Take 5! Treasure by Mary Kane

When I was in elementary, a teacher presented us with a social studies activity that was very in vogue at the time. The topic was, “If your house caught on fire and you only had time to retrieve three items what would you take?” or something thereof. The objective of the assignment was to reveal what a person valued and cherished. It was interesting to hear each students fire list, but of course no one’s fire list could compare to your own.

We all have things we treasure. Many of my priceless treasures are stored in my cedar chest in my living room. While I doubt anyone else would count the contents of my cedar chest as valuable, to me they are priceless.

Like my cedar chest, our hearts also store treasure .

35 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things,

Matthew 12:35

To do  Take 5! Treasure, please click on the link below.


   Take 5! Treasure



Image courtesy of Mr. Lightman at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Bible Journal-Graphics: Read, Read by Mary Kane

Read read jpgAs a teacher, I know the value of repeated readings. Repeated readings help my students retain facts and increase comprehension of the text. Not only school-age children benefit from repeated readings; adults do as well. When I run into a heady portion of scripture, I read through once, go back, slow down and read again. If I still have trouble comprehending what God is saying to me, I will carefully read the text out loud.

Repeated readings are similar to slow-motion replays in sporting events. When the referees are not sure what happened, they go back, slow down the film, and watch the play-action again. The replay allows the field judges to focus on facts and details until finally the truth is revealed. The same is true of God’s word. One reading will never be enough. Repeated readings will reveal facts, and details missed the first time through.

God has been teaching me to linger over His Holy Word; to Read, Read and settle-in at the feet of Jesus.

To download your copy of Read, Read, please click on the link below.

Read read jpg

Bible Journal-Graphic:Read, Read

Bible Journal-Graphics: Journal 101 by Mary Kane

Journal 101

By nature, I am an early riser. I love to get up early in the still of the morning, partake of a leisurely breakfast, and relish thUpdate 2e peace and quiet of a house still asleep. The best part of my morning is my Quiet Time.  In my cozy nook, I nestle down with my Bible, a Bible study book and my Bible Journal.


Journaling is something new for me. In the past I have resisted journaling because I didn’t want to focus on how I felt about God’s Word, but on the truth of God’s Word.

Thus the birth of Bible Journal-Graphics. By combining what I know about reading comprehension, the usefulness of graphic organizers, and learning styles, God has led me to develop Bible Journal-Graphics have caused me to slow down, focus, and listen intently to what God communicates to my heart through His Word. I have discovered meaningful treasures and blessings by using this method of Bible study.

Journal 101 is my mainstay; I use it several days a week to dig in deep to a portion of Scripture.  God is always faithful, and His Word never returns to Him void.  It is my prayer you too will be blessed by Journal 101.

To access Bible Journal-Graphic, Journal 101, please click on the link below.

 Update 2 Bible Journal-Graphic: Journal 101

1 Thessalonians A Life of Faith, Part 10: The Word

DOve JPEG 10 edtBefore the days of email, texting and social media, people wrote letters. As a young girl, I had a few pen-pals; good friends who live far away with whom one corresponds via traditional postal mail. In order to create beautiful letters,  I spent my allowance on beautiful stationary, sealing wax and stamps.

The coming of the mailman was an event. Those who are over the age of 40 understand the thrill of a mailman approaching the house with hands filled with letters — especially love letters. The greatest love letter in the world was written thousands of years ago. The letter containspart 10 of A Life of Faith, please click on the link below.

A Life of Faith, Part 10: The Word


1 Thessalonians A Life of Faith, Part 9: Walk Worthy

“… as you know how we exhorted, and comforted, and charged every one of you, as a father does his own children,  that you would walk worthy of God who calls you into His own kingdom and glory. “

1 Thessalonians 1:11-12   

DOve JPEG 10 edtWalking is the oldest mode of transportation known to mankind. Before the wheel, the horse and buggy, and the car, mankind walked. There is something very satisfying, and very thought provoking about walking. Walking provides time to meditate, reflect and pray about problems, challenges and plans.

Walk is the term God uses to describe our relationship with Him …  a walk with us every step of our journey.

As a runner, I know it is important not just to run a race, but to run well. The same applies to ourwalk worthy of the Lord? Does the phrase walk worthy refer to training, style, techniques and form or is it really a matter of the heart?

To continue your study in 1 Thessalonians, A Life of Faith, please click on the link below.

A Life of Faith, Part 9: Walk Worthy

Bible Journal-Graphics: i pray by Mary Kane

Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
If I should die before I wake, I pray to God my soul to take. *
i pray jpegWhen I was a little girl, I remember watching Little House on the Prairie. Laura Ingalls was my favorite character and she said her prayers each night before she went to bed, in her loft, with her sister Mary. Back in those days, I didn’t know very much about
Many years later, at the age of nineteen, I became a Christian and my prayer is not about repeating time worn phrases, but speaking my thoughts to God and speaking His Word and will into my prayers.
If, like me, you need a little help with your i pray.

i pray jpeg    Journal-graphic: i pray


*Read more at http://www.beliefnet.com/Prayers/Other/Bedtime/A-Childs-Bedtime-Prayer.aspx#wbkBigDTlLXibrX5.99