The Winds of Change by Mary Kane

The winds of March are blowing in the Midwest, which usually means that spring will soon be here! Spring brings thoughts of renewal and change! Is it possible that the Winds of Change could bring a new season to your life this March? To do the study,  just click on the link!

Treasure and Pearls by Mary Kane

Treasure! The very word brings to mind gold, silver, jewels and coins. God’s Word has a few things to say about treasures! To do the study Treasure and Pearls,  just click on the link!

Following Jesus by Mary Kane

Probably everyone has played the childhood game “Follow the Leader.” It was fun to follow the leader through hill and dale, over fences and under bridges. People are still looking for someone to follow. Where you end up in life will depend on who you are following. Choose wisely! To do the study Follow the Leader,  just click on the link!

‘Fraid Not! by Mary Kane

Spiders…mice…dark alleys…things that go bump in the night! If we are honest with ourselves, we all have fears. But the Bible says we need only fear one thing! To find out what we should fear, please click on the link! “Fraid Not!”

The Parables: The Black Sheep by Mary Kane

Have you ever wandered far from God? I know I have. God’s Word says that we all, like sheep, have gone astray. Thankfully, the Good Shepherd is ready to carry us home! All are welcome! To do the study “Black Sheep” just click on the link!

His Word by Mary Kane

Have you ever wondered why you sould devote yourself to the study of God’s Holy Word? God promises that the study of His Word will bring many blessings to your life! To learn what some of these blessings are please click on the link! His Word.