One-Week Workout! Book of James: Day 2

Welcome to Day Two of One-Week Workout! Yesterday forty people visited  One-Week Workout! Day One! Please pray for each other as we study together. If you’d like to interact on our private Faith & Fit Facebook page please leave you name in the Speak Your Mind section at the bottom of this page.

Gather your Bible, pen, and notebook. Remember, each day do the provided Bible study work and a workout on the post page, or an exercise routine of your own. As always please check with your doctor before starting any new exercise program. Jane and I are praying for you to grow stronger spiritually and physically. Let’s get going!


 Bible Study:

To do Day Two Bible study,  just click on the link!

One-Week Workout! Bible Study: Day Two


 Workout Options:

Easy  2 Mile Walking Workout

Intermediate 3 Mile Walking Workout

Advanced  4 Mile Walking Workout


Extra Challenge with Coach Dan!

Do you want a little extra challenge? Join Coach Dan of Let’s Go Fitness for a quick workout!

One-Week Workout! Book of James: Day 1

Welcome to Day One of One-Week Workout! One-Week Workout! is a one-week daily Bible study designed to challenge you spiritually and physically. To do One-Week Work Out! you need a Bible, pen and notebook. Each day you do the provided Bible study work and a workout on the post page, or an exercise routine of your own. As always please check with your doctor before starting any new exercise program. Jane and I are praying for you to grow stronger spiritually and physically. Let’s get going!


 Bible Study:

To do Day One Bible study, just click on the link below!

One-Week Workout! Bible Study: Day One


 Workout Options:

Easy  2 Mile Walking Workout

Intermediate 3 Mile Walking Workout

Advanced  4 Mile Walking Workout


Extra Challenge with Coach Dan!

Do you want a little extra challenge? Join Coach Dan of Let’s Go Fitness for a quick workout!

Unlikely Heroes: Gideon

ID-100125802Superman … Batman … Wonder Woman. How would you describe your favorite super hero? Would you choose the words weak, fearful or least? Probably not! Yet these words are used to describe one of the great heroes of the Bible. Gideon is a hero–a very unlikely hero. To do the study Unlikely Heroes: Gideon, please click on the link.


Image courtesy of  Jeroen van Oostrom/

Faith & Fit: Week 3, Lesson 2

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We are so glad you are back for Week 3, Lesson 2 of Faith & Fit, Make it Moderate! Let us encourage you to persevere. Keep studying, and moving. You are storing up treasure in heaven where neither moth or rust can destroy. You are establishing healthy habits. Don’t give up; Jesus is walking with you every step of the way! Listed below is your Faith & Fit work for today. Please click on the links or the play buttons to access each resource. Remember to leave a comment about your experience at the Speak Your Mind section at the bottom of the page. In Christ, we can grow stronger. Let’s do it!


Everyday Faith Teaching Video:

Everyday Faith Bible Study:

Click on the link below to access the Week 3, Lesson 2 Bible Study.

Week Three, Lesson 2 Bible Study





Everyday Fit Physical Challenge:

Beginner Level: Today make it your goal to walk for 1.5 – 2 miles. Walk at a pace that you are comfortable with and that you are still able to carry on a conversation. How are you feeling on your walks? Has anyone tried an indoor waking video yet?As always, check with your doctor before beginning any physical workout to be sure you are up for the challenge! For those of you who are interested in burning more belly fat while you’re walking, here’s an interesting plan from Prevention Magazine that you can download if you’d like to.

Experienced Level: Today make it your goal to walk or ride your bike for 45 minutes. Walk or ride at a pace you are comfortable with and that your are able to carry on a conversation. By the end of your walk/ride you should be sweaty and tired but not exhausted. As always, check with your doctor before beginning any physical workout to be sure you are up for the challenge! Let’s do Lower Body Focus Day Three with Coach Dan!


Rainy Day? Too hot? No worries! click on the link below for a great indoor workout with Leslie Sansone!


Five Fast Miles!



Everyday Fit Food Challenge:

Make it Moderate:

Earlier this week, we talked about portion sizes and to make sure we check the food labels so that we know how much an actual portion size is. I discovered that often times, I am eating 1.5 to 2 times what one serving is according to the label. That makes a big difference if you’re counting calories!

