Mine by Mary Kane

How content are you with your life? How can we be content with what we have when so many people around us have so much more than we do? To find the answer click on the link!

I Wish I May by Mary Kane




“I am a praying woman. I wish I could say that I’ve always been that way. I wish I could say that I’ve spent hours in prayer everyday.” To do the Bible study “I Wish I May” please click on the link!



An Hour of Prayer by Mary Kane

What is the longest amount of time that you’ve spent in prayer? Amazing things can happen when God’s people pray! Click on the link to find out how God will use your prayers!

All by Myself by Mary Kane

Is my lack of rest really a lack of trust?

Woman writingPeace. Quiet. Solitude. Everybody needs a little time by themselves. Jesus calls us to rest in Him. For me being able to rest in God is not really a matter of reducing over commitment, or busyness. I guard my schedule carefully and plan regular periods of alone time with God. Rather, the Spirit showed me that resting is an issue of trust. I thought this concept over in light of my current battle with unrest, and I knew God was right. I need to trust God with the next step in my walk with Him. When I trust God with my past, my present and my future, then I am able to rest by myself in His Holy Presence.

To do the Bible study, please click on the link :

All By Myself

“Image courtesy of anakkml / FreeDigitalPhotos.net”


For Unto Us a Son is Given by Mary Kane

SunlightJesus is the Light of the World and has redeemed us from the darkness.We are new creatures in Christ Jesus. Because of His mighty grace and power we’ve been given a second chance at life.

It is heartening to know that when Jesus comes into our lives, He changes everything; He can make us exactly opposite of what we used to be. Darkness becomes light, weakness becomes strength and fear becomes courage. When Jesus comes into our lives, we are changed into what God had always intended us to be and He receives all the glory! Think of what you perceive to be your worst fault. Know that God is able to change your worst fault into your greatest strength.

Jesus did not redeem us and leave us  to finish living life by ourselves; He wants us to walk closely with Him.  To learn how to walk closely with Jesus please click on the link.

“Image courtesy of pakorn/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net

For Unto Us a Son is Given



Working and Resting by Mary Kane

Children, career, bills, chores, aging parents, car repairs, grading papers, play rehearsals, grocery shopping …

I need to rest.

peaceJesus is calling us to come to Him to learn about the proper balance between working and resting. We all know that we need to let Jesus teach about how to properly use our gifts to work for the kingdom. But, Jesus is also very concerned about teaching us how to rest! Who in the 21st century needs a lesson in resting? We all do!

“Come to me all who labor and are heavy burdened and find rest for your souls.” Does anyone need a little rest?

To download an easily printable version of Working and Resting please click on the link.

Image courtesy of pat138241/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net