Short & Sweet: Worry or Seek? by Mary Kane


Nourishment and refreshment for the soul.

“Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6: 31-33

In the verse above, we are given two directives–do not worry and seek first. In the original Greek, worry descends from the Greek root word meros. Meros and its derivatives mean,  “to be anxious, to care, to promote one’s own interests, to be cut into pieces.” Worry diverts our focus to the future so we miss life in the present. Worry also contaminates every other facet of life; cutting out our joy and stealing  our peace. Thankfully, God gives us an alternative to worry.

Seeking. Seeking His kingdom.

What thoughts come to mind when you think of the word seek? Looking … searching … finding. The previous words make up a small part of the Greek definition of seek. Interestingly,  zeteo, the Greek word for seek means, “to seek i.e. require, to enquire into,  demand, to to seek [in order to find out] by thinking, meditating, reasoning.” Seeking and worrying have a point of commonality; they both occupy the mind.

We have a two choices: We can be consumed by worry or be consumed with God. Which will you choose? You better think about it.

Action Points:

1. According to our verse, what causes worry?

2. What do you tend to worry about? Replace worry with consistent continuous prayer.

3. Is worry getting in the way of your relationship with God?

4. What does a God-seeking life look like?

5. How can you become a God seeker?

Life is sweet.




Short and Sweet: Forged by Fire by Mary Kane


Nourishment and refreshment for the soul.

29 “Is not My word like a fire?” says the LORD

“And like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?
Jeremiah 23:29
In Jeremiah 23:29, God compares His word to two things: fire and a hammer.
Usually when I hear the word fire, I think of destruction. In the Bible, fire is used for refining precious metals, and for consuming useless things such as hay, straw and stubble. Fire is also indicative of the Presence of God. From fiery Mount Sinai, to  the burning bush,  to the pillar of fire, to the tongues of fire at Pentecost, where there is fire, there is God.
Hammers on the other hand, mean construction. Interestingly, pattiysh, the Hebrew word for hammer, refers to a forge hammer; the type of hammer a blacksmith uses to pound, strengthen and shape metal after it has been heated in … fire.
God uses both of these tools to mature our faith. Destruction and construction, forge and fire, work hand in hand. With the fire of His Word, God clears our lives of hay, straw, and stubble so He  can build a sure foundation. Precept and doctrines are then hammered down, board by board, as we study and apply the truth of God’s word.  God continues to refine and build until we become His  church, living temples filled with the glory of God.
Action Points:
  1. Identify the hay, straw, and stubble in your life.
  2. What can you do to cooperate with the firing process?
  3. What is God building in your life?
  4. How can you aid God in the building process?

Sometimes God must tear down before He can build up.

Life is sweet!




For more information on God’s refining fire, please click on the link below.

Refining Fire Bible Verses

Short & Sweet: I am by Mary Kane


Nourishment and refreshment for the soul!

And the LORD said to Joshua, “Do not fear them, for I have delivered them into your hand; not a man of them shall stand before you.” Joshua 10:8

Too much of my life has been spent fearing the wrong things. Fear of failure, fear of accidents, fear of change, and fear of sickness and death have all cost me plenty, but nothing has been more costly than the fear of man.

Why do I fear man? I fear because perhaps what others say about me is true.


I am nothing.

         I am wrong.

                         I am weak.

                                   I am useless.

                                               I am dumb.

I am broken.

  I amI amI am

I AM that I AM


In the GREAT I AM …

I am called … I am chosen … I am gifted … beautiful … redeemed … forgiven … talented, restored, adopted, strong, wise, beautiful, useful, effective, influential, free, justified, blameless, pure, sanctified, holy, alive, secure, complete, victorious, and loved. I am because He is.

Fear of man will cause me to miss my calling; to leave unlived the life God has willed for me. The only thing God wants me to fear is Him. He calls me to lay aside all other fear, and live with boldness: standing ground, slaying giants, and tumbling walls.

Because of the Great I AM, I am.

Action Points:

1. Slowly, with emphasis,  read the I am list out loud.

2. Mark in your mind the most important attributes in the I am list and thank God for what He has made you in Christ Jesus.

3. Make your decisions today based on the fear of God, not the fear of man.


Remember who you are in the Great I AM.

Life is sweet,



For more information on overcoming fear, please click on the links below.

