This is a Test!

I am a member of the T.V. Generation—the Baby Boomers. TV was a large part of our family life. “Back in the day,” families watched TV together—we did not separate after dinner and watch TV on our own entertainment devices. Believe it or not, back then, there were actually shows families could watch together. My mother would pop a large bowl of Jiffy Pop, which we munched while enjoying the thrills of Wild Kingdom and the magic of Walt Disney. Those were the days…great memories of family-fun and laughter, gathered around the TV set, until THE TEST.

This is a test.

 While relaxing and at peace with the world, a  piercing siren-like whistle would suddenly interrupt a favorite TV program. The Test! It’s blaring warning whistle, usually signaling some impending doom, like an incoming nuclear warhead, continued uninterrupted for about thirty seconds until the announcer finally informed us of the nature of the coming crisis. Thankfully, most of the time, the commentator conveyed the siren was only a TEST. We would not have to seek the nearest fallout shelter and eat saltines for the duration. Every once in a while, there was an actual emergency and these occasions  kept us on our toes, fearing THE TEST.

God also sends us tests.

They show up when we least expect them. God does not send tests to trick us. Tests are for our benefit, designed to help  deepen and strengthen our faith in Him. Unlike THE TEST of long ago, we can face our tests by drawing on the strength of the Holy Spirit, knowing He will bring us through victoriously.

“So Moses brought Israel from the Red Sea; then they went out into the Wilderness of Shur. And they went three days in the wilderness and found no water. 23 Now when they came to Marah, they could not drink the waters of Marah, for they were bitter. Therefore the name of it was called Marah. 24 And the people complained against Moses, saying, “What shall we drink?” 25 So he cried out to the LORD, and the LORD showed him a tree. When he cast it into the waters, the waters were made sweet.
There He made a statute and an ordinance for them, and there He tested them, 26 and said, “If you diligently heed the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD who heals you.”
27 Then they came to Elim, where there were twelve wells of water and seventy palm trees; so they camped there by the waters.”


From what had the Hebrew people just been delivered (verse22)?
What test kind of test are the people facing (verse 22)?


Water Test 2.
Just prior to this test, God had proved He was Lord over the water by causing the Red Sea to part before His people so they could escape Pharaoh’s army. The same God who parted the Red Sea could
certainly handle a water shortage.
When the people did find water, what was wrong with it?
I have heard adversity brings out the contents of one’s heart. Perhaps the bitterness of the water of Marah was a reflection of the bitterness residing in the hearts of God’s people.
How did the people react to this test (verse 24)?
They reacted as I have often reacted, and as you have often reacted, by complaining. The Hebrew word for complained is luwn. Luwn means to complain. Interestingly, it also means,  to lodge, to live, to dwell, to abide.  Complaining can become a lifestyle; our way of living, our default mode. Once we fall into this pit of complaining, it is hard to get out. Tests will reveal if we have a lifestyle marked by complaining and grumbling or prayer and praise.
How should the people have reacted to their test (verse 25)?
Like Moses, they should have cried out to God for help. As expected, God answered Moses and showed him how to heal the waters. God will also show us how endure and benefit from our tests, if we will cry out
to Him for help. The Hebrew word for test used in verse 25 is the word nacah, which means  to test, to try, to prove, to make a trial.
On what issue does God test His people?
On whether or not they would  (not could) depend on Him to meet their daily needs.

Let’s ask ourselves the same question … will we depend on God to meet our needs?

In order for us to follow God,  we must focus must on Him and His glory. We must be so deeply committed to His will that we trust Him for the provision of our daily bread, even when our situation seems hopeless.

During times of testing, God often reveals something we depend on more than Him. He loves us too much to let us continue building on the sand.

What would your life look like or what would you do next if you truly trusted God with the challenge that you face right now?
What was waiting on the other side of the challenge the Hebrew people were facing (verse 27)?
In your present challenge, God is waiting to reveal Himself to you in a new way. Tests will grow your faith, not destroy it. Blessings await on the other side. Keep walking.

