Can Aromatherapy Help your Child Sleep?

Getting your children to go to sleep can seem like the impossible dream when you’re stuck in the bedtime battle doldrums. If you’ve given up at ever getting a decent night of sleep again, let me ask you to try one more thing: child-safe aromatherapy solutions.

In this post, we’ll answer the question can aromatherapy help your child sleep, and I’ll also share a few non-aromatherapy tips I used with my own now-grown kids that will help make bedtime a battle-free zone.

Start a Bedtime Routine

Before you break out the lavender oil, it helps to have a bedtime routine in place. My hubby and I started this with our kids when they were just newborns, and we stuck to it the best we could each night. Of course, the first two months with a baby are pretty chaotic, but decide what you want your routine to look like and start working toward it. 

  1. Establish a bed time. Our goal was to have the baby in bed by 8 p.m. Now when we first got home from the hospital with Amber, by the time we all settled down, it was about 10:30 p.m. However, each week it got a little better. When she was around two months old, we were putting her to bed at 8:30 p.m. 
  2. Start planning backward from your chosen time. If you want to put the kids to bed at 8 p.m., then start getting ready at 7 p.m. Toddlers and older kids can help by picking up their toys, getting out their pajamas, getting backpacks ready for school, and so on.
  3. Next comes bath if needed
  4. Read a few bed time stories. Today Amber has a 20-month old, and from the day she and Andrew brought him home from the hospital, reading books became part of their nighttime routine. 
  5. Rocking. After story time, rock the little ones for a few minutes and sing a lullaby.
  6. Prayers. Put them in bed and say prayers.
  7. Hugs and kisses and head out the door, without belaboring this time.

We did this routine every night, so our kids knew what to expect. Overall, it worked well, and for the most part we avoided big battles with the occasional exception. If you’re having lots of problems with behavior, check out this book (affiliate link) by Kevin Leman called Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours. I used it with my kids and found it so helpful. It’s filled with common sense ideas and practical suggestions to use with children from babies to teens.

Aromatherapy for Sleep

Since I became a certified aromatherapist two years ago, I’ve learned how essential oils and other botanical products can help ease a child — and adults — into sleep. Let’s look at a few ideas. Try these one at a time so you can judge what works best for your child.

Take an Aromatherapy Bath

I love hydrosols! If you’re not familiar with them, hydrosols are a byproduct of the distillation process of essential oils. Sometimes they are called “flower waters” or “hydrolats.” They contain a tiny amount of the essential oil along with the water soluble, volatile components of the plant. They are still effective and much gentler than essential oils. Two perfect ones to try with little children are lavender and German chamomile. Remember, never add essential oils straight to the water. They are too strong for children’s (and adult’s) skin. Hydrosols, however, can be added directly to the water.

  • Try this suggestion: add 1 tsp of your chosen hydrosol to an infant bathtub or 2 tsp. of hydrosol added to an adult tub filled with a smaller amount of water suitable for an infant. For children up to 12 years old, add 1 tsp. of hydrosol to the bath water for every year of age up to a maximum of 8 teaspoons.

Add bath herbs.

Another suggestion is to take a good-sized handful of either dried lavender flowers, dried chamomile flowers, or a combination of both, put them in a muslin bag and drop it in the bathtub while the child is bathing,.

Sip warm milk with warming spices and hydrosol.  

Warm up a cup of milk for your child and to that add from 1 tsp to 1 tbsp of hydrosol for children over the age of three. German chamomile is a wonderful hydrosol to use in this recipe. Next add cinnamon and nutmeg into the mixture and stir. Have the child drink about an hour before bed. 

Try an Aromatherapy Massage

Most essential oils are too strong for babies up to six months of age to use every day. A good alternative is to use a body butter infused with chamomile and lavender flowers. It will still contain some of the volatile components of the plant but will be gentle enough for use on a baby. For children over two years of age, you can use an aromatherapy foot cream that contains from about 0.5% to 1% dilution rates of essential oils to cream or carrier oil. For example, add 4 drops lavender and 1 drop German or Roman chamomile to one ounce of cream. 

Make an Aromatherapy Mister

Aromatherapy misters are another option, and they are very easy to make. For school-age children, fill a one-ounce spray bottle with water or lavender hydrosol. To that add 5 drops Roman chamomile, 10 drops lavender, and five drops of mandarin essential oil. Mist in the room as they are dropping off to sleep. For babies over six months, toddlers, and pre-schoolers, fill bottle with lavender hydrosol and add about three drops of essential oil to the bottle then lightly mist in the room.

Try an Aromatherapy Oil Diffuser

A final suggestion is to diffuse essential oil in the child’s room about 20 minutes before bedtime and then shut it off as you leave the room. You may be asking the question, Are aromatherapy diffusers safe for babies? Great question. The answer is yes, when you follow these guidelines:

  • This is safe starting at the age of six months for short periods of time (for a specific reason, like sleeping).  
  • Be sure to use a child safe essential oil like lavender or German or Roman Chamomile.
  • Start with a small number of drops like 2, and adjust accordingly and as the child grows, capping the number at about 10.

Try an Aromatherapy Sleep Pillow

Aromatherapy sleep pillows are easy to make and can be tucked into an older child’s bed pillow or positioned close to the crib of a baby. Typically they are made with sleep-inducing herbs like lavender, chamomile, hops, catnip, and others. My friend and artist Cindy Schultz and I are collaborating on a project of sleep pillows, which she’ll soon be selling. Watch her Instagram feed for more information.

Let’s break the stressful bedtime battles with a sane schedule and some aromatherapy sleep aids to help lull your child to sleep. Let me know if you have any questions. I’ll also leave you with this: What is your favorite tip on getting your children to sleep (aromatherapy or otherwise)? Please share in the comment section below.

By the way, I am available for consultations if you’d like help formulating an aromatherapy or herbal product for your child or yourself.

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As always, all material provided on this website is provided for informational or educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your healthcare professional or physician. Please consult your healthcare professional regarding any physical, mental, or emotional conditions. 

Simply Study: Luke the Christmas Story, Chapter 2

Are you ready to simply study God’s Word?

Happy New Year and welcome to Luke 2, Sessions 1-6 of Simply Study! We pray you will be blessed by the time you simply study God’s Word. During this busy last week of Christmas Break take a little time to finish your study of the Christmas story. In Chapter 2 of Luke, we meet two often forgotten members of the Christmas story, Anna and Simeon. Like Anna and Simeon, I want to leave a legacy of a life well lived, looking for Jesus!

Simply Study daily Bible study contains the following simple pieces:

  • Simply read Repeated readings will help you meditate on truths of God’s word.
  • Simply mark Let loose your creative side as you simply mark the daily scripture reading passage.
  • Simply answer Look back in the scripture to answer questions about the text.
  • Simply reflect Consider what God is speaking to your heart and record your thoughts.
  • Simply act Become a doer of the word as you decide how to apply what you have learned.

Note: This Simply Study Bible study will only cover the Christmas chapters of the book of Luke, not the whole book.


Simply Study, Luke Chapter 2, Sessions 1-6

Simply Study Luke Chapter 1, Sessions 1-5


Merry Christmas!

All rights reserved. Copyright 2019

Simply Study: The Christmas Story, Week 1, Sessions 1-5

Are you ready to simply study God’s Word?

Merry Christmas and welcome to Luke 1, Sessions 1-5 of Simply Study! We pray you will be blessed by the time you simply study God’s Word. During this busy last week before Christmas God asks us magnify and rejoice in Him as we wait for His deliverance. This updated link contains the rest of the Bible study sessions for week 1, plus sessions one and two.

