Take 5! Brought Out, Brought In by Mary Kane

Our God is a Deliverer. When He works to “bring us out” of something, it’s so He can “bring us into” a place of greater blessing. To do the Take 5! “Brought Out, Brought In,” please click on the link!





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Take 5! All the Days of Your Life by Mary Kane

Good days…bad days…long days…hard days…peaceful days…joyful days…God’s Word is for everyday. To do the study All the Days of Your Life, just click on the link!





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Take 5! The Lord, My Inheritance by Mary Kane

What if you received a letter in the mail stating that you have received an inheritance? Wealth that you never knew existed is now your property. How exciting!  In Christ we have an inheritance, but we do not have to wait in order to enjoy its benefits. To do the Take 5! study “The Lord, My Inheritance, “ please click on the link!



Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net



Take 5!-Marks of the Ministry Part ll by Mary Kane

CrossMany people think that Christians experience lives of ease and blessing. While Christians do experience joy and peace, our lives may be marked by sorrow, poverty, and dishonor. Despite hardship and suffering in Christ we may rejoice. To do the Take 5! Bible study please click on the link!



 Marks of the Ministry Part ll,


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Take 5! Marks of the Ministry by Mary Kane

Ease, comfort, approval and pleasure… all of these things are signs that we are following the Lord, right? To find out what the Bible says about the Marks of the Ministry, please click on the link!



Image courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net




Take 5! Chosen by Mary Kane

Do you know how special you are? God has chosen you as His own to bear fruit that will last for eternity. To do the Take 5! study Chosenplease click on the link.



Image: vichie81 / FreeDigitalPhotos.net