thinking about thinking

Though princes sit together speaking against me, your servant will think about your statutes. Psalm 119:23

They are talking about you. They’re sitting over there laughing, shredding, ripping  you to pieces, and you know it.

Gossip cuts straight to the heart. Always painful, always injurious. Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will break your heart. But we don’t have to cooperate with our enemies by twisting the knife. We have a choice.  What is the choice? Go back and read the verse.

Words or the Word

We can either focus on the words of our enemies or on the Word of God. Which would be more beneficial? Let’s think about that for a moment. What do we know about the enemy? He comes to kill, steal, and destroy. EVERYTHING he says is a big fat lie.

But God.

What does His Word say? He comes so we can have life and life abundant. In the verse above, we are called servants of God. Why should a servant (you and me) listen to the Master?

  • Because His Word is law and love and good and glorious.
  • Because the purpose of a servant is to listen for his/her Master’s voice.
  • Because we will obey who we allow to speak into our life.


Consider the definition of think. In the Greek, siyach, means to speak, to sing, (I love this part) to talk to oneself. So when others are talking about you, you talk about you too, but you talk to yourself about God’s truth. When the enemy swoops in to remind you of your failure, you remind him, OUT LOUD, that God promises to use all things for the good of those who love him, who are called according to his purpose. When the Enemy or your enemies at work, school, or the office say you aren’t strong enough, good enough, or smart enough, you think about how the statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple. Psalm 19:7. Do not allow yourself to focus on the lies of the enemy. Replace them with the truth of God’s Word.


Siyach also means to germinate, to grow, to put forth buds. Think for a moment and lets put this all together. Times of attack and criticism from the enemy are growing times. During those hard times we must turn our thoughts from lying word of the enemy and think on the Word of God. And in the thinking, God’s word which is sharper than a two edged sword, goes deep and cuts out the lies, and plants seeds of truth. The truth germinates, put forth buds and produces fruit. When we eat of this fruit, we are made stronger.

Take Action!

  1. Reject. Reject the lies of the Enemy.
  2. Think/speak. Think and speak the truth of God’s Word in your situation and about yourself. Do this as often as needed.
  3. Pray. Pray for God to give you wisdom and strength to overcome this hardship.
  4. Humble. Thank God for how He is using this hard time to grow you into His image.
  5. Serve. Continue to serve God and follow God’s will for your life despite the criticism of the enemy.

What are you thinking about? Leave me a comment below. I’d love to chat with you!

all rights reserved. copyright 2018

be the one

I was half asleep, somewhere in the zone where asleep and awake collide,  of fuzzy thoughts and drowsy dreams, when God interrupted with a message.

I had been praying for my drama class. After weeks of rehearsing, running lines, rehearsing again, blocking, dancing, more rehearsing again (because you still haven’t given your all), my troops were weary and timid and wondering: Did they have what it takes to knock it out on stage? I wanted them to quit holding back and open their mouths and hearts and give their all so God would get the glory. I couldn’t wait to tell them.

The next day during our pre-rehearsal prayer time pep talk, I rallied my students by telling them the message God gave me for them:

be the one.

Would they to be the one to use their gifts? Would they be the one who’d leave it all on the stage, to

? Would they be the one who’d stop living small, hiding in the shadows, and step into the light and live large?

What about you?

Can you be the one? Can you be the one to say yes, to say no, to stand up, to hold your ground?  Can you be the one to speak up, speak out, speak for?

Can you be the one to pray, to believe, to walk, to run, to fight, to love, to forgive? Can you be the one to tear down walls, take down giants, and tell mountains to move?

Can you be the one to tell the world, your neighbors, your friends, your enemies that Jesus loves them? Can you be the one to speak truth, to speak hope, to speak faith?

Life today is filled with pressures to do more, be more and achieve more. But God has called you to do one thing, to be the one He created you to be.

Be the one.

“Conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or remain absent, I will hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel.” Philippians 1:27

Action points

  1. Be the one at work who goes the extra mile, who doesn’t complain, and who encourages others.
  2. Be the one at home who loves with no return, gives forgiveness, and offers a second, third, twentieth, or two hundredth chance.
  3. Be the one at church who  lifts a burden, who gives from the heart, and serves like Jesus is coming back today.

How can you be the one?

Leave me a comment below. I’d love to hear from you!

all rights reserved. copyright 2018.


I’m Sick of It

I'm sick of itThere is an epidemic in our land.

You’ve heard the news. But it’s not a virus or cancer. It’s not the flu or pneumonia epidemic. It’s a sickness of the soul that comes from listening to the enemy. God has been talking to my heart. He’s been showing me my mind has been infected with lies from the enemy, faulty beliefs, and wrong mindsets. I’m ready to be healed and walk by faith, because I’m sick of it.

Sick of it.

I’m sick of worrying about what others think.

I’m sick of trying to hide.

I’m sick of trying to be dark when God calls me to be light.

I’m sick of being sugar when God calls me to be salt.

Sick of small living when God calls me to live large.

I’m sick of safe-ing myself, entertaining myself, and  amusing myself to death.

Because giants must fall, walls must crumble, and oceans must part.

Get unsick of it.

Father, you are Jehovah Raphe, the One who heals us. Help us to be sick enough that we will do what ever it takes, (get up early, turn off the TV, get off social media, put down our phones) and come into your Presence and ask to be healed. Sickness is not our legacy, but life and life abundant. Amen.

The woman gets unsick.

25 Now a certain woman had a flow of blood for twelve years, 26 and had suffered many things from many physicians. She had spent all that she had and was no better, but rather grew worse. 27 When she heard about Jesus, she came behind Him in the crowd and touched His garment. 28 For she said, “If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well.”

29 Immediately the fountain of her blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of the affliction. 30 And Jesus, immediately knowing in Himself that power had gone out of Him, turned around in the crowd and said, “Who touched My clothes?”

31 But His disciples said to Him, “You see the multitude thronging You, and You say, ‘Who touched Me?’

32 And He looked around to see her who had done this thing. 33 But the woman, fearing and trembling, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell down before Him and told Him the whole truth. 34 And He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your affliction.”

You’ve got to be close enough to touch Him. Admit you’re sick, reach out your hand, and take His healing to heart. Your faith in Him will heal your soul.

If you’re are sick of it too, leave me a comment. I’d love to chat with you.

by Mary Kane

all rights reserved. copyright 2020

Today! Part 5

Spend time with Jesus Today!

Today is a new kinda quirky Bible journal for busy people who want to jump-start their day with Scripture. Begin the day with a look verse and short assignment. Then, revisit your work in the evening to add notes, make changes and apply what you’ve learned. Only By Prayer recommends you focus on one journal entry a day.

Today is a good time to be with Jesus!

Click to open the Today Bible Journal pdf !



Today Bible Journal Part 5






Today Bible Journal Part 4






  Today Bible Journal Part 3





Today Bible Journal Part 1



Today  Bible Journal Part 2



By Mary Kane

all rights reserved. copyright 2017

Christmas To-doers List 2017, Day 3: Watch

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Christmas To Do-ers List

Day 3: Watch for Him

“Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night.” Luke 2:8

Day in. Day out.

Looking. Watching. Waiting. Shepherds in the fields faithfully caring for their sheep. Diligence is their watchword.  Always searching for the finest pasture, the best shelter, and the freshest water.  Looking, watching, and waiting, day in and day out. Night after night. Until one night. O Holy Night!

“For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 12 And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.”

Faithfulness in their daily work allowed the shepherds to see Jesus. Had they not been diligent in their mundane tasks, they would have missed the angel’s message,  and they would have missed Jesus. Shepherds watching for the Good Shepherd.

Look. Watch. Wait.

The same thing we do for Jesus.

