5 Ways to Pray in August

5 Ways Aug. 2For many, the start of school heralds the end of summer, perhaps not on the calendar, but at home as parents, children, and teachers prepare themselves for the start of the school year. Hot weather still abounds, however, and state fairs are the activity of choice this month. As you enjoy the warm days of August, here’s a few ways to pray with Only By Prayer.

1. National Senior Citizen’s Day, August 21

As you can imagine, this day was set up to honor and support senior citizens and the contributions they have made to our society and our lives. In 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed a proclamation making this an official holiday. It’s important to give our senior citizens an honored place in our lives, but I am afraid the opposite is often actually true. We should make an effort to hear the stories and glean wisdom from those who have walked the path of life longer than we have. Not just today, but often let’s seek out the elderly. Enjoy the company of grandparents and perhaps visit a nursing home. Ask about their lives and be prepared to listen, because we all enjoy sharing our stories. Post on social media using #SeniorCitizensDay.


National Senior Citizen’s Day

Verse: They [The righteous] will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green, proclaiming, “The Lord is upright; He is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him.” Psalm 92:14 NIV

Prayer: Lord, this verse has always given me hope. Thank you that you still use us in our old age. We pray for our elderly. We ask that they will live close to you and that you will use them in a powerful way. We pray they will walk wisely and share the wisdom they have accumulated over the years with the younger generations. Give them a purpose, peace, and joy as they transition to their later years. Help the youth to treat them with respect. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

2. Planned Parenthood Harvesting and Selling Body Parts of Aborted Babies

I can’t believe we have come to the place in the United States where this practice is going on, but it is and we have. When this news came out through undercover videos taken by the Center for Medical Progress, I didn’t want to believe it, but unfortunately, the proof is in the videos. Let’s join in praying that this horrific illegal practice be stopped.


Vote on Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood

Senate Phone numbers

Center for Medical Progress

Verse: Did not he who make me in the womb make them? Did not the same one form us both within our mothers? Job 31:15 NIV

Prayer: Lord, we are sickened by the harvesting and sale of these body parts from aborted babies. We confess this terrible sin and ask for your forgiveness. We ask that those involved would be convicted of their sin and confess it. We pray this practice — and that of abortion — would stop. May we be a nation that values the life of an unborn child and does everything possible to protect our children. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

3. Teachers Preparing for Back to School

I know it’s only the beginning of August, but in my state, several school districts are on a year-round schedule and started back to school the last week of July! Two of my sisters are school teachers and they are both already working on getting ready for the school year and setting up their rooms. Let’s support our teachers through prayer at the start of this new school year. Remember, teachers are now held accountable for things that often times they have no control over.


Free! Prayer Chart for Schools

A Prayer for Teachers

Verse: It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Ephesians 4:11-13 NIV

Prayer: Lord, we thank you for our teachers. They are on the front lines of our next generation serving and performing in an often thankless job. We pray for wisdom and strength. We pray for a strong moral character built on the foundation of God. We ask for the support and the resources they need. May their students listen to and respect them. May they teach in such a way that their students can grasp the facts and learn their lessons. Please protect them, we pray. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

4. Nigerian Troops rescue 178 people from Boko Haram Camp

At the end of July, Nigerian forces rescued 101 children, 67 women, and 10 men, all of whom had been kidnapped over the last year by this terrorist group. None of the 219 Chibok school girls were among those rescued. This is a cause for praise and prayer; praise for those rescued and prayer because many, including those 219 school girls, are still missing.


Nigerian Troops rescue 178 people from Boko Haram Camp

Verse: The Israelites groaned in their slavery and cried out, and their cry for help because of their slavery went up to God.” Exodus 2:23 NIV

Prayer: Lord, we praise and thank you for the rescue of these 178 people from the clutches of the Boko Haram terrorist group. We pray for physical, mental, and spiritual healing of the former captives. We pray for them to be reunited with families and friends. We ask for them to be able to be relocated to a safe area. We pray for the rescue of those still being held captive by terrorists. We pray for their safety and their release/escape from their captors. Give them courage and hope. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

5. Drought in California

For over 10 years, California and other western states have been contending with a drought. Half of the state is categorized as being in an “exceptional drought.” The drought is a springboard for other problems, like wild fires and farming difficulties. Governor Jerry Brown has called for 25 percent reductions in water usage by towns and cities. Let’s pray that God will send rain so that California can refill its reservoirs and have an adequate supply to support its citizens and industry. Let’s also not miss the chance to pray for droughts of other types in peoples lives, particularly that of God’s word and his presence.


