To-Do List by Mary Kane


I am a list maker. I like to start out my day with a list of tasks I need to complete. I feel great satisfaction in accomplishing and crossing items off my to-do list. God is a list maker as well, the 10 Commandments is perhaps His greatest to-do list.  In 1 Peter 4, God gives us another list: four things to do when we are suffering.

Please take a moment and go before God in prayer. Confess to Him any sin, and ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit. Please read 1 Peter 4:13-16, 19.

In verse 13, what is our first to-do when we are suffering?


How deeply are we to rejoice?


The word for rejoice used in verse 13 is chairo, which means, “to be well, to thrive, to be glad.” It also means, “let the hope of future blessedness bring you joy.” So while we are suffering we must focus forward, knowing God has a great blessing for us. To the extent we have suffered, we will be blessed!

Verse 16 names another suffering to-do. What is it?


The word glorify means “to praise, to honor, to make renowned.” If God wants us to praise Him through our suffering, there must be some thing praiseworthy in our suffering.  If we can’t see anything praise-worthy at the moment, let’s praise by faith.

Verse 18 names two more to-do’s when suffering. Please name them.


We are to trust God is good, and continue to do good. The temptation when suffering is to become self-focused. When our attention is completely riveted on our pain, it intensifies. Doing good brings healing to our souls, encourages others, and glorifies God.

Name one item from the to-do list you will do and how you will accomplish it.


Thank you for joining me today for Bible study!




1 Thessalonians Part 15, A Life of Faith: Operation Sanctification

DOve JPEG 10 edtInsightful  … cute … smart … funny … quixotic!

Think of words you’d use to describe yourself. Would you ever consider describing yourself as a “most holy thing”? Me either, but God does. Because of the cross, we have been washed clean (sanctification) by the blood of Christ. The process of sanctification is not a quick fix. Sanctification continues as long as we continue to draw breath.

Thankfully, we are not responsible for our sanctification. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit work together to wash away every sin and stain. Our sanctification is accomplished by His word, circumstances, prayer, and discipleship. Operation Sanctification … God’s going deep!

To do 1 Thessalonians A Life of Faith, Part 15: Operation Sanctification, please click on the link below.

A Life of Faith, Part 15: Operation Sanctification

Close Bible Study: Ruth Part 2 by Mary Kane

Ruth 2Close Reading method is a popular reading strategy used by teachers in classrooms throughout the United States. Repeated readings and systematic analysis of the text provided by the Close Reading method, greatly impacts the comprehension of the reader. As readers use Close strategies, they are drawn deeply into the text as they mark, diagram and highlight the text in meaningful ways. When readers interact rigorously with the text, comprehension and retention sky rocket.

In part two of the book of Ruth Close Bible Study, we add an additional Close study method–reader generated questions. Today, you have the opportunity to ask and answer your own questions as you study God’s word. If you enjoy doodling as you study, you will love Close Bible study.Gather you Bible, makers, highlighters, and colored pencils and lets dig in!

To download a copy of today’s study, please click on the link below.

Close Bible Study: Ruth Part 2


For additional resources on Close Reading, please access the following  link.

Harvard College Writing Center

Scholastic Close Reading


1 Thessalonians A Life of Faith, Part 14: More and More by Mary Kane

DOve JPEG 10 edtAs Americans, we live in a culture of more, where enough is never enough. We want more money, more house, more car, more technology, and more status. The “next big thing” is still not enough. Americans want more and more. All of this striving for more and more does lead to a net gain of more and more debt more and more stress, more and more aggravation, and more and more dissatisfaction. Seeking more and more of the American Dream leaves us empty, drained, and depressed.

There is one thing, however, we can have more and more of that will not leave us empty– God. The more and more we seek the Kingdom of God the more and more He will bless us and transform us into the image of His Son. God is waiting and longing to pour out more and more of His spirit upon His children so we can minister to the lost and hurting, make disciples of all nations, and bring God great glory.

More and more God … more and more grace, peace, love and righteousness.

To do part 14 of the A Life of Faith, please click on the link below.

1 Thessalonians, Part 14: More and More



For related articles please click on the following links:

The Stuff Monster

Making Room for God

Close Bible Study Podcast: Ruth by Mary Kane

Ruth Close

Show Notes:

Close Reading is a method of reading which became popular in the United States during the New Criticism Movement of the 1930’s-1970’s.  Though dating back to the Roman rhetorician Quintilion, Close Reading method is still widely used in school classrooms today. The repeated readings and systematic analysis of the text provided by the Close Reading method, greatly impact the comprehension of the reader.

When this method of study is applied to the Bible, followers of Christ will also experience greater understanding, comprehension, and application of Biblical concepts. While Close Bible Study may look a little time consuming, I cannot understate the benefits of this type of Bible study. As you dig deeper into Scripture, God will bless you as He continually unfolds His Word.  After a couple of concentrated study sessions using Close Reading practices, you will develop your own modified system of Close Bible Study. The  Close Bible Study markings can be used with any book of the Bible, and in conjunction with any other type of Bible study materials.

If my class of fifth graders can prosper from Close Reading, you can too! I pray you will be greatly blessed by  Close Bible Study. Get your markers, highlighters and colored pencils and let’s begin our study time!

To download  Close Bible Study, Ruth please click on the link below.

Jane and I have also recorded a video tutorial  on how to do a close Bible study. We actually walk through a section of scripture with you, so feel free to watch if you’d like more information.

Here are the downloadable pdf instructions: Close Bible Study: Ruth. Be sure you get these to follow along through the podcast or video.

If you prefer to simply listen, click on this mp3:



1 Thessalonians A Life of Faith, Part 13: Pray and Perfect

9 For what thanks can we render to God for you, for all the joy with which we rejoice for your sake before our God,  10 night and day praying exceedingly that we may see your face and perfect what is lacking in your faith. 1 Thessalonians 3:10

Picture perfectpractice makes perfect. These well-known idioms are part of American culture.  People long for perfection. Perfectionism is a cruel task master, especially when one is … well, …imperfect.  Despite oDOve JPEG 10 edtur flawed condition, we continue to seek perfection. We work, strive, and labor for perfect test scores, perfect teeth, perfect children, the perfect job, the perfect wedding, the perfect vacations,  the perfect house, the perfect outfit, etc.  We try everything except the one thing that will help achieve our goal–prayer. Prayer, however,  helps us not to be perfect, but to be perfected. Biblical perfection is very different from the human idea of perfection.

What does perfection have to do with a life of faith? The Bible does have a good deal to say about perfection,

“Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.” Matthew 5:48

Whew! That sounds like a perfect impossibility until we read,

“I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.” John 17:23


“Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.” Colossians 1:28

God’s plan in for man to be perfected, but Biblical perfection will not be achieved apart from Christ. To learn how to be perfected, please click on the link below.

A Life of Faith, Part 13: Pray and Perfect