Walking With God: A Study in the Book of Ruth, Day Four by Mary Kane

ID-10080988Abigail, Amanda, Angela, Anna. Names are very important. Parents spend days searching for and debating over the perfect name for a  new addition to the family. Names were also very important to the people of the Bible. As a matter of fact names were thought to be an indication of character. In Day Four,  we will learn how the meaning of a name can give deeper meaning to study of the Scriptures. In order to download today’s study, please click on the link: Walking With God: Day Four.


Image courtesy of graur razvan ionut/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Walking With God: A Study on the Book of Ruth, Day Three by Mary Kane

ID-10080988Walking with God is a moment by moment relationship. Each morning He calls us to spend time in His presence so He can bestow upon us new mercies and grace. Get ready to delve deeply into the book of Ruth as we study  original language  and let it impact our hearts and minds. Please click on the link for Day Three of Walking With God: A Study on the Book of Ruth.


Image courtesy of graur razvan ionut/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Threshing by Mary Kane

ID-10074613Right now in Michigan, spring is in the air—the trees are budding, the birds are brooding and the flowers are blooming. Everyone anticipates feasting on the fruit of the fields, but in order to enjoy the benefits of the harvest, the grain must first be threshed. As a matter of fact in order to grow in our relationship with God, we must be threshed as well.  To do the Bible study Threshing, please click on the link.


Image courtesy of adamr / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Scripture Prescriptions: Perfect Peace by Mary Kane

“TakID-100109270e two tablets and call me in the morning.” We’ve all heard that bit of wisdom from a doctor before. Medicine can heal the body, but will it heal our soul? To do the Bible study, Scripture Prescriptions, please click on the link!




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Bible Study: May She Rest in Peace by Mary Kane

ID-10035297Over the past few months desperation has caused me to seek the heart of God concerning rest and peace and I believe that He has revealed to me three crucial factors pertaining to His rest and peace. When we incorporate these three things into our lives we will indeed experience the peace of Christ, which surpasses all understanding. To do the study, May She Rest in Peace, please click on the link.


Image courtesy of evgeni dinev / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Bible Study: This is a Test! by Mary Kane

ID-10035481Pop quizzes, exams, and tests– students dread them! Christians also go through times of testing . While they can be stressful,  God promises to use them for our good. To do the study, This is a Test!, please click on the link!



Image courtesy of phiseksit/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net