Today I would like us to discuss how to moderately eat our favorite foods. The point of Faith & Fit is not to totally give up our favorite foods, unless we are eating something that is absolutely contributing to bad health, but to learn how to control what we eat. For example, perhaps ice cream is your favorite food in the world. We don’t expect you to give that up, just control how you eat it. There are several ways you can do this:

  1. Eat a smaller portion size than what you usually eat. If you fill up the bowl to the top with your ice cream, then fill it up part way, or choose a smaller bowl and still fill it up. Use a smaller dinner plate so that you’re eating a lesser amount of food.
  2. Eat your favorite food on fewer days of the week. If you normally eat ice cream every day, then start scaling back by  eating it on just the even days.
  3. Choose a simpler treat. Perhaps you get the super duper sundae when you go to the ice cream parlor. Try scaling back to a dish with just the ice cream or get a plain cone instead. Also, eat it s-l-o-w-l-y and savor it. Too often we Americans gulp our food. I’ll be talking about mindful eating more in an upcoming week.
  4. Try using a calendar to help you eat treats in moderation. Post a small calendar on your refrigerator (I found a small blank magnetized calendar at Walmart or Target). Each week consider what your activities/events are. If you have a birthday, holiday, meal out with friends where you know you will be heavily enjoying your favorite foods, put a check on that day(s). Once you’ve done that, look at your entire week. How many checks do you have on the calendar? If you have several, then you can plan to not eat treats/eat lesser amounts on the open days. You may even want to put an X through the open days on the calendar to help you stay on track.

If you’re using My Fitness Pal that we talked about in Week 1 to track your food,  just the very act of having to log your favorite foods and watching the calories add up can be a deterrent to eating them.


Extra Faith:

Need a little extra spiritual challenge added to your day? Take advantage of the following resources!

 The Spiritual Discipline of Silence and Solitude. I recorded this podcast a few years ago with Pastor Ron Stohler of Grace Church in Noblesville, Indiana. It’s a wonderful resource packed with information.


Extra Fit

Need an extra challenge? Get your abs in shape with Team Beachbody Coach and Founder of Team Let’s Go Fitness at Dan Vukmirovich. Dan’s videos are short, effective and productive! Let’s go!


Please feel free to share any of your moderation tips, workouts, encouragement, prayer requests, etc., on our Faith & Fit Facebook page and/or in the comment section below. Have a blessed day!

Faith & Fit: Week 2, Lesson 2 Sans Sugar

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We are so glad you are back for Week 2, Lesson 2 of Faith & Fit: Sans Sugar. Let us encourage you to persevere! Keep studying, and moving. You are laying up treasure in heaven where neither moth or rust can destroy and establishing healthy habits. Don’t give up! Jesus is walking with you every step of the way. Listed below is your Faith & Fit work for today. Please click on the links or the play buttons to access each resource. Remember to leave a comment about your experience in the Speak Your Mind section at the bottom of the page. In Christ, we can grow stronger. Let’s do it!


Everyday Faith Teaching Video:

Everyday Faith Scripture Reading:

To access Everyday Faith Day Week 2, Lesson 2 Bible study, please click the link below!

Week 2, Lesson 2 Bible Study


Everyday Fit Physical Challenge:

Beginner Level: Today make it your goal to walk for 1 mile. Walk at a pace that you are comfortable with and that you are still able to carry on a conversation. As always, check with your doctor before beginning any physical workout to be sure you are up for the challenge! For more information please read the following article on how to begin a walking program: Walking Program.

Do you want an indoor video for today? This one-mile walk with Leslie Sanson will challenge you!

Walk N’ Tone With Leslie Sansone

Experienced Level: Today make it your goal to walk or ride your bike for 45 minutes. Walk or ride at a pace you are comfortable with and that your are able to carry on a conversation. By the end of your walk/ride you should be sweaty and tired but not exhausted. As always, check with your doctor before beginning any physical workout to be sure you are up for the challenge! Let’s join Coach Dan for Day Two of Lower Body Focus!


Rainy Day? Too hot? No worries! click on the link below for a great indoor workout with Leslie Sansone!


Five Fast Miles!



Everyday Fit Food Challenge:

Sans Sugar:

Earlier this week, we started talking about the harmful effects of sugar. We continue that topic with an article by Dr. Sears who explains the damage that excess sugar can cause to children.

Here’s a possible menu that I curated from several sources.

Breakfast : Frittatinis – Try making the night before for breakfast for the fam! (This would also work for lunch or dinner too.) This comes from Sara Wilson’s I Quit Sugar blog.

