To-Do List by Mary Kane


I am a list maker. I like to start out my day with a list of tasks I need to complete. I feel great satisfaction in accomplishing and crossing items off my to-do list. God is a list maker as well, the 10 Commandments is perhaps His greatest to-do list.  In 1 Peter 4, God gives us another list: four things to do when we are suffering.

Please take a moment and go before God in prayer. Confess to Him any sin, and ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit. Please read 1 Peter 4:13-16, 19.

In verse 13, what is our first to-do when we are suffering?


How deeply are we to rejoice?


The word for rejoice used in verse 13 is chairo, which means, “to be well, to thrive, to be glad.” It also means, “let the hope of future blessedness bring you joy.” So while we are suffering we must focus forward, knowing God has a great blessing for us. To the extent we have suffered, we will be blessed!

Verse 16 names another suffering to-do. What is it?


The word glorify means “to praise, to honor, to make renowned.” If God wants us to praise Him through our suffering, there must be some thing praiseworthy in our suffering.  If we can’t see anything praise-worthy at the moment, let’s praise by faith.

Verse 18 names two more to-do’s when suffering. Please name them.


We are to trust God is good, and continue to do good. The temptation when suffering is to become self-focused. When our attention is completely riveted on our pain, it intensifies. Doing good brings healing to our souls, encourages others, and glorifies God.

Name one item from the to-do list you will do and how you will accomplish it.


Thank you for joining me today for Bible study!




Take 5! Treasure by Mary Kane

When I was in elementary, a teacher presented us with a social studies activity that was very in vogue at the time. The topic was, “If your house caught on fire and you only had time to retrieve three items what would you take?” or something thereof. The objective of the assignment was to reveal what a person valued and cherished. It was interesting to hear each students fire list, but of course no one’s fire list could compare to your own.

We all have things we treasure. Many of my priceless treasures are stored in my cedar chest in my living room. While I doubt anyone else would count the contents of my cedar chest as valuable, to me they are priceless.

Like my cedar chest, our hearts also store treasure .

35 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things,

Matthew 12:35

To do  Take 5! Treasure, please click on the link below.


   Take 5! Treasure



Image courtesy of Mr. Lightman at

Take 5! Words of Life by Mary Kane

scrabbleWords are everywhere … happy words … angry words … loving words … hurtful words. Billboards, walls, books, newspapers, magazines, even our hearts are full of words. The words we store in our hearts affect our attitude, our character, and our destiny. Let’s fill our hearts with words of life. To learn more about how words of life affect our lives, please click on the link.

Take 5! Words of Life

Image courtesy of “Scrabble English Alphabet” by Keerati at

Take 5! I Am Because He Is

Have you ever wondered if God would use a person like you to help spread His Gospel? The answer is yes! To do the Take 5! Bible study, I Am Because He Is! please click on the link.







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Take 5!: The Fear of the Lord by Mary Kane

Scared WOmanSpiders … snakes … clowns. People have many fears, but the Bible tells us that that we need only fear one thing-the Lord. What does it mean to fear the Lord? To gain a little insight into this important concept, please click on the link!  Fear of the Lord



Image courtesy of Michal Marcol/

Take 5! Grace and Peace by Mary Kane

ID-100149601Ties, candles, coffee mugs, jewelry and gift cards. We’ve all received gifts before, but has anyone ever given you a little grace and peace? Jesus is waiting to lavishly bestow grace and peace upon those who love Him! To do the study, Grace and Peace, please click on the link!



“Image courtesy of Grant Cochrane/”.