Sleeping Beauty? by Mary Kane

ID-10095461Doctors and scientists report that most Americans are sleep deprived. While sleep is essential and beneficial for good health, there is a type of sleep that is detrimental–spiritual sleep. Please join me in our study to day, Sleeping Beauty, by clicking on the link!
“Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici /”.

Scripture Prescriptions: Thankfulness by Mary Kane

ID-100109270“In all things, give thanks.“God commands us to give thanks in all things. It’s easy to give thanks for the blessings, for the beautiful things, for the lovely things. But what about the hard things … the blessings in disguise … can we give thanks for the hard things? To cultivate the habit of thanksgiving in your heart, please click on the link: Scripture Prescriptions: Thankfulness



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Walking with God: A Study on the Book of Ruth, Day Fifteen by Mary Kane

Ruth picEvery young girl dreams of her wedding day, but can you imagine a wedding without a bride, or a ceremony without a kiss? Ruth is no ordinary girl and this is no ordinary wedding! To do day fifteen of the study, please click on the link: Walking with God: Day Fifteen


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Scripture Prescriptions: True Identity by Mary Kane

ID-100109270“Take two tablets and call me in the morning.” We’ve all heard that bit of wisdom from a doctor before. Medicine can heal the body, but will it heal our soul? To do the Bible study, Scripture Prescriptions: True Identity, please click on the link!




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Walking with God: A Study on the Book of Ruth, Day Twelve by Mary Kane

ID-10080988In order to have a meaningful life,  people often seek after purpose, fame, or fortune. What are you seeking? God’s Word teaches us that we need to  seek only one thing: Him. To do today’s study, please click on the link: Walking with God: Day Twelve



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Walking with God: A Study on the Book of Ruth, Day Eleven by Mary Kane

ID-10080988We all struggles with mistakes, sins and bad decisions. Sometimes it seems we will never get past our past. But God has a plan for your past: Redemption. To do Day Eleven of Walking with God, please click on the link: Walking with God: Day Eleven


Image courtesy of graur razvan ionut/