Lunch: Grilled Parmeson Tomatoes. This is from Dr. Perlmutter’s Grain Brain Cookbook that we featured in our Week 2, Lesson 1 post. See the recommended reading section.

Dinner: Grass-fed Beef Stew in Crockpot. This is also from Dr. Perlmutter’s Grain Brain Cookbook.


W@, L@Extra Faith:

Need a little extra spiritual challenge added to your day? This week we’ve been talking about a gentle, quiet spirit. Today we’ll continue that with a podcast recorded with Lysa TerKeurst (of Proverbs 31 ministry) on Family Life Today with Dennis Rainey called Imperfect Progress.


W@, L@Extra Fit

Need an extra challenge? Get your abs in shape with Team Beachbody Coach and Founder of Team Let’s Go Fitness at Dan Vukmirovich. Dan’s videos are short, effective and productive! Let’s go!

Don’t forget to post below or on our Facebook page any questions, workout information, recipes, prayer requests, and encouragement to others.

Blessings and congratulations on Week 2, Lesson 2!

Faith & Fit: Week 5, Lesson 1

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We are so glad you are back for Week 5, Lesson 1 of Faith & Fit: Water Week. You have made great progress! If you have a few sore muscles take a day off if needed from the Physical Challenge. Remember, hardship means growth. Fight the good fight and finish your race! Listed below is your Faith & Fit work for today. Please click on the links or the play buttons to access each resource. Remember to leave a comment about your experience at the Speak Your Mind section at the bottom of the page. In Christ, we can grow stronger.  Let’s do it!


Everyday Faith Teaching Video:

Everyday Faith Scripture Reading:


I apologize for for the mix up on the Week 4, Lesson 2 Bible study. Week 4 Lesson 2 is under today’s Bible study link. Please click on the link below to access Everyday Faith Bible Study:

                               Week 5, Lesson 1 Bible Study


Everyday Fit Physical Challenge:



Beginner Level: Today make it your goal to walk for 1.5-2 miles. Walk at a pace that you are comfortable with and that you are still able to carry on a conversation. If you want to switch it up a bit, try riding your bike for 2 miles. As always, check with your doctor before beginning any physical workout to be sure you are up for the challenge! For more information, please read the following article on how to begin a walking program: Walking Program

Experienced Level: Today make it your goal to walk or ride your bike for 45 minutes. Walk or ride at a pace you are comfortable with and that your are able to carry on a conversation. By the end of your walk/ride you should be sweaty and tired but not exhausted. As always, check with your doctor before beginning any physical workout to be sure you are up for the challenge! Let’s continue push-ups with Coach Dan!


Rainy day? Don’t worry! Click on the link below for a great challenging indoor work out with Leslie Sansone!


4 Fast Miles!



Everyday Fit Food Challenge:

Water Week:

Today we want to be aware of how much water we are drinking. If you’re like me, it’s easy to get lost in your day and forget to take a water break as the hours pass by. However, we all know how important drinking water is. Every system in our body depends on water. According to this excellent article by the Mayo Clinic, Water: How Much Should You Drink Every Day? everyone’s needs for water differ. “You may need to modify your total fluid intake depending on how active you are, the climate you live in, your health status, and if you’re pregnant or breast-feeding,” states the article.

Mary is very good about getting her water in each day. She packs a large water bottle for school every morning and makes sure she finishes it by the end of the day. Do you have any tips to share that help you remember to keep yourself hydrated? Please share them on our Facebook page or at the bottom of this post.

Here is my tip: I love to add a slice of lemon to my water. It makes it seem extra refreshing. In addition to that, in the summer I snip a few sprigs of mint from my herb plants and add them to my water. Mint really gives the water a zing. Here are some fun Pinterest water recipes that I can’t wait to try.

Recommended Reading: Hearing God by Dallas Willard

835690: Hearing God: Developing a Conversational Relationship with God Hearing God: Developing a Conversational Relationship with GodBy Dallas Willard / Inter-Varsity Press


Extra Faith:

Need a little extra spiritual challenge added to your day? Take advantage of the following resources!

 Joyce Meyer Anatomy of a Habit Part 2

Extra Fit

Need an extra challenge? Get your abs in shape with Team Beachbody Coach and Founder of Team Let’s Go Fitness at Dan Vukmirovich. Dan’s videos are short, effective and productive! Let’s go!

You are doing great! You have made it to Week 5. Keep up the good work and share what you’ve been learning so far.