Simply Study daily Bible study contains the following simple pieces:

  • Simply read Repeated readings will help you meditate on truths of God’s word.
  • Simply mark Let loose your creative side as you simply mark the daily scripture reading passage.
  • Simply answer Look back in the scripture to answer questions about the text.
  • Simply reflect Consider what God is speaking to your heart and record your thoughts.
  • Simply act Become a doer of the word as you decide how to apply what you have learned.

Note: This Simply Study Bible study will only cover the Christmas chapters of the book of Luke, not the whole book.

Simply Study Week 1, Sessions 1-5


Merry Christmas!

All rights reserved. Copyright 2018

Simply Study: Luke, Session 1

Are you ready to simply study God’s Word?

Merry Christmas and welcome to Luke, Session 1 of Simply Study! We pray you will be blessed by the time you simply study God’s Word. During this busy last week before Christmas God asks us to trust Him with the impossible. Impossible relationships, impossible challenges, impossible obstacles. All things are possible with God.

Simply Study daily Bible study contains the following simple pieces:

  • Simply read Repeated readings will help you meditate on truths of God’s word.
  • Simply mark Let loose your creative side as you simply mark the daily scripture reading passage.
  • Simply answer Look back in the scripture to answer questions about the text.
  • Simply reflect Consider what God is speaking to your heart and record your thoughts.
  • Simply act Become a doer of the word as you decide how to apply what you have learned.

Note: This Simply Study Bible study will only cover the Christmas chapters of the book of Luke, not the whole book.

Please click on the following link to start your fist day of the Christmas study of  the book of Luke.

Check back tomorrow morning for the next session!

Simply Study, Luke Session 1 


Merry Christmas!

All rights reserved. Copyright 2018

Circle or Soar?

I saw them circling. Relentlessly wheeling, turning, grinding ruts in the sky. Vultures. Birds of prey, snatching at life. Ebony feathers tracing, ever tracing, paths in the clouds. Never progressing, yet always present. It’s what they do year in and year out.

I have some circumstances like that in my life.

Circling. Relentlessly wheeling in my mind, grinding ruts in my heart. Preying on my joy, snatching at my peace. Season upon season. Always, always, circling, ever present. Will I ever be free?

But something else caught my attention.

High above the ebony feathers, I saw it soaring, maneuvering, gliding. Flying with an eye to go higher. It didn’t engage the vultures below. It didn’t get tangled in their fruitless circling. In the presence of the death birds, the eagle spread it wings cut the sky with skill and grace.

I heard God’s message to me.

Fly above it. Don’t engage in fruitless entanglements. Keep my eye on my higher calling. Always follow my Jesus. Leave the vultures to their circling and soar on eagles wings to my Father. Amen and Amen.

Is it at your command that the eagle mounts up and makes his nest on high? On the rock he dwells and makes his home, on the rocky crag and stronghold. Job 39:27-28

What is God calling you to leave behind and rise up on wings like an eagle? Leave me a comment below; I’d love to hear from you.

All rights reserved. Copyright 2018


The truth about true love

I have always thought of love as a beautiful, lovely, emotional experience that begins in the heart and ends with I do. And I love that part of love, bouquets of roses, sweets for the sweet, perfume, a lovely dress, a midnight supper, and whispered words. The greatest expression of love however looks quite different.

True truth about love

It starts with the heart and ends with a cross. Blood, agony, nails. Not roses but thorns. Not midnight supper, but last supper. Instead of a lovely dress, garments stripped and gambled. Whispered words become cries of pain. Why have you forsaken me? And God shows us what true love is. A decision of the mind and pours out through the heart. Raw and bare for the world to see,

because God so loved the world.

The truth about true love is there is no love without pain, sacrifice, or loss. But in the sacrifice we are blessed, in the loss we receive and in the pain we are healed.

Help me Lord Jesus to so love my husband, to so love my children, and to so love my world, my teachers, my students, and my school families. Help me to so love beyond the beautiful into the depths of true love. Amen.

 “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8:

Thank you, Holy Father. Amen.

By Mary Kay Kane

copyright 2018. all rights reserved.