Scripturegraphics: James by Mary Kane

James graphicPeople have different learning styles; some learn by hearing, some learn by doing, and others learn by seeing. Scripturegraphics help you to see on paper what you are learning from Scripture, enabling you to take the information from the eye, to the brain, to the heart. Jane and I hope you benefit from this new Bible study format and love it as much as we do! To do the Scripturegraphic study please click on the link :

Scripturegraphics: James


One-Week Workout! Book of James: Day 7

One Week Day 7 Header

Welcome to Day Seven of One-Week Workout! Good job–you made it to the last day! Jane and I are praying for you to continue to grow stronger spiritually and physically and to reap a harvest from your work this week. In September we are offering a six-week version of Faith & Fit with a weekly online live call. In addition you will be able to take advantage of  the following:

  • Everyday Fit Food Challenges, Everyday Faith Scripture Readings
  • Everyday Faith Teaching Videos, Everyday Fit Physical Challenges
  • Extra Fit Challenges with Coach Dan
  • Extra Faith activities including Bible studies, blogs and podcasts

We look forward to seeing you in the fall. In the meantime, please continue to check in at to acces our blog, Bible studies and podcasts. We post fresh content every week. Let’s go!


 Bible Study:

To do the Day Seven Bible study, just click on the link!

One-Week Workout! Bible Study: Day Seven


 Workout Options:

Easy  2 Mile Walking Workout

Intermediate 3 Mile Walking Workout

Advanced  4 Mile Walking Workout


Extra Challenge with Coach Dan!

Do you want a little extra challenge? Join Coach Dan of Let’s Go Fitness for a quick workout!

One-Week Workout! Book of James: Day 6

Day Six One-Week pdfWelcome to Day Six of One-Week Workout! Give your self another pat on the back for making it to Day Six! Your diligence and perseverance will bring you many blessings. Jane and I continue to pray for you to grow stronger spiritually and physically. Exercise is good for the body and the spirit. Let’s get going!


 Bible Study:

To do the Day Six Bible study, just click on the link!

One-Week Workout! Bible Study: Day Six

 Workout Options:

Easy  2 Mile Walking Workout

Intermediate 3 Mile Walking Workout

Advanced  4 Mile Walking Workout


Extra Challenge with Coach Dan!

Do you want a little extra challenge? Join Coach Dan of Let’s Go Fitness for a quick workout!

One-Week Workout! Book of James: Day 5

Day 5 Header

Welcome to Day Five of One-Week Workout!  God has great blessings in store for you today! Jane and I are praying for you to grow stronger spiritually and physically. Today let’s humble ourselves before the Lord so He will lift us up.  Get your Bible, pen and notebook and let’s get going!


 Bible Study:

To do the Day Five Bible study, just click on the link!

One-Week Workout! Bible Study: Day Five



 Workout Options:

Easy  2 Mile Walking Workout

Intermediate 3 Mile Walking Workout

Advanced  4 Mile Walking Workout


Extra Challenge with Coach Dan!

Do you want a little extra challenge? Join Coach Dan of Let’s Go Fitness for a quick workout!

One-Week Workout! Book of James: Day 4

Day 4 Header

Welcome to Day Four of One-Week Workout! Give yourself a pat on the back for your hard work! We had 44 people do Bible study yesterday. Remember to pray for each other! Gather your Bible, pen, notebook and slip on your tennis shoes. Jane and I are praying for you to use your tongue to  bring God’s blessings into your life and the lives of others. Let’s get going!


 Bible Study:

To do the Day Four Bible study, just click on the link!

One-Week Workout! Bible Study: Day Four


 Workout Options:

Easy  2 Mile Walking Workout

Intermediate 3 Mile Walking Workout

Advanced  4 Mile Walking Workout


Extra Challenge with Coach Dan!

Do you want a little extra challenge? Join Coach Dan of Let’s Go Fitness for a quick workout!

One-Week Workout! Book of James: Day 3

One-week Workout Day 3 Header

Welcome to Day Three of One-Week Workout! Gather your Bible, pen, notebook and slip on your tennis shoes. Jane and I are praying for you to let your faith shine through  your good works. Be sure to comment on your progress down below at the Speak Your Mind section. Let’s get going!


 Bible Study:

To do Day Three Bible study, just click on the link!

One-Week Workout! Bible Study: Day Three



 Workout Options:

Easy  2 Mile Walking Workout

Intermediate 3 Mile Walking Workout

Advanced  4 Mile Walking Workout


Extra Challenge with Coach Dan!

Do you want a little extra challenge? Join Coach Dan of Let’s Go Fitness for a quick workout!