1 Thessalonians, A Life of Faith, Part 16: The Quiet Life

DOve JPEG 10 edtI love the quiet. As a busy teacher, who spends much of the school year with noisy, energetic children, I long for peace and quiet. The quiet life. God also loves quiet and wants us to live the quiet life. In the stillness of the quiet life, we can hear God’s voice speak words of life and hope.

Even though God calls us to live the quiet life, that doesn’t mean we are to be silent. In season and out of season, we need to be ready to tell everyone we meet about the grace we have found in Jesus Christ.

So how do you live the quiet life, and yet speak loudly of the kingdom of God? God’s Word contains the answer. To continue your study of 1 Thessalonians, A Life of Faith, please click on the link below.

1 Thessalonians Part 16: The Quiet Life

Take 5!: Perfected by Mary Kane


Please take 5 minutes and go before God in prayer. Confess to Him any sin and ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit. Please read 1 Peter 5:6-10.

What does God ask us to do in verse 6?

In the original Greek, the word humble transliterates as tapeinoo, which means “to make low, to bring down one’s pride, to confess one’s spiritual littleness and need for God, to submit one’s self to the power and will of God.”

What is a sign that we have humbled ourselves to God (verse 7)?

When we have truly humbled ourselves before God, peace will result. We will no longer strive and labor to solve our own problems according to our will ( we are perfected by peace). Having cast our cares upon God, we will wait in peace for Him to act on our behalf.

According to verse 8, we are to be ______________ and ______________.

The word sober means to be calm and collected. Vigilant means to be watchful. Once we have cast our cares upon God, it is possible to calmly shift our attention to carefully watch for the attacks of Satan.

How are we to combat the attacks of the evil one (verse 9)?

We are to resist him by standing resolutely by faith; not faith in our faith, but faith in our Savior (we are perfected by faith). One of the best ways to resist Satan is the Word of God. Satan speaks lies, we speak truths.

If we stand fast, steadfast in the faith, what will be the final outcome (verse 10)?


God will use the suffering to perfect us in Christ Jesus. Suffering doesn’t destroy our faith, God uses it to perfect our faith. As we struggle and persevere, we are perfected. To God be the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

Thank you for joining me today for Bible study.

By Mary Kane
all rights reserved
copyright 2015

Short & Sweet: Shadow of His Wings

Nourishment for the Soul

Be Merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me!
For my soul trusts in You;
And in the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge,
Until these calamities have passed by.
I cry out to God Most High,
to God who fulfills his purpose for me.
He will send from heaven and save me;
he will put to shame him who tramples on me. Selah
God will send out his steadfast love and his faithfulness!
Psalm 57:1-3
David wrote this Psalm while he was fleeing from King Saul. Where did David take refuge? In the shadow of God’s wings. It is very comforting to me to know that I am safe in the very shadow of His wings. Think of it …  He is so powerful and holy, His shadow keeps me safe.
What does it truly mean to hide in the shadow of His wings? I was talking this over with God earlier this week. What does hiding in the shadow of Your wings look like? God’s answer came to me: obedience. Obedience leads to protection; it is taking the truth of God’s Word and acting on it.  When I am obedient, I follow exactly in the footsteps of Jesus, so close that I walk in His very shadow… the shadow of His wings. When I am in the shadow of His wings, I can live my life boldly and courageously because I know my God has me covered.
What do we do when we are in the shadow of His wings? We continue to live, breath, serve, minister, fight, stand, pray, love, and rejoice.

Action Points:

  1.  What calamities are you facing right now? Are you hiding in the shadow of His wings or are you just hiding?
  2. What steps of obedience do you need to take today?
  3. Pray and ask God to help you access the strength and power He has already provided for your victory over this situation.

Life is sweet.


