Take 5! Good Things by Mary Kane

Please take a moment to name a few good things for which you are thankful. God wants to give us good things also. If you are have a personal relationship with Christ, Psalm 103 lists several good things that He gives us! To do the study, “Good Things” just click on the link!


Image: Robert Cochrane / FreeDigitalPhotos.net



Take 5! Overcomers by Mary Kane

A critical spirit, lying, gossiping, bitterness. We all have something to overcome. Sometimes it may seem that we will never win our battle with sin. But God’s Word tells us otherwise. If we are in Christ, we are Overcomers. To do the study, please click on the link.

Image: Ambro / FreeDigitalPhotos.net


Take 5! Doers and Hearers by Mary Kane

Do you tend to be a person of action or do you like to sit back and mull things over? When we encounter God’s Word we are called to act! To do the study, “Doers and Hearers” just click on the link!


Image: Pixomar / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Take 5! Strong and Courageous by Mary Kane

“Only be strong and very courageous…” I have often been anything but! However, if we study God’s Word we can become fearless followers of Christ. To do the study, “Strong and Courageous,” just click on the link!


Image: photostock / FreeDigitalPhotos.net



Take 5! Born to Win! by Mary Kane

What were you born to do? Perhaps you were born to sing. Maybe you were born to run.  Possibly you were born to shop! God’s Word says that if you are in Chirst, then you were Born to Win! To do the study, please click on the link!


Image: graur razvan ionut / FreeDigitalPhotos.net


Take 5! Words to Live By by Mary Kane

Information is all around us! It seems everyone has something to say. How do we choose what advice to follow? The truth is always a good place to start. To do the study Words to Live By just click on the link!



Photo Business Meeting by Ambro