Action Points:

  1. Pray. Ask God to give you the strength and grace you need to prosper by this testing process. Also, ask Him to reveal to you what needs to be skimmed off—any sinful attitude, action or habit.
  2. Cooperate. Believe that God has allowed this test to come to you to benefit you not harm you (Romans 8:28). Claim that promise and rejoice in the blessing that will surely follow.
  3. Seek. Read and study God’s Word, memorize Scripture, and listen to sermons and podcasts that speak to your present challenge. Spend time in His Presence.
  4. Minister. There is nothing like helping others to get our minds off of ourselves.
  5. Share. Please share your current hardship with a trusted mature Christian friend. Someone who has walked the same path can be a great encouragement.
  6. Rest. Please take extra time to rest and relax. Do something that brings you joy and peace.
By Mary Kane
All rights reserved. Copyright 2013. Updated 2016.

Short & Sweet: 2 Ways to Grow Your Gifts

2 ways

One of my constant prayer requests is for God to expand my gifts.

I continually ask Him to gift me greatly so He can use me deeply. Recently I discovered we have a responsibility in growing our gifts—it’s not all up to God. There are two things we can to do to help grow our gifts.

  1. Use them.
  2. Give them.

While both methods closely related,  they have subtle differences. Using your gifts requires planning and training,  while giving your gifts requires responsiveness and obedience.

Use your gifts.

14 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them. 15 And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey. 16 Then he who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and made another five talents. 17 And likewise he who had received two gained two more also. 18 But he who had received one went and dug in the ground, and hid his lord’s money.”
 When the man returned from his travels, he rewarded those who used their gifts, but to the last servant the master said,
” ‘You wicked and lazy servant take the talent from him, and give it to him who has ten talents.
29 ‘For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away.’ ” Matthew 25

What happened when the two servants used their gifts?

They were doubled. Wow! Who wouldn’t want to double gifts? I know I do. Imagine being twice as good  teacher/speaker/writer/principal/secretary/designer/builder than you are now.  We can grow our gifts by using them. Saving or burying our gifts and talents keeps us small, dark and cold. Only dead things are buried.

Use or lose.

What about the last servant? He lost what he would not give.

As modern Christians we neglect our gifts when we  bury ourselves in fear, busyness, apathy and laziness.  Don’t wait until you feel ready and don’t give up when the going gets tough. God wants us to push through negative emotions. The start of a new project is very exciting! But bumps in the road are bound to come and discouragement can set in. Set backs do not mean God’s calling has been revoked—quite the opposite is true. When passion and motivation dwindle,  disregard the lassitude  and continue working. Take a step of faith and get busy.

People need what you have to give.

Give and gain!

Now the Passover, a feast of the Jews, was near. Then Jesus lifted up His eyes, and seeing a great multitude coming toward Him, He said to Philip,“Where shall we buy bread, that these may eat?” Phillip answered, “There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many?”
10 Then Jesus said, “Make the people sit down.” Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, in number about five thousand. 11 And Jesus took the loaves, and when He had given thanks He distributed them to the disciples, and the disciples to those sitting down; and likewise of the fish, as much as they wanted.” John 6

Feast or Famine.


Compared to the size of the need, how big was the boy’s lunch? Did the size of his gift stop him from using it? What happened when the little guy gave his lunch? Jesus multiplied it—exponentially. Having raised two hungry sons, the fact the boy  gave his lunch is a miracle itself. Giving always requires sacrifice. Like the boy, we have a choice.
  1. Keep gift for self.  Small. Safe. Unfufilled. One person benefits.
  2. Give gift to others. Big. Scary. Amazing. Everyone is filled. Leftovers!

If we keep our gifts, others will go hungry.

Give your gifts large or small, no matter the size and watch them grow. Your gifts may be small, but you Savior is huge. Give what you have and watch your gifts grow! Use and give.

Action Points:

  1. Risk! Admit it. There is something you’ve been waiting to give, but you think it’s too small. Walk by faith and give it today.
  2. Look! See it. Ask God to make you hyper-aware of opportunities to give today. A kind word, $2.00, a single flower, a short note. They are not too small. Do it.
  3. Unbury! Face it. You have some buried gifts, dreams, skills that need exhuming. Take a step today to dig them up and use them for God’s glory.


