Bible Scripturegraphic: Salt not Sugar

Salt not Sugar

Two of America’s most popular seasonings are sugar and salt. We can’t eat without ’em.  When I was growing up, we always had salt and a sugar bowl on the table. I’d dump spoonful after spoonful of sugar on my Cornflakes. Sugar overload! The sugar bowl went the way of the 8-track tape, no longer a mainstay in the American household.

While the Bible is silent concerning sugar, it has much to say about salt. As a matter of fact, we are told to be salt. To do the Scripturegraphic Bible study on salt, please click on the link below:


Bible Scripturegraphic: Salt not Sugar


Let me know your thoughts about salt in the comment section below! I’d love to chat with you!

by Mary Kane

all rights reserved. copyright 2017

Busy Woman’s Guide to Spiritual Growth

I’m busy. You’re busy. Everybody is busy.

“And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. Deuteronomy 6: 6-9

Yea, I can relate.  Plain old busy. Who says the Bible isn’t relevant? This verse was written for the 21st century. When I sit, when I stand, when I lie down, when I’m running like a crazy woman. In the midst of the mess, we forget about Jesus. We gottta get some Bible.

What’s a busy girl to do?

Somehow the whole technology thing has backfired. Instead of freeing up hours of time, we’re busier than ever. Scheduling meetings while driving (admit it, you have), arranging doctor appointments during PTA meetings, lining up snacks for a school party on the sidelines of a soccer game, answering emails before you even get out of bed. What the heck?

Isn’t there an app for that?

Instead of running us ragged, let’s make technology work for us. Here’s a few things that will help keep your life on track.

Bible app: Before I get up, before I eat my wheaties, before I throw off the covers, I get God’s word in my head and in my heart and on my tongue.  The Bible app is free and it offers a variety of Bible reading plans and many other bells and whistles. You can also connect with your friends and see what they are learning from God’s word. I love it. 

The Bible App

Prayer Notebook App: My prayer life used to be a haphazard mess. Promises broken and  prayers forgotten. My own husband and kids were left prayerless by their own wife and mother. Prayer Notebook changed all that. I went large and invested  in the $1.99 version. It took about 30 minutes to organize my prayer life. Now, each day, while taking a walk, doing chores or on the way to work, I pray though my list. No more forgotten prayers. Boom. Bam.

The Prayer Notebook

One Place: Get all the preaching and teaching you’ll ever need all in “one place.” Click on the link and download One Place app to your device. Order up podcasts by your favorite Bible teachers and tune in. I love to listen while I’m jogging, doing housework, getting ready for work (the older I get the longer it takes) or running errands.

One Place App

So what are you waiting for?

No more excuses, busy woman! Download a few apps and let’s get growing!

Please share your ideas on how to seek Jesus while you’re living the dream! Leave me a comment in the section below. I’d love to hear from you!

all rights reserved. copyright 2017


Measure Up

Ok, so where’s this verse been all of my young life?

In my 40 plus years of Bible reading, I’ve NEVER read this Scripture before. I am just saying.  Is God just funny like that, or have I been blind all these years (ever seeing, but never perceiving)?

12 For we dare not class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves. But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.” 2 Corinthians 10:12

Guilty as charged for longer than I care to admit. I have wasted time, talent, brain cells, resources and decades of my life comparing and measuring myself to others and ALWAYS coming up short. Coveting their talents, gifts, clothes, businesses. For crying out loud, even jealously envying the ministries of other brothers and sisters in Christ. Never smart enough, talented enough, wise enough, quick enough, fun enough, popular enough,

just never enough

Blessed is she who believes what God has said is true.

What has He said to us? Read these next words slowly—Out Loud:

I am called, I am chosen,  I am gifted,  I am forgiven,  (oh, say that one again) I AM FORGIVEN!  I am loved, I am redeemed, I am restored, I am anointed I am adopted, I am released, I am protected, I am equipped, I am powerful in Christ, I am a warrior, and my enemies will be defeated before me. I am His beloved child.

That’s who you are. That’s who I am. God says it in His Word, so it’s the truth. Let’s stop listening to the lies of the enemy and trying to measure up against the world.

Nothing but the truth.

, and ONLY THEN will we become all we were created to be.

Knowing God’s truth is the key that opens the door to abundant life.

We must  keep our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith.