How Bad Is the Drought in California?

Verse: Then I will send rain on your land in its season, both autumn and spring rains, so that you may gather in your grain, new wine and oil. Deuteronomy 11:14 NIV

Prayer: Dear Jesus, in the Bible times, you would send a drought upon Israel as a sign that they needed to turn from their sin back to you. Lord, we pray that this drought would also remind us to seek you to fulfill our spiritual thirst. We pray that we will turn from the sin of ignoring you and get our lives back on track by serving you. We pray also for periodic, steady rains to fall upon California and the others states experiencing drought. Amen.

Thank you for praying with Only By Prayer through the month of August. Feel free to add other requests in the comment section below.

Pray on!

5 Ways To Pray in September

For many of us, September means we bid good-bye to the lazier days of summer as we usher in the busy season of school and holidays and the changing of the seasons .  While I’m sure 5 Ways to Pray in Septemberyou’re never at a loss for things to pray about, here’s a prayer list (including a free printable ) to guide your prayers this month!

1. Schools – When you think of how many hours a year children spend in school, (in my state of Indiana it’s about 1,260 hours per year), we can’t underestimate the importance of that influence on our kid’s minds, emotions, and spirits. Let’s remember the school administration, teachers, and of course the students in our prayers.

Verse: 1 Timothy 4:12 “Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.”

Prayer: Lord, we pray that our children will never do anything that causes anyone to despise them. We pray they will be quick to confess and repent of sin. May they set an example for others by how they talk and act. Give them a love for and kindness toward people, especially those who are being ridiculed. Grow their faith over the years and may they be an encouragement to other children and adults. Keep them pure in a culture that encourages casual relationships and sex. We pray that their schools will be safe places and their teachers will be honest, wise, godly role models. Amen.

Free printable! Please download this one-page printable I’ve made with specific ways to pray for our schools. Praying for Schools

2. Patriot Day (9-11) – Patriot Day is the day set aside to remember the terrorist attacks on our country on September 11, 2001. With the rise of terrorism around the world, I can’t think of a better time to pray for God to derail the plans of the enemy and protect all nations against terrorist attacks.

Every year on Patriot Day, a moment of silence is held at 8:46 a.m. EST across the nation at the exact time the first plane struck the North Tower of the World Trade Center.

Verse: Psalm 59: 1 “Deliver me from my enemies, O my God; Defend me from those who rise up against me. Deliver me from the workers of iniquity, And save me from bloodthirsty men.”

Prayer: Lord, we pray a hedge of protection around our nations asking that you would keep us from the evil plotted against us by our enemies. Confuse their plans, expose their plots, and deflate the power of the enemy. We ask for their repentance. We pray for the families who lost loved ones on 9-11. Continue to heal them. And continue to restore those who were wounded. May you bring much good out of the evil that was intended. Amen.

3. Addictions – September is the National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month. We probably all know someone whose life has been marred by drugs. Let’s pray that our families will not have to suffer through this scourge. We can also pray against those who profit from the drug industry and protection for those who fight against it.

Verse: Psalm 107:20 “He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.”

Prayer: Lord, we pray for those who are gripped by drugs or alcohol. We ask that they would hear Your words of healing and that you would free them from this bondage. We ask for true repentance and that you would restore the years the locusts have eaten. Please disrupt those who are in the business of making, buying, and selling illegal substances. Give wisdom and protection to those who are fighting to end this problem. Amen.

 4. Workforce – September 1 is Labor Day. We all look forward to having that extra day off of work to relax or go on a fun adventure! Let’s remember to pray this month for the workplace.