Look for Jesus this Christmas season. Watch for glimpses of Him as you go through  your ordinary days. Wait for Him to act. Chores, tasks, errands, and suddenly He’s there—teaching, comforting, directing, healing, and loving.

  Watch for Him in your everyday chores and holiday tasks.

Look. Watch. Wait.Watch Day 3jpg

The same thing Jesus does for us.

Jesus constantly looks out for our best interests and watches over our every concern. He waits to draw us into closer relationship, greater trust, and deeper faith. Stolen moments in the crush of the day. Precious minutes at His feet in the rush of the season. Day after day, silent night after silent night.

He looks, watches, and waits for you.

Action Points:

  1. Look for Jesus today. Notice the blessings He sends your way and then look for ways to be a blessing to others.
  2. Watch for Jesus today. What is He trying to say to you? What is He telling you? What does He want you to do differently this Christmas season?
  3. Wait for Him. Jesus is calling you to rest in heavenly peace with Him. Tarry with Him for a few moments. Get your Bible, turn to Luke 2 and listen to the beautiful music below. Wait for Him to restore your soul.

How will you watch for Jesus today? How will you make time to wait for Him? Please leave a comment in the Comment section below on how you plan to watch for Jesus, or how you saw Him today.

Did you miss a day? Don’t fret, just click on a link below.

Day 1: Believe Him

Day 2: Make Room

Watch for Him.



Christmas To Do-ers List, 2017: Day 2, Make Room for Him

Christmas To Do-ers List

Day 2: Make Room for Him

She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. Luke 2:7

No Room

Can you imagine being Mary perched on a donkey, already in the pangs of labor, as they entered the city of Bethlehem? I am sure she was hoping for a quiet place, a haven to give birth to her son. But that’s not what greeted her. A city teeming with people and noise, with nary a haven in sight.

Or perhaps you identify more with Joseph, with the full responsibility of Mary and the imminent birth on his shoulders. Every inn was packed; every door he desperately knocked on slammed in his face. No room.

Make RoomMake Room Day 2 jpeg

As we consider Mary and Joseph’s plight that night, one of the most important lessons we can take from this story is to make room for the Savior in our lives.  In the whole city, one innkeeper took pity on their plight and offered what he had for their use.

What about us? Do we make room for the Word Made Flesh in our lives? John 8:37 tells the sad story of those who have no room for the word. But when we make room for Jesus, when we give Him what we have, He changes everything. The more room we give Him in our lives, the more changes He makes. And the more He uses what we give Him.

While it’s a good start, Jesus is asking for more than just Sunday morning. We need to make room in our schedules, in our homes, in our leisure time, in our work, in our hearts.  

Rather than being a once-a-week commitment, Jesus wants to be our everyday priority.

When we pray about our schedules, Jesus can multiply our time, help us to make the right connections and opportunities. When we invite Him into our families, He can soften and quicken the hearts of ourselves and our loved ones to bring about necessary change. When we pray about our leisure time activities and hobbies, He can spark creativity and opportunities we may not  have had otherwise. When we give Him our work, He can help us weather difficulties and inspire us with new ideas. When we step out in ministry, he can bless our five loaves and two fish into much more than we imagine. Making room for Him is the key to change in our own lives.

Action Points:

Determine how you will make room for Jesus this Advent.

  1. What does your devotion time look like? Are you meeting with Jesus in the morning or evening? If not, when can you make time for Him?
  2. Is there an area of your life that you have put up the “no vacancy” sign at, that you haven’t yet yielded control of to Jesus?
  3. Can you make room for an extended time of prayer once during Advent? Perhaps as a mini-retreat in your own home or somewhere else?
  4. Is there a step of ministry God is asking you to take for Him?

Please share any ideas of how you will make room for Jesus this season in the comment section below and enjoy the music selection for today: Do You Have Room?, by Shawna Edwards.

Let’s be To Do-ers of His word this Christmas season by making room!

Previous Posts:

Day 1: Believe Him

