Scripturegraphic Humble: Who’s the Boss?

Scripturegraphic 1 peter5 jpegSometimes it can be hard to tell who’s supposed to be the boss. God’s Word tells us to humble ourselves one to another. Being humble is very difficult, but God will bless us when we submit to His perfect plan. To learn how to humble yourself before the Lord, please click on the link below.

Scripturegraphics: Who’s the Boss?

Boost Your Faith and Your Fitness in Seven Weeks

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Sign Up Today!

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 3 John: 2

Have you ever wanted to step out in faith for a work you felt God was calling you to do yet felt that something was holding you back?

It can be frustrating trying to figure out what you’re missing. Over the years Mary and I have discovered a few things that it takes to be an effective worker for God’s kingdom.

Three Important Steps

  1. Availability. God tells us in 2 Chronicles 16:9a “For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.” God is watching for people who are willing to be used so He can work through them. Mary and I realize the importance of watching for those opportunities that Jesus brings your way. That doesn’t mean you sign up for every opportunity, but for the ones God has prepared in advance for you to do. Knowing what those are takes …
  2. Prayer. Prayer should be the foundation for everything we do, including any new works we are considering. We need to pray that God will reveal whether we should be involved and that we will know how to proceed. I like to pray that God will open the doors I should walk through and close the ones I should not. It also helps to be in good …
  3. Physical health.  As much as we can control it, we need to make wise choices concerning our fitness and health so that we aren’t limited when Jesus comes calling. Now that’s not to say He can’t use us if we have a chronic illness. What we’re thinking about here is protecting our physical health to the best of our ability by taking care of ourselves.

Seven-Week Online Bible Study/Fitness Challenge

We are excited to announce a 7-week online Bible study and fitness challenge called Faith & Fit that combines all of these things. Will this solve all your challenges? No, but it will jump-start you on the road to spiritual and physical health to help prepare you for what God has next in your life!

Here is what to expect: Every week we will follow a theme for that week, and you will receive two emails, one on Monday morning and one on Friday morning that contain the following:

Two Everyday Faith challenges (a short video teaching and scripture reading and study questions) and
Two Everyday Fit challenges (a physical challenge and a food challenge)

• Extra Faith and Extra Fit options for those who have more time and want to integrate a spiritual discipline and a target fitness video.

How It Works

When you receive Monday’s email, work on those challenges from Monday-Thursday. Early Friday morning you will receive the second email. Work on those challenges on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Every Wednesday evening we will have a live Community Call on Talk Shoe to discuss the previous week’s work.

We’d love to have you join us in this study; as a matter of fact, you can sign up right now.  NOTE!! If you do not have a PayPal account you may still sign up by following these instructions:

1. Choose the option that says Have a PayPal account?

2. Ignore the email and PayPal password fields and hit the login button

3. After you hit the login button a new tab should pop up below that offers the option of paying with a credit or debit card or Bill  Me Later.


In addition to the all the above,  we’ll also include some recipes that Mary and I have created made with healthy ingredients that taste good, because we think that good health should be fun too. Here’s a sneak peek at one of the recipes to have as an occasional treat.
Tropical Sunrise Smoothiesmoothie photo

I cup yogurt (Greek or regular), plain
2 oranges, seeds removed
1/2 lemon juiced
1 banana sliced into chunks
2 wedges cantaloupe sliced into chunks
Coconut water as needed (look for this in cartons in the Gatorade aisle)
Ice cubes to your liking

Juice the lemon first and pour it in the blender. Add all the other ingredients and process until smooth. Serves two. (If you are diabetic, this recipe may be too high in sugar for you.)

You’ll also have access to a private Facebook Faith & Fit page to post your workouts, share your successes and challenges, and share your prayer requests and encouragement.

What do you have to lose, except some bad habits? : ) Grab your Mom, sister, friends, or yourself and sign up today. We begin on Monday, September 8. Hope to see you there!

Scripturegraphic Bible Study, James: Part 1, Trials to Joy

James 1 Scripturegraph correct jpegTrials, hardships, challenges are a part of everyday life. Usually we are glad if we just survive them. The Bible, however, takes a different view concerning trials … we are to count them as joy. How is this possible? What good could possibly result from a trial? Study the Scripturegraph (a biblical infographic) to discover why we can count every trial as joy.

Scripturegraph: Trials to Joy

Scripturegraphics: Colossians by Mary Kane

People have different learning styles; some learn by hearing, some learn by doing, and others learn by seeing. Scripturegraphics Bible Studies help you to see on paper what you are learning from your Bible, enabling you to take the information from the eye, to the brain, to the heart. Study the Scripturegraphic, read the text, and do the study questions. We hope you benefit from this new Bible study format.

To do Scripturegraphics: Colossians, please click on the link below.



Scripturegraphics: Colossians

Scripturegraphics: James by Mary Kane

James graphicPeople have different learning styles; some learn by hearing, some learn by doing, and others learn by seeing. Scripturegraphics help you to see on paper what you are learning from Scripture, enabling you to take the information from the eye, to the brain, to the heart. Jane and I hope you benefit from this new Bible study format and love it as much as we do! To do the Scripturegraphic study please click on the link :

Scripturegraphics: James


One-Week Workout! Book of James: Day 7

One Week Day 7 Header

Welcome to Day Seven of One-Week Workout! Good job–you made it to the last day! Jane and I are praying for you to continue to grow stronger spiritually and physically and to reap a harvest from your work this week. In September we are offering a six-week version of Faith & Fit with a weekly online live call. In addition you will be able to take advantage of  the following:

  • Everyday Fit Food Challenges, Everyday Faith Scripture Readings
  • Everyday Faith Teaching Videos, Everyday Fit Physical Challenges
  • Extra Fit Challenges with Coach Dan
  • Extra Faith activities including Bible studies, blogs and podcasts

We look forward to seeing you in the fall. In the meantime, please continue to check in at to acces our blog, Bible studies and podcasts. We post fresh content every week. Let’s go!


 Bible Study:

To do the Day Seven Bible study, just click on the link!

One-Week Workout! Bible Study: Day Seven


 Workout Options:

Easy  2 Mile Walking Workout

Intermediate 3 Mile Walking Workout

Advanced  4 Mile Walking Workout


Extra Challenge with Coach Dan!

Do you want a little extra challenge? Join Coach Dan of Let’s Go Fitness for a quick workout!