12 Days of ThanksLiving, Day 6: Service

ThanksLiving: ServiceDay 6: Service

“There was an abundance of burnt offerings, along with the usual liquid offerings, and a great deal of fat from the main peace offerings. So the Temple of the LORD was restored to service.” 2 Chronicles 29:35

Service [sur-vis] noun

  1. an act of helpful activity; help; aid: to do someone a service.
  2. the supplying or supplier of utilities or commodities, as water, electricity, or gas, required or demanded by the public.


  1. to make fit for use; repair; restore to condition for service: to service an automobile.
  2. to supply with aid, information, or other incidental services.

Have you ever endured the breakdown of an appliance or other convenience at your home?

About one year ago, we purchased a new washing machine. Shortly after we bought it, it malfunctioned so I called the service department number. Unfortunately, the service department was going through a computer upgrade and as a new customer my information had not yet been entered into the old or the new system. I was assured it would happen the next day, and they instructed me to call back then. This same scene played out every day for 5 days. My impatience and anger grew as large as my mountain of unwashed laundry on the basement floor. My out-of-service washing machine was doing me no good. I wasn’t feeling very thankful.

Out of Service

Well, during the reign of King Ahaz, the people of Judah had an out-of-service problem too, but it wasn’t an appliance; it was much more serious than my inconvenience. They posted an out-of-service sign  on the door of the Temple. It closed due to the people’s freefall into idolatry and sin.

Open for ThanksLiving Service

When Hezekiah became king, he reversed this slide into sin and, as we saw on Day 2, began cleansing the temple. The temple was cleansed, the people were cleansed, and sacrifices and burnt offerings were made. Today’s verse may seem a bit odd, talking about burnt offerings, liquid offerings, and fat ( well, then again, maybe not with Thanksgiving next week!), but then the writer of this books slips in this sentence, “so the Temple of the Lord was restored to service.” Now we see that this verse is actually cause for great celebration and thanksgiving. For years the Temple had been closed. No worship, no cleansing of sins, no restoration. But now the out-of-service sign is ripped off the door and once again mercy and forgiveness are flowing.

Pray for Service

As New Testament Christians, we are temples for the Holy Spirit. What kind of signs are we hanging on the doors of our temples? Do they say “Out of Service” or “Open for Service”? I have to ask myself, do my attitude and actions draw people to the Lord or am I driving them away? Am I only concerned with my needs, or am I setting aside time to do acts of service for others? Today I am thankful for all those who have served me in so many different ways. Let’s pray that we can offer this selfless gift to others too.

  1. Pray to see the needs around us. It’s all too easy to put on blinders to people’s pain, especially when we’re in a rush. Lord, give us eyes to see and ears to hear the needs around us today.
  2. Pray to do something. All around us are acts of service just waiting to happen. Can we each bring one to life this week? Lord, let us do good when it is within our power to do so.

More Thanks Living Service

If you’d like to explore this theme further, please see The Ministry of the Word and Table.


Please leave a comment below in the Comment section on what God teaches you today about Service.

Previous Links

service. Dictionary.com. Dictionary.com Unabridged. Random House, Inc. https://dictionary.reference.com/browse/service (accessed: November 20, 2014).

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12 Days of ThanksLiving, Day 5: Restoration


Day 5: Restoration

“Return to the stronghold, you prisoners of hope, even today I declare, that I will restore double to you.” Zechariah 9: 12



Restoration: [res-tuhrey-shuh n] noun

  1. a putting back into a former position, dignity, etc.
  2. something that is restored, as by renovating.
  3. the act of restoring; renewal, revival, or reestablishment. the replacement or giving back of something lost, stolen, etc.

The Garden of Eden. A place of joy,  fellowship, righteousness and purity. It was the ultimate place to easily develop a lifestyle of ThanksLiving — until it wasn’t. Man gave away the blessing of Eden by believing a lie of Satan. God waits to restore His blessing to man when he believes the truth of the Gospel. The enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy. But God comes to replace, renew, revive, rebuild, re-purpose, recycle, and restore.

I love to watch home restoration shows where the designer comes in and restores a home not only to the beauty and purpose that the builder had in mind for it originally, but also often even better than what was first imagined. As we take a closer look at this theme, we see that restoration is what God imagines, yes, plans for us.

Double Blessing

But wait- not just restoration, check the verse above–restore double. The Hebrew  word for restoration is shuwb, which means to return, to go back, to turn away from sin, to turn back to God. Restoration only comes through God and the power of His Word. According to the definition, our responsibility is to turn from sin, and turn to God. Speak His Word into your broken places, and let the ThanksLiving lifestyle of restoration begin.

Pray For Restoration

Restoration for Relationships: Dearest Father, because of our sin, we have many broken, damaged relationships. First and foremost is our relationship with You. Thank You that by accepting Jesus’ death on the cross, our relationship with You is restored. We pray for Your healing in strained relationships with our spouses,  parents, friends, coworkers, in-laws and siblings. Your specialty, Lord, is bringing dead things to life. Please restore our relationships. We give thanks for Your goodness and healing. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Restoration for Hearts: Father, we give thanks that You provide restoration for broken hearts. Our hearts have been shattered because of our choices, the choices of others, sickness, death, and job loss. Your Word promises that You use ALL things for our good. Please restore our hearts to health so they will beat only for You. We thank You, Father. Amen.

