Definition of Aromatherapy

First of all, I want to start by defining aromatherapy:  “the art and science of using essential oils for physical and emotional healing.” This is where I differ with many of the mainstream aromatherapy teachings today. They also say that EOs can heal us spiritually, but I disagree with that. Oils help us emotionally because they work in our limbic system through inhalation and can help with stress, depression, and anxiety. And they can help us physically as they relieve inflammation and pain and other assorted ailments, but I believe that only God has the power to heal us spiritually.

Now let’s look at some practical ways to use these oils in our faith practice.

As a precursor to devotion time.

If we are full of stress, diffusing essential oils can help alleviate that. Oils such as sweet orange, grapefruit, lemon, tangerine, frankincense, lavender, bergamot,  Roman chamomile, geranium, jasmine, rose, vetiver, cypress, sandalwood, and ylang ylang can help us relax just so we are better able to receive from the Lord what He has for us during our time of Bible reading and study.

In Isaiah 61:3 God says, “To console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they may be called trees of righteousness, The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.”

Proverbs 27:9 says “Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart.”

During Ministering Prayer.

If you are part of a prayer ministry at your church or just on your own, and you pray over other people, you can anoint them with oil as you pray just as James 5 instructs us.

How To Make an Anointing Oil

  • Take a small glass vial or perfume bottle of 1/3 oz or 1/2 oz size and fill with olive oil.
  • Add 3 drops of frankincense oil and shake lightly to mix.

During Personal Prayer.

During personal prayer you may want to diffuse some essential oil if that helps you to better focus on the Lord. One obvious choice would be frankincense, or you could purchase an “adoration” blend, which would be a synergy of several essential oils such as frankincense, ylang ylang, and lavender.

Prayer Beeswax Candles

Another idea is to use a botanical beeswax candle while you are praying. Sometimes you may be

Blessings Beeswax Candles

discouraged in praying for a request when you have not seen any progress. I had the idea of lighting a taper candle while I was praying for these requests as a type of “covenant” with God that I would keep praying for them. Blow out the candle at the end of your prayer session. This also serves the purpose of giving you an actual visual reminder to pray. And as the candle gets smaller and smaller, you’ll be reminded of how much you have prayed.

I love this verse: Psalm 141:2 : “May my prayer be set before You like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.”

Diffuse Uplifting Oils as You Sing Praise Music to God.

Any of the essential oils for stress listed above would be wonderful.

Other favorite verses:  2 Corinthians 2: 14-16 14 Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. 15 For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. 16 To the one we are the aroma of death leading to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life. And who is sufficient for these things?

Rose Balm

Finally, the Bible tells us that our bodies are now the dwelling place of God. His Spirit dwells in each one of us instead of now residing in the tabernacle. We should care for our bodies in a way that would make a fitting place for the Holy Spirit to reside. Essential oils help us care for our bodies through the use of botanical creams, balms, oils, perfumes, and so on that are made with essential oils and herbs.

Recipe for Today

If you’d like to try a DIY recipe using frankincense and myrrh, here’s a simple one you can mix up using either an unscented cream or oil.

Frankincense and Myrrh Skin Blend

  • 2 ounces unscented cream or vegetable oil, such as sweet almond oil, fractionated coconut oil, regular coconut oil, or olive oil
  • 2 drops of Roman Chamomile Essential Oil
  • 7 drops of Frankincense Essential Oil
  • 9 drops of Myrrh Essential Oil
  • 18 drops of Lavender Essential Oil

Mix the synergy of all your essential oils together first. You can use a small shot glass or other glass or ceramic vessel. Don’t mix them in plastic. Stir the synergy into the cream or oil and mix well. Once the synergy has been mixed into an oil or cream, it can then be stored in a plastic or glass container. Smooth onto skin as needed.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this three-part series on essential oils in the Bible. Please leave any comments or questions below. I’d be happy to answer them.

Botanically Me,

Note: As always, the information here is for your personal use and not meant to replace your health professional’s advice. Use essential oils with caution. Pregnant and nursing women should check with their doctor or midwife or a certified aromatherapist before using. You can check any interactions with medications you may be taking on Links in this post to products are products that I make and sell in my personal Etsy shop. You can also most likely find similar products in stores in your local area.







Essential Oils in the Bible, Part 2

In Essential Oils in the Bible Part 1, we looked at my search to find out if essential oils are an alternative healing method that God would approve of, and we determined that God created all botanicals and called them “good.” Be sure to read that post if you’d like to look at that topic more in depth.

