Close Bible Study Podcast: Ruth by Mary Kane

Ruth Close

Show Notes:

Close Reading is a method of reading which became popular in the United States during the New Criticism Movement of the 1930’s-1970’s.  Though dating back to the Roman rhetorician Quintilion, Close Reading method is still widely used in school classrooms today. The repeated readings and systematic analysis of the text provided by the Close Reading method, greatly impact the comprehension of the reader.

When this method of study is applied to the Bible, followers of Christ will also experience greater understanding, comprehension, and application of Biblical concepts. While Close Bible Study may look a little time consuming, I cannot understate the benefits of this type of Bible study. As you dig deeper into Scripture, God will bless you as He continually unfolds His Word.  After a couple of concentrated study sessions using Close Reading practices, you will develop your own modified system of Close Bible Study. The  Close Bible Study markings can be used with any book of the Bible, and in conjunction with any other type of Bible study materials.

If my class of fifth graders can prosper from Close Reading, you can too! I pray you will be greatly blessed by  Close Bible Study. Get your markers, highlighters and colored pencils and let’s begin our study time!

To download  Close Bible Study, Ruth please click on the link below.

Jane and I have also recorded a video tutorial  on how to do a close Bible study. We actually walk through a section of scripture with you, so feel free to watch if you’d like more information.

Here are the downloadable pdf instructions: Close Bible Study: Ruth. Be sure you get these to follow along through the podcast or video.

If you prefer to simply listen, click on this mp3:



1 Thessalonians A Life of Faith, Part 9: Walk Worthy

“… as you know how we exhorted, and comforted, and charged every one of you, as a father does his own children,  that you would walk worthy of God who calls you into His own kingdom and glory. “

1 Thessalonians 1:11-12   

DOve JPEG 10 edtWalking is the oldest mode of transportation known to mankind. Before the wheel, the horse and buggy, and the car, mankind walked. There is something very satisfying, and very thought provoking about walking. Walking provides time to meditate, reflect and pray about problems, challenges and plans.

Walk is the term God uses to describe our relationship with Him …  a walk with us every step of our journey.

As a runner, I know it is important not just to run a race, but to run well. The same applies to ourwalk worthy of the Lord? Does the phrase walk worthy refer to training, style, techniques and form or is it really a matter of the heart?

To continue your study in 1 Thessalonians, A Life of Faith, please click on the link below.

A Life of Faith, Part 9: Walk Worthy

Bible Journal-graphic: 3-2-1 Go! by Mary Kane

321We live in busy times. Modern conveniences are meant to decrease our workload, but in reality the opposite has proven true. Instead of wash on Monday, iron on Tuesday, mend on Wednesday … we can now accomplish all those tasks before ten a.m. and still make it to the gym before lunch.

Sometimes, because of unforeseen circumstances, (little children, grown children, accidents) we don’t have time for our usual Bible study. Bible Journal-graphic: 3-2-1 Go! is the perfect answer!

Get your Bible, run a copy of Bible Journal-graphic: 3-2-1 Go! helps to organize your  Bible study when you are short on time.

To get your copy of 3-2-1 Go!, please click on the link below!

Bible Journal-graphic:3-2-1 Go!


Bible Journal-Graphics:What’s the Big Idea? by Mary Kane

Sometimes we all need a a little help organizing our thoughts …  especially when we are doing Bible study. Writing our thoughts on paper helps us to process them; it’s the difference from “in one ear and out the other” or planting  Bible truths  deep in our heart.

Try our latest Bible Study Journal-graphics page, What’s the Big Idea? Use this graphic organizer to analyze the text, identify the main idea of a passage of Scripture, and draw out meaningful details from specific verses. You will love the  insights you’ll discover as you dig into God’s Word!

Bible Study Journal-graphics make a great companion to any Bible study series. You can also use them to record God’s messages to you as you study straight from the Bible. Your small group, discipleship training class or prayer conference will also benefit from this unique study tool.

Download  Bible Study Journal-graphics by clicking on the link  below. Be sure to make  fresh copies for each day of the week.  Please  share this graphic organizer with your church family, small group or youth group. You can also share them at your next Bible study meeting or Sunday school class. Enjoy!

What’s the Big Idea?

Let us know how you like using Bible Study Journal-graphics in the Speak Your Mind section below.

Scripturegraphic Bible Study, James: Part 1, Trials to Joy

James 1 Scripturegraph correct jpegTrials, hardships, challenges are a part of everyday life. Usually we are glad if we just survive them. The Bible, however, takes a different view concerning trials … we are to count them as joy. How is this possible? What good could possibly result from a trial? Study the Scripturegraph (a biblical infographic) to discover why we can count every trial as joy.

Scripturegraph: Trials to Joy

Scripturegraphics: Colossians by Mary Kane

People have different learning styles; some learn by hearing, some learn by doing, and others learn by seeing. Scripturegraphics Bible Studies help you to see on paper what you are learning from your Bible, enabling you to take the information from the eye, to the brain, to the heart. Study the Scripturegraphic, read the text, and do the study questions. We hope you benefit from this new Bible study format.

To do Scripturegraphics: Colossians, please click on the link below.



Scripturegraphics: Colossians