Restoration for Minds: Heavenly Father, we thank You for healing of our minds. Help us to think correctly so we may act correctly. Our minds have been influenced and damaged by lies we have been exposed to by the enemy and by our own choices. Please restore our minds so we will love You with all our hearts, souls and minds. Thank You that You have given us  sound minds. May the words of our mouths and the meditations of our minds be pleasing in Your sight, oh God, our Rock and our Redeemer.

It is God’s will that you be restored in every area of your life. Go boldly forth to the throne of grace and ask God for the restoration that was provided for you at the cross 2000 years ago. Let restoration be part of your ThanksLiving lifestyle this year. 

More Restoration

Prayer of Restoration a specific prayer by Mary Kane

Scriptures for a Sound Mind an article by Joyce Meyer

My Peace I Give You Part 2   a blog post by Jane Vanosdol


Please leave a comment below in the Comment section on what God teaches you today about restoration.


restoration. Dictionary.com. Dictionary.com Unabridged. Random House, Inc. https://dictionary.reference.com/browse/light (accessed: November 18, 2014).

Hebrew definition taken form:

“Hebrew Lexicon :: H7725 (NKJV).” Blue Letter Bible. Sowing Circle. Web. 19 Nov, 2014. <https://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=H7725&t=NKJV>.

by Mary Kay Kane

all rights reserved. copyright 2017


12 Days of ThanksLiving, Day 4: God’s Word

ThanksLiving: God's WordDay 4: God’s Word

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1

God’s Word [wurd] noun

1. the Bible.

We need God’s Word

In Genesis 1:3, God speaks the universe into being. Sun, moon, stars, seas, plants, animals, people. Everything. Without God’s Word, nothing would exist. Furthermore, John 1:14 tells us Jesus not only speaks God’s Word, but He is The Word. “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” God sent Jesus to mend the break in the relationship between man and God brought about by our sin. Because of The Word we can have new life!

We still need God’s Word

Thankfully, God does not leave us as He found us, broken and bruised by sin and shame. After salvation, God’s Word continues to play a critical role in our lives. Through it God instructs, encourages, molds and disciplines us. He shapes us into His image through our obedience to His Word. Hebrews 4:12 states, “For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” By God’s Word and the work of the Holy Spirit, we are transformed to new creatures. For this reason, we can be truly thankful.

Pray God’s Word

To live a life of ThanksLiving, we need to pray God’s Word. I am so thankful for scripture and it’s power in my life. If you haven’t tried praying with God’s Word, now is a perfect time to start.

  1. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you  in finding a scripture for your prayer requests.
  2. Pray your chosen scripture over your prayer requests.
  3. Memorize scripture. The more verses you know by heart, the more effectively you can pray.

More of God’s Word

If you’d like to explore this theme further, please listen to  How to Pray God’s Word.

Also, you must check out this beautiful Pinterest pin I found highlighting some of God’s Words.


Please leave a comment below about your thoughts on ThanksLiving: God’s Word

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By Mary Kane

All rights reserved. Copyright 2020

god’s word. Dictionary.com. Dictionary.com Unabridged. Random House, Inc. https://dictionary.reference.com/browse/god’s word (accessed: November 18, 2014).

12 Days of ThanksLiving, Day 3: Sacrifice

ThansksLiving SacrificeDay 3: Sacrifice

ThanksLiving: living a thankful life

 “But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God.” Hebrews 10:12

sacrifice: [sak-ruh-fahys]noun; verb

  1. the surrender or destruction of something prized or desirable for the sake of something considered as having a higher or more pressing claim.
  2. a surrender of something of value as a means of gaining something more desirable or of preventing some evil
  3. (verb) to surrender or give up, or permit injury or disadvantage to, for the sake of something else.
  4. (verb) to make a sacrifice or offering of.

Please carefully read the definitions above and highlight the sections that mean the most to you.

Sacrifice in the Year of 2020

In this year of 2020, we have seen a demonstration of sacrifice lived out right before us on the part of our health care workers as they have tenderly cared for our Covid patients. Many doctors and nurses have contracted the disease themselves, and sadly, some have given the ultimate sacrifice of their lives.

Sacrifice for Sin

The first sacrifice for sin was accomplished by God in the Garden of Eden. The last sacrifice for sin was confirmed by Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. The road to the cross was paved with sacrifice. Most of the definitions above speak of the giving of One for the sake of another. God gave Jesus, His Son in sacrifice for us (for you , for me) not only because of our great need, but because of His great love.

In this season of ThanksLiving, let’s give thanks to God for those who sacrificed to give us life.

For Jesus: Thank you, God, for giving Jesus as sacrifice for our sin. Because of Jesus’ death on the cross, we now live an abundant life.