Verse: Deuteronomy 30:9-10 “Then the Lord your God will make you most prosperous in all the work of your hands and in the fruit of your womb, the young of your livestock and the crops of your land. The Lord will again delight in you and make you prosperous, just as he delighted in your ancestors, if you obey the Lord your God and keep his commands and decrees that are written in this Book of the Law and turn to the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.”

Prayer: Lord, we pray you would bless our work. May we do it to the best of our ability. May we focus and work diligently, being honest in our words and actions. Help us to bless those around us and give us the courage to talk about You. May the owners/bosses be honest, kind, and wise. We pray for peace and harmony and protection from workplace violence. Give us patience with each other. Amen.

5. Day of Peace – The United Nations has declared September 21 as the International Day of Peace. On this day they urge all hostilities to stop worldwide. Let’s pray for peace starting in our own homes and then broadening our prayers to include the world.

Verse: Hebrews 12:14-15 “Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.”

Prayer: Jesus, we ask that a spirit of peace and holiness would descend over our homes. May we extend grace to those when it is needed, yet practice tough love when as you lead. We pray that we can take this peace of Jesus that passes all understanding and extend it outside of our homes into our communities, states, and countries. We ask for fighting and wars to cease. We pray for your Holy Spirit to hover over each nation. Amen.

Thanks for praying with us. Please add any of your own prayers in the comments below.

Pray on!





Parenting Chronically Ill Children with Kimberly Ehlers

Do you or someone you know parent a chronically ill child? If so, you’ll want to listen to this encouraging Only By Prayer podcast with Kimberly Ehlers and Jane VanOsdol. Kimberly’s 13-year old son was diagnosed with a serious illness shortly after birth. Listen as Kimberly offers hope and suggestions to parents of chronically ill children. This is also a must-have for anyone who is a friend of family member of a person with a chronically ill child, as Kimberly shares way you can support the parents and family.

Kimberly has been happily married to her best friend, Randy, for over 15 years. Together, they homeschool their son, Seth. Kimberly received her bachelor’s degree in Mental Disabilities: Moderate, Severe and Profound from the University of Northern Iowa, and taught special education for four years before becoming a stay-at-home mom – her absolute favorite “job” ever! Kimberly is also a Christian writer and speaker whose heart is to encourage moms like her with children who have serious illnesses.
Nurturing Hope.  Growing Faith.  Trusting God With Your Child’s Health.

Just click on the sideways triangle below to listen, or find us on iTunes.

With Christ in the School of Prayer by Andrew Murray, Lesson 1


‘Lord, teach us to pray;’

Or,The Only Teacher.

‘And it came to pass, as He was praying in a certain place, that when He ceased, one of His disciples said to

Him, Lord, teach us to pray.’–LUKE xi. 1.

HE disciples had been with Christ, and seen Him pray. They had learnt to understand

something of the connection between His wondrous life in public, and His secret life of

prayer. They had learnt to believe in Him as a Master in the art of prayer–none could

pray like Him. And so they came to Him with the request, ‘Lord, teach us to pray.’ And in after

years they would have told us that there were few things more wonderful or blessed that He

taught them than His lessons on prayer.

And now still it comes to pass, as He is praying in a certain place, that disciples who see

Him thus engaged feel the need of repeating the same request, ‘Lord, teach us to pray.’ As we

grow in the Christian life, the thought and the faith of the Beloved Master in His never-failing

intercession becomes ever more precious, and the hope of being Like Christ in His intercession

gains an attractiveness before unknown. And as we see Him pray, and remember that there is

none who can pray like Him, and none who can teach like Him, we feel the petition of the

disciples, ‘Lord, teach us to pray,’ is just what we need. And as we think how all He is and has,

how He Himself is our very own, how He is Himself our life, we feel assured that we have but to

ask, and He will be delighted to take us up into closer fellowship with Himself, and teach us to

pray even as He prays.

Come, my brothers! Shall we not go to the Blessed Master and ask Him to enrol our

names too anew in that school which He always keeps open for those who long to continue their

studies in the Divine art of prayer and intercession? Yes, let us this very day say to the Master,

as they did of old, ‘Lord, teach us to pray.’ As we meditate, we shall find each word of the

petition we bring to be full of meaning.

