Perfect by Mary Kane

images-1Picture perfectpractice makes perfect… as humans we seek perfection, but is it possible for a man or a woman to be perfect? What does God say about perfection? To do the Bible study Perfect, please click on the link.


Photo Girl With a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer. Public domain.

Facts vs. Truth by Mary Kane

“Follow your heart.” One often hears this adage at graduation time but is it good advice? Can we trust in the leading of our own heart? To do today’s Bible study, My Facts or God’s Truth, please click on the link.








This is the Life! by Mary Kane

What is the secret to living a life of satisfaction and fulfillment? Where does one go to find meaning and purpose? The Bible contains the answers to these important questions. To find out how to live a life of purpose and satisfaction please click on the following link: This is the Life!








Rock My World by Mary Kane

Rocks, stones, boulders…solid, strong, trustworthy and dependable. In order to survive the storms of life, our lives need to be built on a firm foundation. Jesus is the Rock upon whom we can place our trust.  To do the study Rock my World, just click on the link!



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Walking in Love, Light and Wisdom by Mary Kane

I love to take walks. Early summer mornings are my favorite time to walk. How about you? Do you like to walk in the rain? How about in the snow? God also liked to take walks. He met with Adam in the garden and walked with him.  Like Adam, God calls us to walk  with Him also…in love, light and wisdom. To do the study Walking in Love, Light and Wisdom, please click on the link.

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Beyond the Rubble by Mary Kane

“And clean up all this junk in your room!”  

“Junk? What junk? I don’t see any junk in my room…it just looks comfortable to me.”

Like my children, I have been comfortable with the rubble in my life. But rubble can cause us to trip and fall. God does not want us tripping through life. It’s time to get Beyond the Rubble! To do today’s Bible study, please click on the link.

 Image: cbenjasuwan /