Father, we give You our talents (Matt. 25),  our widow’s mites (Luke 21), out last drop of oil (1 Kings 17), and our brown-bag lunch (John 6). Please help us to use what You have given us and give what you have entrusted to us so we me greatly impact our world for Christ.



all rights reserved

Copyright 2016





Watch, Read, Listen, Study


We need God and we need His word.

If we want to impact our world for Christ and take His to the lost of the world, we must fill our hearts and mind with God’s truths and precepts. Sometimes we need to mix it up a bit. Something new can breath new life into our relationship with God.

In order to help you to continue to seek God, we have provided a few resources for you—something to watch, something to read, something to listen to and something to study. Get a drink, your Bible and a journal then choose one, two or three resources and dig in!

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”


  1. Something to Watch: A great video from For the Life of the World about the gift of creation and how to live a thankful life.

“What is the song of all creation? What is our Salvation for? In this scene from Episode 1: Exile, Evan unpacks the essence of God and his mission in the world.” To see more, click on the play button below.


2.  Something to Read: An excellent article by Beth Moore, Because Any of Us Can be Had

“I penned the creative writing below a number of years ago as I reflected on my own miserable season of sifting by Satan. I was wrecked almost beyond repair by what I’d experienced because I’d never been taught that a believer could love Jesus deeply with a pure heart and serve Him with sincere devotion and yet be flabbergastingly seduced by the enemy. 2 Corinthians 11:3 had said it all along but I’d missed it.” To read more click on the link below.


Because Any of Us Can be Had




3. Something to Listen To: A podcast from Erik Metaxas at Break Point, When the Sky is Really Falling

“When Chicken Little said the sky is falling, we all laughed. Well, maybe it’s time we stopped laughing. It seems Chicken Little may be on to something.”  To hear more click on the link below.


When the Sky is Really Falling




4. Something to study: The Outcasts: Giving Your All.

“Rebels…backsliders…children…senior citizens…the handicapped…uneducated…homeless.
Thankfully, God looks upon the heart and sees us for what we can become; beautiful witnesses for the Gospel of Christ. It is my prayer that through these Bibles studies you will be blessed and gain a clear vision for how the God of the Universe sees you; incredibly precious and valuable.” To study more, click on the link below.


  The Outcasts: Giving Your All



Jane and I pray these resources will encourage you and strengthen your walk with Jesus! Let us know what you think in the comment section below!


all rights reserved

copyright 2016

Short & Sweet: Living in Fearful Times

FearfulNot snakes. Not mice. Not bats.


I am afraid of spiders. They are ugly. They have EIGHT creepy eyes (What has eight eyes?) They are hairy. They pop up when you least expect them and are gone when you return to kill them. Worst of all— they crunch when you hit them. Ugghhh!

But God tells us we need fear only one thing.

“Don’t be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” Matthew 10:28

If we fear only Him, we need fear nothing else.

What is fear?

Phobeo, which is original Greek word for fear in Matthew 10:28, means fear, dread, terror. Who are those who can kill the body? Enemies, Isis, terrorists, any man. God tells us not to fear them, but to only fear Him. How does this work? Who doesn’t fear a person who is armed and dangerous? Hold that thought for a moment; we will revisit it in a moment. Please read the next verse:

1 My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you,
2 turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding—
3 indeed, if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding,
4 and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure,
5 then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God.
Proverbs 2:1-5

When traced back to its root, the Hebrew word used for fear in 5 is yare’, which means to fear, reverence, honor, respect, to stand in awe of, be awed. Not just fear, but holy fear. Yare’ also means to tremble with joy.

While any reasonable person fears a person with a weapon, as Christians, we must center our life on God, not fear of man. We cannot hide in our houses and fulfill the Great Commission at the same time. Jesus came so we can have life abundant. He wants us to live by faith, trusting His plan for our life and our death. If we are facing great suffering, then there is great glory and reward at stake.