For Caregivers: Thank  you, Father, for the sacrifice of our caregivers; for their struggle to feed, clothe, love and care for us, often at the expense of their own needs and comfort.

For First Responders: Thank You for those You’ve set in place who sacrifice their comfort and safety to cover us with their protection and service. Give them your strength and courage to go forth in the work You have given them; the defense and care of those in need.

For Health Care Workers: Thank you, Father, for the tireless service and ministry of health care workers,  who often risk their own health for the healing of others.

For Teachers: Father in heaven, thank you for teachers who are often underpaid and overworked. Many teachers give from their own resources to supply their classrooms, and provide food and clothing for their  students. Give teachers rest and peace this ThanksLiving season.

More Sacrifice

Please click on a link for more information on sacrifice.

Serving Others an article by Joyce Meyer Ministries

A Servant’s Heart a short Bible study by Mary Kane

Sacrifice  a blog post by Jane VanOsdol



Please leave a comment below on what God teaches you today about sacrifice in the Comment section.

sacrifice. Dictionary.com. Collins English Dictionary – Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition. HarperCollins Publishers. https://dictionary.reference.com/browse/sacrifice (accessed: November 15, 2014).

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12 Days of ThanksLiving, Day 2: Cleansing

Day 2: Cleansing

ThanksLiving: living a thankful life

“These men called together their fellow Levites, and they all purified themselves. Then they began to cleanse the temple of the Lord, just as the king had commanded. … The priests went into the sanctuary of the Temple of the Lord to cleanse it, and they took out to the Temple courtyard all the defiled things they found.” 2 Chronicles 29:15-16

cleansing [klenz] verb

  1. to make clean
  2.  to remove by or as if by cleaning “to cleanse from the soul.”

Being clean is something that many of us take for granted. I am very thankful for running water and soap that make it relatively easy to wash away dirt. A few years ago my son went on a fundraising hike across America to raise money for the burn unit of a local children’s hospital. As he backpacked his way from California to Florida, he often went several days without a shower or washing the few clothes he had. Dirt was a fact of life, and as his mom, I was dismayed at what became acceptable standards of “cleanliness” to him.

Thanksliving and cleansing

A clean body can help protect us from disease and discomfort. A clean home makes for a healthy environment for family and friends. Likewise, regularly confessing our sin keeps our hearts clean before God. Jesus is the One who purifies us permanently from our sin by taking that punishment upon Himself. Being thankful for His sacrifice is a wonderful way to celebrate Thanksgiving.

Pray for cleansing

Just as Hezekiah cleansed the Temple of the Lord from the idols that the people had brought in, we must get serious about cleansing our temples. In 1 Corinthians 6:19, God tells us that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, and that we are not our own. Jesus bought us for a very expensive price — His own life. Keeping that in mind, we may need to throw out some junk to make room for the holiness God desires.

  1.  Pray and ask God to show you if there is a habit or pattern of sin in your life that needs to go.
  2. Find a verse of scripture that pertains to this struggle and begin praying it into your life.
  3. Thank God for how He is already at work cleaning up and redeeming this area of your life.

If we are truly ThanksLiving, living a thankful life, we will thank God for the cleansing He provides through the cross and the blood of Christ.

More cleansing

If you’d like to explore this theme further, please read  The Cleansing of My Temple.


Please leave a comment below on what God is teaching you about cleansing. We’d love to hear from you!

Previous Links

“cleansing.” Dictionary.com Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 16 Nov. 2014. <Dictionary.com https://dictionary.reference.com/browse/cleansing>.

Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.

12 Days of ThanksLiving, Day 1: Light

Day 1: Light

“And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.” John 1:5

 light1 [lahyt] noun 

1. the medium of illumination that makes sight possible
2. mental understanding or spiritual insight
3. the radiance or illumination from a particular source:
4. a person who is an outstanding leader, celebrity, or example; luminary:
Let there be light. God’s first act of creation was to create light. This makes sense as God is the Father of Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. Despite our modern age and technologically advanced society, an estimated 1.5 billion people in the world today live without electric light. When was the last time we entered into the mindset of ThanksLiving for the light we easily access with the flip of a switch?
Light helps us see where we are walking, avoid danger, create, work, play, and read. Without light there would be no life. How can we be so careless of something  so essential? We are never more thankful for something than when we’ve had to do without it for a while. Remember the last power outage at your house? This Thanksgiving, let’s give thanks to the Father of Lights.

 Pray for light

  1.  Do you have any dark areas in your life? Since darkness cannot exist in the presence of light, find a Bible verse that applies to a current area of challenge or temptation  and pray the light of God’s Word into your trial.
  2. Pray for God’s light to shine on the next step for your life, and the lives of your loved ones.
  3. Pray for the lost of the world to accept the Light of the World.

More Light

Do you want to go a little deeper in your study of light? Click on the link below.

Walking in Love, Light, and Wisdom


Please leave a comment below on what God teaches you today about light in the Comment section. We’d love to here from you!

light. Dictionary.com. Dictionary.com Unabridged. Random House, Inc. https://dictionary.reference.com/browse/light (accessed: November 12, 2014).

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