Healing Oils of the Bible

Today we’ll explore in scripture different ways that botanicals were used in the Bible. We’ll see that God
designed botanicals for sacred use, for personal use, for commerce, and for healing.  I like to call botanicals “goodness from God’s garden.”

I often wonder what the Garden of Eden looked like. I think of my favorite botanical gardens that I have been to like the one in St. Louis, MO, and can only imagine how beautiful Eden must have been.

Sacred Uses of Botanicals

So how important were olive oil and herbs in the Bible? Very important.

In Exodus 30:23-33 God goes into specific detail and tells Moses how to create a unique anointing oil made out of olive oil infused with myrrh, cinnamon, cane, and cassia. Moses was to anoint the tabernacle and the Ark of the Testimony, much of its furniture and its utensils, and Aaron and his sons with this oil. Exodus 25:6 from The IVP Bible Background Commentary on the OT says the purpose of the anointing “was to remove all traces of secular odors and to transform the interior of the tabernacle into a sanctuary suitable for worship and God’s presence.”

Regarding anointing Aaron and his sons, a note on anointing in Exodus 29:7 of the Spirit Filled Life Bible says that both Aaron and his sons and later the kings of Israel were anointed with oil. In both cases, the oil would symbolize the gifts of God to the people and the responsibilities now laid on on their leaders through this ceremony. In Israelite practice, anointing was a sign of election and was often closely related to being filled with the Spirit.

The Israelites were forbidden to use these particular anointing oil formulas on anything or anyone else, reserving it only for these purposes.


In Exodus 30:34-38 God also gave them a recipe to use for incense to be placed in front of the Testimony in the Tent of Meeting. It was most holy and reserved only for the Lord. They were not to use this specific recipe of incense for themselves.

“Then the Lord said to Moses, ’Take fragrant spices—gum resin, onycha and galbanum — and pure frankincense, all in equal amounts, and make a fragrant blend of incense, the work of a perfumer.”

Personal Use of Essential Oils in the Bible

In Bible times people also used herbs and oils in beauty rituals. One of my favorite stories regarding this use revolves around Queen Esther.

In the book of Esther, King Xerxis in a royal fit of anger, forever banished Queen Vashti from his presence. Several days later when he had a chance to simmer down, he started to miss beautiful Queen Vashti. His attendants began a search to replace Queen Vashti.

Enter Esther, a young Jewess.

Esther found favor with Hegai, the king’s eunuch, who gave her the best place to live, seven handmaidens, and special food. Along with the other girls, Esther underwent 12 months of beauty treatments, which consisted of the following: six months with oil of myrrh and six months with perfumes and cosmetics.

Ultimately, the king chose Esther to be the next queen. The rest of her story is incredible as God placed her in the kingdom “for such a time as this” to save the Jewish people from a plot to wipe them out.

In Commerce

In the ancient world, oil and spices and fragrances were a booming business and they were traded along the Frankincense Trail and the Silk Road. According to The Archaeological Study Bible, frankincense, myrrh, nard, saffron, aloes, and calamus were used extensively in but were not native to the Holy Land area, so they had to be imported from Arabia, Iran, India, and elsewhere. As you can imagine, they were very expensive.

Olive trees did grow in Israel, and olive oil was one of the main healing oils of the Bible. It was an important part of the culture for food, healing, and perfumery (1Kings 17:8-16; Mark 14:1-9).

Healing Oils of the Bible and Botanicals

 Many of us know that the wisemen gave baby Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, but we may not realize the full significance of these gifts.

Frankincense, Boswelia carteri

In the ancient world, frankincense was once considered more valuable than gold. Merchants traded it extensively along the Frankincense Trail and the Silk Road.

Besides it’s religious history, frankincense possesses medicinal properties that make it very healing.It would have made a powerful medicinal substance for Mary to treat her family with in the years they were traveling. Frankincense is anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anxiolytic, nervine, vulnerary, and an immune enhancer. When blended in a cream, it is wonderful for skin conditions of all types. As an inhalant, it helps dry congestion in the lungs. It enhances healing after sutures have been removed when used in a cream or salve. It blends well with myrrh, lavender, lemon, Roman chamomile,and helichrysum. The ancient Egyptians used it to treat everything from head to toe.

Today it is still used in religious ceremonies and during prayer. This was a valuable gift for Jesus’ family. They could have either sold it to finance their trip to Egypt or Mary could have used it as a medicinal. Before the day of antibiotics, frankincense and myrrh were used as the primary antimicrobial, antibiotic substances.