‘Lord, teach us to pray.’ Yes, to pray. This is what we need to be taught. Though in its

beginnings prayer is so simple that the feeblest child can pray, yet it is at the same time the

highest and holiest work to which man can rise. It is fellowship with the Unseen and Most Holy

One. The powers of the eternal world have been placed at its disposal. It is the very essence of

true religion, the channel of all blessings, the secret of power and life. Not only for ourselves,

but for others, for the Church, for the world, it is to prayer that God has given the right to take

hold of Him and His strength. It is on prayer that the promises wait for their fulfilment, the

kingdom for its coming, the glory of Go

slothful and unfit we are. It is only the Spirit of God can enable us to do it aright. How speedily

we are deceived into a resting in the form, while the power is wanting. Our early training, the

teaching of the Church, the influence of habit, the stirring of the emotions–how easily these lead

to prayer which has no spiritual power, and


strength, that availeth much, to which the gates of heaven are really opened wide–who would

not cry, Oh for some one to teach me thus to pray?

Jesus has opened a school, in which He trains His redeemed ones, who specially desire it,

to have power in prayer. Shall we not enter it with the petition, Lord! it is just this we need to be

taught! O teach us to pray.

‘Lord, teach us to pray.’ Yes, us, Lord. We have read in They Word with what power

Thy believing people of old used to pray, and what mighty wonders were done in answer to their

prayers. And if this took place under the Old Covenant, in the time of preparation, how much

more wilt Thou not now, in these days of fulfilment, give Thy people this sure sign of Thy

presence in their midst. We have heard the promises given to Thine apostles of the power of

prayer in Thy name, and have seen how gloriously they experienced their truth: we know for

certain, they can become true to us too. We hear continually even in these days what glorious

tokens of Thy power Thou dost still give to those who trust Thee fully. Lord! these all are men

of like passions with ourselves; teach us

gifts of the heavenly world are for us. O teach us to pray so that we may receive abundantly. To

us too Thou hast entrusted Thy work, on our prayer too the coming of Thy kingdom depends, in

our prayer too Thou canst glorify Thy name; ‘Lord teach us to pray.’ Yes, us, Lord; we offer

ourselves as learners; we would indeed be taught of Thee. ‘Lord, teach us to pray.’

‘Lord, teach us to pray.’ Yes, we feel the need now of being taught to pray. At first there

is no work appears so simple; later on, none that is more difficult; and the confession is forced

from us: We know not how to pray as we ought. It is true we have God’s Word, with its clear

and sure promises; but sin has so darkened our mind, that we know not always how to apply the

word. In spiritual things we do n

according to the law of the sanctuary. In temporal things we are still less able to avail ourselves

of the wonderful liberty our Father has given us to ask what we need. And even when we know

what to ask, how much there is still needed to make prayer acceptable. It must be to the glory of

God, in full surrender to His will, in full assurance of faith, in the name of Jesus, and with a

must be learned. It can only be

learned in the school of much prayer, for practice makes perfect. Amid the painful

consciousness of ignorance and unworthiness, in the struggle between believing and doubting,

the heavenly art of effectual prayer is learnt. Because, even when we do not remember it, there

is One, the Beginner and Finisher of faith and prayer, who watches over our praying, and sees to

it that in all who trust Him for it their education in the school of prayer shall be carried on to

perfection. Let but the deep undertone of all our prayer be the teachableness that comes from a

sense of ignorance, and from faith in Him as a perfect teacher, and we may be sure we shall be

taught, we shall learn to pray in power. Yes, we may depend upon it, He teaches to pray.