But measuring ourselves against Jesus… isn’t that a tall order? Yes, and it reminds me of my sons. When they were young they constantly measured themselves against the grownups of our family. Charting their progress at each family event by measuring themselves.  The first benchmark was my itty-bitty five-foot-nothing mother. The kids were thrilled when they passed-up Grandma, but they weren’t willing to stop there. They locked eyes on their 6’2′ grandpa. He was a worthy measure! Same thing with Jesus. Why stop short by comparing ourselves to our friends, our fav sports persona or rock star? Let’s aim higher and lock eyes on the Most High.

We compare ourselves to Him, and take hope in the fact that if we are in His word and His word is in us, we are being transformed into the image of Christ. Day by day, piece by piece, chunk by chunk, blow by blow, from glory to glory until we look like, talk like, sound like, act like, love like, live like Jesus.  Amen.

That’s how we measure up. By the Book.


all rights reserved. copyright 2017.










One Things

Welcome to a new year.

2017 brings new opportunities to use our gifts, develop our skills, deepen our walk with Christ,  and impact the world for Christ. On TV the other morning, two ladies shared their New Year’s resolutions—lists of things they wish to achieve in 2017. Good things. Worthy things. Resolutions are good, but they are often forgotten by January 2nd, when the busyness of life sets in again. But what if we tried one thing? One new thing, one old thing, one important thing, one critical thing to focus on for one year. Most of us can handle one thing. Below is a list of one things to spark your imagination:

One Things:

  1. One word: I love the One Word movement. Simple. Quick. Effective. Follow the link to choose your One Word for 2017.
  2. One podcast: Listen to one Christian podcast a day. I love Breakpoint, Insight for Living, Turing Point, and Joyce Meyer Ministries. One Place is a good place to find Christian podcasts.
  3. One prayer: Commit to pray for one important thing every week day this year.
  4. One habit: establish one new good habit, or evict one old bad old habit.
  5. One relationship: Work on one important relationship,  partnership,  friendship,  or courtship.
  6. One study: start or join one Bible study group this year. And. Finish. It.
  7. One project: Focus on starting or finishing that one important project you’ve been dreaming about.
  8. One hour: Devote one hour a day/week/month to prayer, ministry, Bible study, exercise, volunteering, studying etc.
  9. One composition: Listen to one excellent piece of music a day. Start with Beethoven, Mozart, Vivaldi and Debussy. Enter a name in a Youtube search bar and listen for free!
  10. One book: Read one excellent book a week. Please click on the link to find a few good books and get started! 10 Books Every Christian Should Read

It’s not too late to try one thing.

Take a moment to pray and ask God to show you what He wants you to focus on in 2017. Let me know what one thing you are going to work on this year. Leave me a comment below. I’d love to chat with you!

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.


all right reserved. copyright 2017

Bible by the Numbers


My husband and my oldest son are fascinated by numbers (they’re both engineers). They call each other when their speedometers reach certain benchmarks such as 10, ooo, 22,222, 123, 456, or other worthy numbers. They even take pictures. They get excited about certain dates such as 09-10-11 and times like 11:11. Especially if it happens on 11-11-11. Not kidding. I know, they need intervention.

God is also interested in numbers. There is even a whole book of the Bible devoted to the subject.

What’s your favorite number?

Why do you like it?

Follow the link to Blue Letter Bible, do a quick search and see if your favorite number is mentioned in the Bible.

Did you learn anything new about your favorite number?

Whatever your favorite number, God wants you to be concerned with just one number. Number One. He is the One and only true God, and He wants us to love him with all out heart, soul, mind and strength.

How can you love Him today with all you heart?

with all your soul?

with all your mind?

with all your strength?

Focus today on the One thing that matter. Jesus, the one and only.


by Mary Kane

all rights reserved.

copyright 2017

iSee: Life by the Numbers

iSee: short videos to build your faith!

Do you only have a few minutes for Bible Study today? Or do you have a few extra minutes to feed your soul? Try one of our new iSee videos! Three minutes is all you need to receive a little encouragement and refreshment from the Word of God!

If you’re like me, you love social media. Tweet, post, periscope—I love it all! Sometimes it gets a little out of control! I’m constantly checking my numbers instead of my Bible. What does God think about all this “following”? Click on the play button below to find out!


Remember to follow Jesus! He’s the only audience you need!

all rights reserved. copyright 2016.