Myrrh, Commiphora myrrha

You may not be as familiar with myrrh as you are with frankincense, but myrrh was once again an incredible gift to bless the young family with. In the Old Testament, myrrh was also part of the recipe of the Holy Anointing Oil. Additionally, it was used in a recipe as a powder placed in front of the Testimony in the Tent of Meeting. People used to wear pouches of frankincense and myrrh around their necks as perfume but also for its medicinal properties.

The most interesting fact I found about myrrh is that when the soldiers were preparing Jesus for crucifixion, Mark 15:23 tells us that they offered Jesus wine mixed with myrrh (probably to buffer the pain), but He would not take it. Jesus wanted to fully experience the cross. It is significant that myrrh was part of the beginning of His life and the end of His earthly  life.

Myrrh is know historically for being an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, antiseptic, antiviral, an endocrine regulator, and a vulnerary. It is wonderful for periodontal disease. It’s healing for the respiratory system and very healing for assorted skin diseases like ulcers, athlete’s foot, eczema, and acne. Myrrh blends well with cypress, frankincense, geranium, juniper, lavender, mandarin, patchouli, sandalwood, Scotch pine, tea tree, and vetiver.

I am amazed at how perfectly God provided for the needs of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus with the gifts of (gold), frankincense, and myrrh.

Healing Oils with Prayer

A look at James 5:14 shows the use of oils in prayer and healing. “Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord.” The word Elaion in James is referring to a medicinal oil, so it was olive oil infused with botanicals.

While it’s clear that the healing comes from God, the oil was part of the prayer ceremony over the sick.

A Modern Day Prayer Time

I am reminded  of a prayer time in my own church. A woman who was sick came up for prayer after service to our prayer team. The head of the prayer ministry at the time reached into our prayer box of supplies and took out the bottle of oil. She anointed the woman (simple sign of the cross on her forehead) as we prayed for her following the suggestions of James 5. I don’t know what her final outcome was regarding her health, but in that moment as we obeyed God’s call to pray for the sick, she was loved, comforted, anointed, and God was there in the midst of us.

As we all strive to make our lives a fragrant offering to God, we should not be afraid to use the goodness God has blessed us with in His garden. As long as we keep things in their proper place and worship the Creator and not the created, it is as God said: very good.

In the final part of this series, Part 3, we will look at some ways we can use essential oils in our own lives with a focus on the sacred. 

Image: nuchylee /


Essential Oils in the Bible, Part 1

Three years ago a friend told me about an essential oil party she was having and wondered if I’d like to see a catalog.

As I paged through the catalog and researched the oils, I became more and more interested in their potential for health and wellness. Instead of signing up with the MLM company, however, I decided to study in the wellness field to become a certified aromatherapist. When I told another friend about what I was thinking, she asked this question:

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Isn’t there a lot of ‘weirdness’ associated with aromatherapy?” she said..

What’s the Buzz About Essential Oils?

Maybe like me you’ve heard all the buzz about essential oils and you’re wondering if this type of alternative practice is something you should be doing. Just the word “alternative” makes you kind of nervous, doesn’t it?

Today, essential oils are hugely popular. It seems almost everyone uses them—and not always in ways that are safe—but that’s a topic for another blog. Over the next few blog posts, I want to look at healing oils of the Bible to see how they were used in ancient times and what that means for us today. Is this a good practice for us?

This was the question I had to answer for myself, and I’ll take you through the process and some of my research.

We’ll start our research of oils of the Bible by considering these four verses:

Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in itself, on the earth;” and it was so. Genesis 1:11

And the earth brought forth grass, the herb that yields seed according to its kind, and the tree that yields fruit, whose seed is in itself according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:12

And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.” Genesis 1:29

Along the bank of the river, on this side and that, will grow all kinds of trees used for food; their leaves will not wither, and their fruit will not fail.  They will bear fruit every month, because their water flows from the sanctuary.  Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for medicine.  Ezekiel 47:12 

God Creates Plants on Day 3 of Creation

In the Bible we see that God creates plants on Day 3 of creation. From science we know that essential oils are present in different parts of plants: seeds, flowers, leaves, roots, bark, wood, needles, berries/fruit, moss, twigs, stems, and rinds, depending upon the plant.

These verses make it clear that God said trees and herbs and plants (and the essential oils that are in them) were very good, and He gave them to us for our good. He couldn’t be any clearer.