‘Lord, teach us to pray.’ None can teach like Jesus, none but Jesus; therefore we call on

Him, ‘LORD, teach us to pray.’ A pupil needs a teacher, who knows his work, who has the gift

of teaching, who in patience and love will descend to the pupil’s needs. Blessed be God! Jesus

is all this and much more. He knows what prayer is. It is Jesus, praying Himself, who teaches to

pray. He knows what prayer is. He learned it amid the trials and tears of His earthly life. In

heaven it is still His beloved work: His life there is prayer. Nothing delights Him more than to

find those whom He can take with Him into the Father’s presence, whom He can clothe with

power to pray down God’s blessing on those around them, whom He can train to be His

fellow-workers in the intercession by which the kingdom is to be revealed on earth. He knows

how to teach. Now by the urgency of felt need, then by the confidence with which joy inspires.

Here by the teaching of the Word, there by the testimony of another believer who knows what it

is to have prayer heard. By His Holy Spirit, He has access to our heart, and teaches us to pray by

showing us the sin that hinders the prayer, or giving us the assurance that we please God. He

teaches, by giving not only thoughts of what to ask or how to ask, but by breathing within us the

very spirit of prayer, by living within us as the Great Intercessor. We may indeed and most

joyfully say, ‘Who teacheth like Him?’ Jesus never taught His disciples how to preach, only how

to pray. He did not speak much of what was needed to preach well, but much of praying well.

To know how to speak to God is more than knowing how to speak to man. Not power with men,

but power with God is the first thing. Jesus loves to teach us how to pray.

What think you, my beloved fellow-disciples! would it not be just what we need, to ask

the Master for a month to give us a course of special lessons on the art of prayer? As we

meditate on the words He spake on earth, let us yield ourselves to His teaching in the fullest

confidence that, with such a teacher, we shall make progress. Let us take time not only to

meditate, but to pray, to tarry at the foot of the throne, and be trained to the work of intercession.

Let us do so in the assurance that a

most beautifully. He will breathe His own life, which is all prayer, into us. As He makes us

partakers of His righteousness and His life, He will of His intercession. too. As the members of

His body, as a holy priesthood, we shall take part in His priestly work of pleading and prevailing

with God for men. Yes, let us most joyfully say, ignorant and feeble though we be, ‘Lord, teach

us to pray.’



Blessed Lord! who ever livest to pray, Thou canst teach me too to pray, me too to live

ever to pray. In this Thou lovest to make me share Thy glory in heaven, that I should pray

without ceasing, and ever stand as a priest in the presence of my God.

Lord Jesus! I ask Thee this day to enrol my name among those who confess that they

know not how to pray as they ought, and specially ask Thee for a course of teaching in prayer.

Lord! teach me to tarry with Thee p

sense of my ignorance, of the wonderful privilege and power of prayer, of the need of the Holy

Spirit as the Spirit of prayer, lead me to cast away my thoughts of what I think I know, and make


And fill me, Lord, with the confidence that with such a teacher as Thou art I shall learn to

pray. In the assurance that I have as my teacher, Jesus who is ever praying to the Father, and by

I will not be afraid. As much as I

need to know of the mysteries of the prayer-world, Thou wilt unfold for me. And when I may

not know, Thou wilt teach me to be strong in faith, giving glory to God.

Blessed Lord! Thou wilt not put to shame Thy scholar who trusts Thee, nor, by Thy

grace, would he Thee either. Amen.

This book is in the public domain and can legally be reprinted.

Life-Long Learners

“For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.”

Life-Long Learners


Jane VanOsdol

We also needed to make sure we had our school supplies, book bags (there weren’t back packs in the 60s and 70s) and lunch boxes ready to go. After accumulating all of these things, I can remember being so excited that I could barely sleep the night before school started. Off I went the next morning, ready to see my friends and crack open my new books.

As we prepare to start the 2009-2010 school year, I think about the excitement with which I approached my learning as a child. I still love to learn new things at this stage of my life. I have taken several online classes and studied subjects on my own. Part of that love of learning extends to the Bible. Even though the Bible was written a long time ago, it is still just as applicable to life today as it was when it was written. Just as 2 + 2 will always =4, so, too, will the words of the Bible always = truth.

As we send our children back to school this year, let’s use this time to also send ourselves back to school and continue our education in God’s Word.

Copyright 2009 Jane VanOsdol All Rights Reserved