Francis Chan: Fear Not


Joyce Meyer: Choose Boldness


Close Bible Study: Ruth Part 2 by Mary Kane

Ruth 2Close Reading method is a popular reading strategy used by teachers in classrooms throughout the United States. Repeated readings and systematic analysis of the text provided by the Close Reading method, greatly impacts the comprehension of the reader. As readers use Close strategies, they are drawn deeply into the text as they mark, diagram and highlight the text in meaningful ways. When readers interact rigorously with the text, comprehension and retention sky rocket.

In part two of the book of Ruth Close Bible Study, we add an additional Close study method–reader generated questions. Today, you have the opportunity to ask and answer your own questions as you study God’s word. If you enjoy doodling as you study, you will love Close Bible study.Gather you Bible, makers, highlighters, and colored pencils and lets dig in!

To download a copy of today’s study, please click on the link below.

Close Bible Study: Ruth Part 2


For additional resources on Close Reading, please access the following  link.

Harvard College Writing Center

Scholastic Close Reading


Short & Sweet: The Path by Mary Kane


Refreshment and nourishment for the soul!

Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying,
This is the way, walk in it,”
Whenever you turn to the right hand
Or whenever you turn to the left. Isaiah 30:21

Today I took a tramp through the woods at an area nature center. As I walked along the wooded paths, I noticed the evidence of new life springing forth to dazzle the senses … trilling birds,  sweet-smelling flowers, prancing deer, velvety mosses, verdant grasses. The warm spring breezes blew away the cobwebs of winter. As I hiked, I thanked God for each blessing; the herd of deer I spooked, the pileated woodpecker hammering on a dead branch, and the Dutchman’s-britches peeping out from under last years leaves.

When I rounded the curve of the Old Field Trail, my eyes met a shocking sight; the scorched lands of the tall-grass prairie. While I gazed on the ugliness of the field, I tried to reconcile the carnage of the seared grasses with the beauty of the woods. I felt the Holy Spirit tugging at my heart to stop and reflect on the object lessoFernwood Prairien before my eyes.

God, I already know sometimes you have to burn off the old to encourage new growth. But God had a new lesson for me. As I scanned the scorched grasses, I suddenly noticed one thing remained–the green path. Formerly hidden by the long dry grasses, the path was now easily seen.

Yes, God does burn off old growth (humdrum habits and unhealthy relationships) so we can continue to mature,  but sometimes He burns these things because they are clouding our vision of His path. With the briars, weeds, and old growth removed, we can clearly see the path God wants us to take.

Action Points:

  1. Are you following God’s path for your life?
  2. Is there anything you need to give up to follow God more closely?
  3. What needs to go so you can clearly see God’s path?


Life is sweet!


The 12 Days of Easter: Day 12, Resurrection Life

Easter 6

Day 12: Resurrection Life

“I am the resurrection and the life.

He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.” John 11:25

resurrection [rez-uhrek-shuh n]


1. the act of rising from the dead.
2. the rising of Christ after His death and burial.
3. the rising of the dead on Judgment Day.
4. the state of those risen from the dead.
5. a rising again, as from decay, disuse, etc.; revival
Abundant life … eternal life … everlasting life … are all made possible by resurrection life. Not just life, but resurrection life; the kind of  life  that comes after a death. Only God can make life after death. Resurrection is not an action, a thing, or behavior; it is a Person, Jesus. The Great I AM.
 Because of the resurrection there is life after death, life after divorce, life after theft, life after abuse, life after addiction, and life after lying, but it only comes from Jesus Christ. He endured an ugly, horrific death to make you (and me) beautiful.
Several years ago, a coworker asked me if I would share my testimony (my story of how I became a Christian) with her. I told her I would share my story, but to be prepared, because it wasn’t pretty. God stopped me and whispered clearly in my heart, “Your story is beautiful.”
My story is beautiful because God made it beautiful. He resurrected my life and called me forth from my grave that I dug with my own two hands to live in the beauty of His grace.
 Though your marriage is dead, you shall live. Though your dreams are dead, you shall live. Though your reputation is dead, you shall live. God is in the business of raising things from the dead. It is His specialty.
Resurrection life. Forged at the cross by the love and the blood of Jesus.
Death where is the sting? He is Risen! He is risen indeed!
Action Points
1. Accept. If you haven’t accepted Jesus as your Savior, please do so now. Tell Him your sin and of your great need for a Savior and ask Him to come into your heart.
2. Live! Stop living in the shadow of a dead past, a dead relationship, or a dead dream. Jesus is calling you forth to new life. What step can you take today to live a resurrected life?
3. Share. Someone you know is dying to hear about Jesus. Tell them today.
Happy Easter. Unabridged. Random House, Inc. (accessed: March 08, 2015).