Walk Like an Ephesian Part 6: The Mystery by Mary Kane

ID-100146886Nancy Drew, Sherlock Holmes, and Miss Marple are some of our most beloved fictional detectives. Everyone enjoys a good mystery! God is also fond of a good mystery! To unlock the mystery of Ephesians chapter 3 , please click on the link:  The Mystery


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Walk Like an Ephesian Part 5: Citizens by Mary Kane

ID-1006497“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

This famous quote by by Emma Lazarus is on the Statue of Liberty. Everyone is welcome to find a better life in the United States. Jesus extends the same invitation–Come, find a better life by becoming a citizen of the Kingdom of God. To do Ephesians Part 5, please click on the link.


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Walk Like an Ephesian, Part 4: 1 + 1 = 1 by Mary Kane

ID-100171417Reading, writing and ‘rithmetic are very important to a well-rounded education. Ask any kindergarten student and they will tell you that 1 + 1 =2. But is that axiom always true? God’s Word states that 1 + 1 = 1. How is that possible? Only by the blood of Christ. To do part 4 of Walk Like an Ephesian, please click on the link.



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Walk Like an Ephesian Part 3: A Matter of Life or Death by Mary Kane

ID-10035344Sickness, disease, and  poverty are very significant concerns, but nothing is more important than the issue of salvation. We could even say that salvation is a matter of Life or Death. To do the study, please click on the link.




To dig a little deeper, please watch the video below!

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Walk Like an Ephesian Part 2: The Body of Christ by Mary Kane

ID-100104375Too tall, too short, too skinny, too heavy. Body. We are all concerned about our body image. There is one body that we all need to focus on-the body of Christ. To do The Body of Christ, please click on the link!




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To dig a little deeper into your study of Ephesians, please click on the video below:



Walk Like an Ephesian, Part 1 by Mary Kane

ID-100184000Often I have heard young people state, “I need to find out who I am.” If you are in Christ Jesus, He saves the time and effort by telling you the truth about who you truly are. To do the study, Ephesians 1: I Am, please click on the link.





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To dig a little deeper in your study, please watch the following video about some of the spiritual blessing we have in Christ: