For the Good by Mary Kane

Suffering is all around us. Every one seems to be going through hard times. Lost jobs, broken relationships, bank forclosures… but God has promised that He will use all things for our good. All things? Can we believe Him for this promise? To find the truth concerning trials, please click on the link, For the Good.





Image: Tom Curtis /

Take 5! Hope and Trust by Mary Kane

When the chips are down, in what do you place your trust? Money, friends, brains? God’s Word tells us that if we place our trust in anything But Him we’ll end up looking foolish in the end. To do the study “Hope and Trust,” please click on the link!

Image: Nutdanai Apikhomboonwaroot /


Pitch a Tent by Mary Kane

For modern day technology-loving Americans, the very word tent can cause tremors of fear and visions of discomfort. When I think of tents my mind conjures images of memorable vacations with family and friends.  While we did not have a lot of privacy while vacationing in a tent, we did have a lot of togetherness.  Togetherness is exactly what God had in mind when He sent his Son to tabernacle (tent) among us. To do the study “Pitch a Tent,” please click on the link!

Image: think4photop /


Walls of Protection by Mary Kane

Boundaries. We all need them. But what do we do when we realize that we’ve let our walls of protection fall into disrepair? To do the study “Walls of Protection,” just click on the link!

Image: kai4107 /


Paths by Mary Kane

Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved to follow twisty, turny paths through the woods. Who knew what great adventure could be just beyond the next turn? The Bible compares our lives to paths. In order to follow Jesus, we must follow the path He made for us two thousand years ago. To do the study “Paths,” please click on the link!

Image: Simon Howden /

A Penny Saved by Mary Kane

Do you pick up coins when you spot them on the ground? Would you stop to pick up a single penny? After all, “A penny saved is a penny earned.” Jesus used a parable about a penny to teach His followers an important lesson. To do the study A Penny Saved,  just click on the link!


Photo Euros, Cash and Coins by Stuart Miles