Now keep in mind, that during Old Testament times, most likely the botanicals were not used as essential oils. It is widely believed the process of distillation was not invented then, although that is now even in dispute. Until recently it was thought that distillation was not invented until around 900 AD, but according to an article on distillation by The Aromatic Plant Project, an expedition to Pakistan in 1975 discovered a terra-cotta distillation apparatus dating to 3000 BC  in the archaeological museum at Taxila.

The first known distillation of plant material, however, is not recorded until much, much later. It is credited to Persian physician, Ibn Cina, who was known in Europe as Avicenna. He lived from 980 to 1037 AD. So in Bible times people would extract the medicinal benefits of plant material in ways other than distillation:

  • infusing the resins and plants in a carrier oil (like olive oil)
  • by grinding them into a powder
  • by eating the fruit/plant to get its healing benefits
  • by using the material in a poultice

From these verses we can see the following facts:

  1. God commanded the earth to grow grass, herbs, and trees.
  2. The earth obeyed God’s command and brought forth those things.
  3. God saw that this was good.
  4. God gave us every herb and tree for food.
  5. God said to use the leaves for medicine.

Getting back to my personal story, at this point I was thoroughly convinced that botanicals are inherently good, and I began my studies in the field of aromatherapy.

But What About …

Do some people use botanicals in ways contrary to how God designed them? Absolutely. Some healing schools believe plants have spirits and treat them accordingly and almost worship the created rather than the Creator. But that does not mean we need to avoid using essential oils for health and wellness. If we applied that faulty logic to every gift God has given us and quit using it because someone is using it in a way that is sinful or contrary to how God created it, then there wouldn’t be much left to use! Consider food, drugs, sex, and so on, all gifts from God, all of which have been abused. The abuse does not make the gift bad.

Since we have established the inherent goodness of botanicals and essential oils, in the next blog post, we’ll look at how they were used in the Bible for sacred use, personal use, commercially, and for gifts.

Let me know what you think. Have you ever had any doubts about using essential oils?

Botanically me,

Join me for Essential Oils in the Bible, Part 2 


Celebrate Valentine’s Day in a Botanical Way

For as long as I can remember, Valentine’s Day has been a time for exchanging heartfelt notes and gifts with our loved ones. It’s a day to celebrate love  with your sweetheart and friends.

Botanical Ways To Celebrate Valentine’s Day

As I was thinking about how to celebrate Valentine’s Day, I wanted to focus particularly on botanical ideas that were both pampering and healthy. Enjoy!

Scent the Air

To start the day, let’s put everyone in a happy mood by diffusing some uplifting essential oils. Sweet orange or grapefruit are both excellent choices as citrus oils are uplifting and anti-anxiety. Almost everyone loves the aroma of these two happy oils.

Please keep in mind, though, NOT to use essential oils (in any way) on or around babies younger than six months. Babies have thinner skin and immature immune systems, so they can’t tolerate powerful essential oils.

However, from the age of six months to two, children can handle diffused child-safe essential oils for short amounts of time. In addition to sweet orange and grapefruit, lavender and lemon are also safe for this age group. For a long list of safe and unsafe essential oils for children, reference this post from clinical aromatherapist Lea Star Harris.

As you are diffusing the oils, I would recommend diffusing for about 15 minutes and then shutting off the diffusor for 90 minutes. Adults should diffuse in this on-again, off-again manner as well. It’s better than leaving the diffusor continuously running.

6 Months and Up Diffusor Recipe

  • 2 drops of Lavender, Lemon, Sweet Orange OR Grapefruit (or other safe list EO)

Directions: Add a total of 2 drops to the water reservoir of a diffusor and run for 15 minutes. Shut off. Start with this low dilution rate as we don’t want to overwhelm baby’s sensitive system. If you don’t have babies or young children, you can add up to 10 drops of essential oils to the diffusor.

Pamper Your Baby or Child with an Herbal Bath

Herbs and hydrosols are much safer to use with infants and children than essential oils. The following herbs are all gentle and soothing for children: chamomile, lavender, calendula, and rose petals. My favorite is chamomile. German chamomile is a powerful anti-inflammatory, wonderful and soothing for the skin, as well as being calming to the mind.

Children’s Herbal Bath

  • One handful of herbs
  • One cotton bag or nylon sock

Directions: Before putting the baby in the bath, fill the bag with your chosen herbs and tie the bag to the bathtub nozzle. Run the water through the bag. Once the desired temperature and depth of water is reached, allow the bag to float in the tub while your little one soaks.

