1 Thessalonians A Life of Faith, Part 8: From Cherish to Charge

DOve JPEG 10 edtFamily is the bedrock element of civilization and culture. God, creator and founder of family, placed the responsibility of family within the institution of marriage.  In God’s perfect plan, children are taught, fostered and nurtured to live a life of faith by a father and a mother.

Most children would agree, mothers have a softer touch than their masculine counterparts. No matter what our age, when we are sick, hurt, or upset, we want our mother.

But, when the chips are down and there is a problem to be solved (or a car to be repaired), fathers are on call.  Sometimes children need a good dose of a dad’s no-nonsense “straighten up and fly right” (especially teen-age sons). Such life-changing talks are best delivered by fathers.

Moms … dads … fathers … mothers …  cherish …  charge.It all adds up to family; not perfect but complete.  Together, fathers and mothers teach  and model  to their offspring how to live a life of faith.

In order to continue your study in 1 Thessalonians: A Life of Faith,  please click on the link below.

1 Thessalonians Part 8: From Cherish to Charge

Please be sure to leave a comment about what you’ve been learning in our Speak Your Mind section at the bottom of the page.

Bible Journal-Graphics:What’s the Big Idea? by Mary Kane

Sometimes we all need a a little help organizing our thoughts …  especially when we are doing Bible study. Writing our thoughts on paper helps us to process them; it’s the difference from “in one ear and out the other” or planting  Bible truths  deep in our heart.

Try our latest Bible Study Journal-graphics page, What’s the Big Idea? Use this graphic organizer to analyze the text, identify the main idea of a passage of Scripture, and draw out meaningful details from specific verses. You will love the  insights you’ll discover as you dig into God’s Word!

Bible Study Journal-graphics make a great companion to any Bible study series. You can also use them to record God’s messages to you as you study straight from the Bible. Your small group, discipleship training class or prayer conference will also benefit from this unique study tool.

Download  Bible Study Journal-graphics by clicking on the link  below. Be sure to make  fresh copies for each day of the week.  Please  share this graphic organizer with your church family, small group or youth group. You can also share them at your next Bible study meeting or Sunday school class. Enjoy!

What’s the Big Idea?

Let us know how you like using Bible Study Journal-graphics in the Speak Your Mind section below.

1 Thessalonians A Life of Faith, Part 7: Approved by God

DOve JPEG 10 edt“You have been approved,” is a very exciting phrase. Hearing that phrase boosts one’s self esteem. It is wonderful to weighed  in the balance and found acceptable, trustworthy, and capable.

Throughout the course of a  life time, we have been approved for college loans, mortgages, car loans and college admissions. These approvals, however,  fall infinitely short in comparison to being  approved by God.

What has God approved us to do? According to 1 Thessalonians 2, we have been approved to communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world. Since we have been life of faith, we have a responsibility to be ready in season and out of season to give a reason for the great hope we have. It is an honor and a privilege to be entrusted by the God of the universe with the Gospel.

We (me and YOU) have been approved by God. To do part 7 of A Life of Faith, please click on the link below.

A Life of Faith Part 7, Approved By God


1 Thessalonians A Life of Faith, Part 6: The Blessing of Suffering

DOve JPEG 10 edtGod has given us many blessings, the greatest of which is the gift of life.  We can choose to live a life of selfishness and greed, following after our own desires, or we can live a blessings:  grace, joy, peace, love, fruit, ministry, and yes,  suffering.

At first, it may seem as if suffering and blessing have no point of commonality, but as we shall learn, suffering leads to blessing if we will only trust the Lord.  The present hardship you are experiencing can be re-purposed by God into blessing. Blessing from suffering … what kind of God has that kind of power? The Great I AM.  Living blessing of suffering.

Please click on the link below to down load Part 6 of A Life of Faith.

A Life of Faith, Part 6: The Blessing of Suffering

1 Thessalonians A Life of Faith, Part 5: Sound Forth

DOve JPEG 10 edtI am old enough to remember the thrill of receiving a letter in the mail. I had several pen-pals (“virtual friends” of a bygone era) when I was growing up. I invested heavily in stationary, sealing wax and stamps.

Waiting for the mailman to hand-deliver the mail was an event that marked each day like the ringing of town church bells. I anxiously awaited each delivery, looking for handwritten messages from my frien

Letter 4 jpg

ds. God has also given us a message, a handwritten love letter delivered down through the ages from papyrus to paper. When we read and receive God’s missives, He expects us to sound forth His truths to those around us and to the coming generations. The Good News is a message of hope and salvation for every tribe, tongue and nation. Let His Word sound forth.

To do Part 5 of A Life of Faith, please click on the link below.

A Life of Faith Part 5; Sound Forth



1 Thessalonians A Life of Faith, Part 4: The Name

Welcome to part 4 of 1 Thessalonians: A Life of Faith. I pray God richly blesses you for your diligence to His Holy Word.

Proverbs 22:1 states,  “A good name is is to be desired more than great wealth.”

A good name is very important. Indeed, parents expend great amounts of time and energy in choosing the perfect name for their progeny.  A poorly chosen name can mean a life of frustration for the the one who bears it. Names serve not only as markers of identity, put they become indicators of character as well. Say the name of a well-loved individual and everyone’s face will light with favor. Unfortunately, the opposite is also true; the mention of a bad name produces discord and murmuring.  There is one Name that stands above every other name. At the sound of  The Name, every knee must bow and tongue that Jesus Christ is Lord!

To continue 1 Thessalonians: A Life of Faith, please click on the link below.

A Life of Faith, Part 4: The Name