Something to Think About, Growth: June Bible Reading Plan

June Reading

Day One: Luke 8:4-8

Day Two: Luke 8:11-15

Day Three: Psalm 128

Day Four: Psalm 1

Day Five: Hosea 14

Day Six: John 15:1-11

Day Seven: Psalm 65

Day Eight: Ephesians 4:1-16

Day Nine: Mark 4:26-29

Day Ten: Mark 4:30-32

Day Eleven: Ephesians 2:19-22

Day Twelve: 2 Peter 3:14-18

Day Thirteen: Ephesians 3:14-21

Day Fourteen: Colossians 1:1-10

Day Fifteen: Philippians 1:1-11

Day Sixteen: Philippians 3:1-17

Day Seventeen: Ephesians 4:17-24

Day Eighteen: Hebrews 5:12-6:2

Day Nineteen: 2 Peter 1:5-8

Day Twenty: Ephesians 4:7-16

Day Twenty-one: Psalm 126

Day Twenty-two: Jeremiah 17:5-10

Day Twenty-three: Matthew 20:1-16

Day Twenty-four: Psalm 92

Day Twenty-five: Matthew 7:16-20

Day Twenty-six: John 12:20-24

Day Twenty-seven: Luke 13:6-9

Day Twenty-eight: Romans 6:17-23

Day Twenty-nine: Galatians 5:18-23

Day Thirty: Colossians 1:1-6

Day Thirty-one: Revelation 22

Short & Sweet: The Other Cheek by Mary Kane

Nourishment and Refreshment for your soul.

Nourishment and Refreshment for your soul.

29 To him who strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other also. And from him who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your tunic either.” Luke 6:29

I admit, I have struggled with this verse; it goes against what comes natural to my flesh.  If someone insults me, I want to insult in return … an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. When I was growing up, I quickly learned what happened to people who did not “defend themselves”; they were beaten, battered, and bullied.

Through the years, I have heard many different people speak and preach on this verse, but I think most missed the point. Luke 6:29 is not about defending or not defending oneself, it’s about deferring to a higher calling. It’s turning the cheek for the sake of the Gospel.

Over the weekend, I watched a great movie, “42.” (Yes, the movie contains strong language. Don’t judge me.) The story line revolves around a man who is asked to give up his right to retaliate; his right to justly defend himself against grave injustice … against cruel and ugly treatment … against racism and hatred. He is asked by his boss to “turn the other cheek.” Why? Because of a greater cause. Something bigger than personal dignity and respect, the destiny of all mankind.

As believers, Jesus asks us to do the same thing; turn the other cheek for the sake of mankind. Turning the other cheek does not mean living a life in the shadows, afraid of our own shadow. (Clearly there is a time to fight.) We are to live in the light, to live courageously, despite the opposition and to maybe even take a few beatings for the sake of the cross. What is more important, vindicating ourselves, or the cause of the Christ? Can we allow someone to take advantage of us and offer forgiveness for the sake of the Gospel?

What takes more effort, to let your temper flare or to rein it in for a greater cause? Turning the other cheek does not indicate weakness. It requires great strength and self control. There are two kinds of people – those who choose to fight, and those who choose the greater fight: the fight for the Gospel.

Turn the other cheek.

Action Points:

  1. When are you tempted not to turn the other cheek?
  2. When should you stand and fight?
  3. In your present challenge, is God calling you to stand or to turn the other cheek?

Life is sweet.




To-Do List by Mary Kane


I am a list maker. I like to start out my day with a list of tasks I need to complete. I feel great satisfaction in accomplishing and crossing items off my to-do list. God is a list maker as well, the 10 Commandments is perhaps His greatest to-do list.  In 1 Peter 4, God gives us another list: four things to do when we are suffering.

Please take a moment and go before God in prayer. Confess to Him any sin, and ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit. Please read 1 Peter 4:13-16, 19.

In verse 13, what is our first to-do when we are suffering?


How deeply are we to rejoice?


The word for rejoice used in verse 13 is chairo, which means, “to be well, to thrive, to be glad.” It also means, “let the hope of future blessedness bring you joy.” So while we are suffering we must focus forward, knowing God has a great blessing for us. To the extent we have suffered, we will be blessed!

Verse 16 names another suffering to-do. What is it?


The word glorify means “to praise, to honor, to make renowned.” If God wants us to praise Him through our suffering, there must be some thing praiseworthy in our suffering.  If we can’t see anything praise-worthy at the moment, let’s praise by faith.

Verse 18 names two more to-do’s when suffering. Please name them.


We are to trust God is good, and continue to do good. The temptation when suffering is to become self-focused. When our attention is completely riveted on our pain, it intensifies. Doing good brings healing to our souls, encourages others, and glorifies God.

Name one item from the to-do list you will do and how you will accomplish it.


Thank you for joining me today for Bible study!