Celebrate with Your Sweetheart

For a massage oil that both men and women like, try using lavender oil. It’s a cross between sweet and spicy, so both sexes often enjoy it.

Lavender Body and Massage Oil

  • 2 oz of carrier oil (almond, fractionated coconut oil, herbal oil, etc.)
  • 30 drops of Lavender essential oil (This is a 2.5% dilution, a nice rate for massage)

Directions: Pour the carrier oil in a 2-oz. bottle and add the essential oil to the oil. Shake or roll gently and label.

Diffusor Recipe

  • To add a romantic spin to the diffusor recipe above, add a few drops of rose, jasmine, patchouli, or ylang ylang.

Cozy Up with Beeswax Candles  

With their light honey scent, beeswax candles add a warm, lovely touch to Valentine’s Day. For a candlelit dinner, choose beeswax taper candles or a fun heart novelty candle. For an intimate setting, try tiny floating heart candles. They burn for about an hour and look beautiful in a bowl of water sprinkled with fresh flower petals. In the picture to the left, I used carnation petals.

Botanical Gift Ideas


Houseplants are a perfect idea for a “Galantine’s” (girls celebrating Valentine’s day with their girlfriends) gift—especially welcome if you live in a cold climate area of the country. At this point in the winter, we’re all ready for a bit of greenery. Succulent plants are easy to care for and extremely popular right now. I just purchased one myself.

Of course you can never go wrong with flowers. They don’t have to be expensive, either, if you’re on a tight budget. I just bought this beautiful bouquet of carnations at Walmart, and they were only about $4.50.

Finally, botanical beeswax perfumes are pampering gifts for Valentine’s Day any woman will appreciate.

However you celebrate this year, I pray it’s your best botanical holiday yet!

Happy Valentine’s Day,

*I just want to be clear that the gift links in this post are to my shop on Etsy.
















Plant an Indoor Herb Garden

I don’t know about you, but when I’m smack in the middle of blah winter months, I miss working in my herb garden and being surrounded by the aromas and visions of blooming herbs, flowers, and veggies. Winter days can be a bit dreary after the excitement and busyness of the holidays. Especially this year. We’ve had days and days of sub-zero temperatures and snow. It’s a real winter.

This morning I woke up and decided I couldn’t wait a minute longer for some greenery. I called around and found a nursery that had a few herb plants in stock. Perfect! I could see a little indoor herb garden springing to life in my mind already. I love herbs because they’re instant aromatherapy. I can’t help but smile when every time I walk by I catch a whiff of their sweet or spicy fragrance.

Growing Herbs Indoors

First of all, I need a planter for growing herbs indoors. For a while I’ve had my eye on a self-watering planter that I saw at the IKEA store that recently opened up near my home. I love the design of this. It’s in two pieces. The bottom is a separate reservoir with a wick that threads through two holes in the top part of the planter. The wick then dangles down into the reservoir and Voila! No worries about my plants drying up if we’re going to be gone for a week or so.

The planter looked big enough for two herb plants, so the next stop was to the local nursery to find my plants.

Choosing My Herbs

I walked in and wandered around taking my time soaking in the bursts of color and scent, enjoying the display of fairy gardens, succulent gardens, air plants, houseplants, and a small selection of herbs. I had been hoping (unrealistically) to find a lavender plant, but the herbs in stock were of the more culinary variety: basil, sage, oregano, parsley, and mint. I decided on basil and parsley.

Of course I couldn’t stop there. I also chose a pot of baby tears and a tiny purple blooming plant called campanula, because I really wanted a pop of color too. I could just picture them inside two bird cages I found last summer at a garage sale. One has been sitting empty on the shelf, and the other is filled with a few tired twine balls. Time to breathe some life into them.

I gathered my plants and materials, paid for them, and headed home.

Wow. The planter, which looked so big in the store, looks small next to the two healthy herbs. I really need a bigger planter, but I decide to use it anyway. I can replant them outside this spring. I pot up my herbs and water them and add just a bit of water to the reservoir. For now I’ll set this on the windowsill in my office. I love the life and aroma it adds while I’m working.

Indoor House Plants

Here’s pictures of the other plants too. The baby tears and campanula are happily perched in their bird cages in front of the large picture window in my living room. And a mini succulent plant I bought a few weeks ago at the botanical garden in St. Louis is on my desk in its happy green pot.

I think I have enough greenery now to get me through to planting season. How about you? Do you have any indoor plants or gardens? Share what you do to get your garden fix during the winter months.

Botanically Me,