I have wrestled with this whole fear issue.

It comes down to one thing: what drives my decisions?  Are my decisions based on Truth, my personal preferences or the fear of man? In the end, I will obey whatever I fear.

I would like to throw another fear option on the table—fear of self.

You know you suffer from fear of self if:

  1. You always have to be comfortable.
  2. Everyone must approve of your every decision.
  3. You wouldn’t dream of going to the grocery store without makeup.
  4. You’d only take a mission trip if Starbucks and Panera were within walking distance of your destination.
  5. You have to fly/not fly, ride a bus/not ride a bus, take a mule/don’t take a mule, go somewhere only with/without your husband or (horrors!) go by yourself.
  6. You have to have access to modern facilities, to bathe twice a day, and sleep in a private room.

Yes, I am guilty of many of the above and I’m sure you can add others.

I can only choose one: the fear of God, the tyranny of self, or the fear of man.

I am staging a revolution.

I am done doing life afraid.

WHAT IF there is another terrorist attack today?

WHAT IF there is a significant natural disaster today?

WHAT IF someone doesn’t like my new haircut?

SO WHAT if people think I’m nuts for being sold out for Jesus?

SO WHAT if people think I’m cra-cra for leaving a job with greater pay to take a position with fewer perks?

SO WHAT if people think I  out of my mind for taking a chance on a start-up?

Whatever comes, God promises to see me through and to use all things for my good and His glory. I’m done checking-in with THEM, and I’m going to live as God calls and leads.

Are you tired of living life afraid? Tired of living like a shadow person? Make no decisions based on  phobeo, but on yare. Join me in my revolution. Let’s fear God, take a step of faith and live.

Action Points:

  1. Make a decision. Do you look at your options and pick the safest? Do you ask your husband to decide for you? Do you let your girlfriends make all your decisions? Are your decisions based on your personal comfort  or benefit (ouch!)?
  2. Pray about decisions. Do what God calls you to do. Remember, God will never ask you to do something that does not line up with scripture.
  3. Face a fear. Go to a movie by yourself. Initiate a conversation with a new person at church. Take a class. Make the call. Start the ministry. Join the team. Just do it. And if you have to, do it afraid.

Life is sweet. Face your fears.


All rights reserved

Copyright 2016


5 Things to Do When the World has Gone Crazy

5 thingsWow. The news has been crazy lately.

It seems we have lost our moral compass and the world is going to heck in a hand-basket. Each new day seems to bring a new disaster. Maybe we should all dig a shelter in the back yard and go hole up for the next  decade or so. Crackers. Distilled water. Army issue blankets.

But that is not what God has called us to do. Jesus has told us we are the light of the world; a city of refuge on a hill. Christians are to engage, impact and transform the culture, not cut and run, happy that we have our fire insurance.

Not out, but in.

I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.
15 I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one.
16 They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.
17 Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.
18 As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.
19 And for their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they also may be sanctified by the truth.

John 17:14-19

Verse 15 is kind of rough. Jesus does not pray for God to take us out of the danger and turmoil; He prays for us to be sent in.


To bring hope. To bring help. To bring Truth. To bring the Gospel. We are the rescue squad. We are of the Word, not the world.

He has placed us here on purpose.

Now read the following verses.

From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. – Acts 17:26 (NIV)

The exact times and places. Think about that. You didn’t just happen to live where and when you live. God has placed you on this planet, in your town, in your workplace, in your family, in this time, with your specific skill set for such a time as this. God knew all your days before he fashioned you. When God laid the foundations of the earth, He CHOSE to strategically place you here and now, knowing exactly the conditions in which He created you to live, work and minister. He placed you here because  you have work to do and you can make a difference.


“The restoration of America will not come through our next President– if it happens it will be through people like you.” John Stonestreet

“Christians in the West are living in a grand clarifying moment … In many ways we are in the Thursday evening of Holy Week. The cock has not yet crowed, but the angry crowd who would like to see the end of our Lord in the Western world has already seen and heard enough of our early betrayals to believe that it can count on more, and harry us toward ignominious surrender. So this is no time for cowards, for fence sitters or for those who wish to hedge their bets until they hear the judge’s verdict on the contest.” Os Guiness


When hard times hit, take encouragement from the Word of God.

