You are What You Speak by Mary Kane

“Whatever is on the heart will spill out on the tongue.” I have found this bit of wisdom to be very true! The Bible intructs us to carefully guard what we allow to reside in our hearts because our hearts affect our character and behavior. To do the study You are What You Speak, just click on the link!

Photo by Michelle Meiklejohn Rest Time

The Parables: The Mustard Seed by Mary Kane

Jesus used many everyday objects to illustrate important truths to His disciples; fish, bread, water…even mustard! To do the Bible study The Mustard Seed, just click on the link!




Photo by Michelle Meiklejohn Six Spices

The Blessing of Affliction by Mary Kane

During these troubled times, many people are facing trials and hardships. While this season of life may be difficult and painful, God promises to use it for your good. To do the study The Blessing of Affliction, just click on the link!

Apples and Grapes by Boaz Yiftach

Following Jesus by Mary Kane

With a couple of simple words, “Follow Me,” the lives of a few fishermen were changed forever. Jesus still uses these simple words today to call all who are willing to follow Him. To do the study, Following Jesus, just click on the link! 

Photo by Engeni Dinev Sunbeams in the Mouintains

In the Wilderness by Mary Kane

Do you like to wander in the wilderness? At times God calls us to meet with Him in the wilderness, at other times our enemies may cause us to seek shelter there. Whatever the  reason we may end up in the wilderness, God wants us to know that He is there, leading us every step of the way, if we will only follow Him! To do the study In the Wilderness, just click on the link!

The Outcasts: One Touch by Mary Kane

Who doesn’t love a good back scratch or massage every now and then? Sometimes a quick hug can greatly encourage someone who is struggling with a trial. Even better than the touch of a friend is the touch of our Savior! To do the Bible study, One Touch, just click on the link!