From the pages of Scripture we learn God never sleeps. He is constantly at work behind the scenes, strategically placing His people for “such a time as this.” We may argue what can one believer amid such great opposition? We need only look back and read how God used Joseph, Daniel or Esther.  God only needs ONE willing person to stand in the gap and change the destiny of a nation.

It’s up to you and me. There is  no one else. We are the now generation. Will those who come after us find us faithful? Will we step up? Will we do our part? Will we hold our ground and stand in the gap for this generation?

5 things to do when the world has gone crazy.

  1. Speak. Speak up. Speak out. Speak truth. Speak love. We must speak the truth in love about every cultural issue or risk being forever silenced. Yes, we need to pray for wisdom and discernment to speak wisely and in God’s timing. Always pray before you open your mouth. And resolve to NOT  speak in a vulgar manner as we see so much on social media. But, find a way to get involved. Click on the link to get involved: Citizens for Community Values
  2. Learn. We must become informed about what is happening in our cities, states and nation. We can no longer afford to sit back and let someone else do the right thing. We can no longer ignore what is happening around us. Click on the following link to get educated: Politics and Current Affairs
  3. Seek: Seek God with all your heart. The only way you can affect the culture for the kingdom of God is if you know His will. You will only learn the will of God from the word of God. Make a commitment to spend time with Jesus each day. Click on the link and start seeking: Seeking God
  4. Pray. Pray about everything. Pray for our government leaders. Pray for wisdom to know how to act and speak. Pray for God to make you willing to take a stand. Keep a prayer journal to help you remember what to pray for and to record answers and thoughts/impressions from God. Don’t wait to get involved until you feel ready. Act today.  Please click on the link the join our latest prayer group: 5 Days to Fast and Pray. Finally …
  5. Live. I believe God spoke to me in my sleep the other night.  He showed me there is nothing Satan would love more than to shut down the influence of God’s people by scaring them into hiding. Do something beautiful and leave a legacy of hope amid the chaos. Overcome evil with good.  Use your gifts. Read your Bible. Continue to minister. Worship God and thank Him for all the good things He’s given you and your family. Help the hurting. Live your life the way God is calling you to live.

By Mary Kane and Jane Vanosdol

All rights reserved.

Copyright 2016


5 Days to Fast and Pray

So we fasted and earnestly prayed that our God would take care of us, and he heard our prayer.

Ezra 8:23

Prayer and fasting. Powerful stuff. Together they are spiritual dynamite ignited by power of the Spirit. Prayer and fasting are game-changing disciplines for  desperate times.

Can anyone deny times are desperate? Everyday the news reports escalating chaos and violence—brother against brother, religion against religion, and nation against nation. God has called to be His hands, His feet, and His voice to a lost and wounded world.He has anointed us to speak the hope of the Gospel to every tribe, tongue and nation.

Will you answer? Join us August 1-5, for a week of prayer and fasting. Let’s pray for our people, our leaders, and our world to wake up, repent and follow God.

You will need a Facebook account to participate. It’s always free! Follow the link to sign up and get a Facebook account if you don’t have one yet:


Action Steps:

  1. Click on the link below and sign up for 5 Days to Fast and Pray.
  2. After you sign up, check your email and accept the invitation to join our 5 Days to Fast and Pray Facebook Group.
  3. Decide how you will fast (see below for more info on fasting).
  4. Join us each night at 8:30 Eastern Time to pray via Facebook.
  5. Invite your friends to join us.

A Word About Fasting

There are many types of fasts. We are trusting that you can determine which type of fast is best for you. Some of you may want to fast from desserts for the week. Some of you may undertake a social media fast. Some may fast from one meal a day. The Holy Spirit will show you if you pray about it. The idea is to replace whatever it it you’re fasting from with a prayer time. The fast gives you a greater focus on God and His agenda, rather than our own.

Sign Up Here

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