7 Days of Freedom, Day 2: Liberty
liberty [lib-er-tee] Noun
- freedom from captivity, confinement, or physical restraint
- freedom or right to frequent or use a place
freedom from arbitrary or despotic government or control
The Greek transliterations for liberty is aphesis. In the Greek, aphesis means “release from bondage or imprisonment; forgiveness or pardon, of sins (letting them go as if they had never been committed), remission of the penalty.” Did you notice the part in the parenthesis? God lets go our sins as if they had never been committed. Why does He allow this? Our sins have already been paid in full at the cross. According to the Dictionary.com definition, liberty means we have the “right to frequent or use a place.” Because of the cross, we have the liberty to frequent the throne of grace and boldly ask God to meet our needs.
The cry of the American patriot Patrick Henry, in the face of the American Revolution was, “Give me liberty, or give me death!” How prophetic. As Christians we have the same options: liberty or death. We choose.
Christ sets us free from sin so we have the liberty not to live for self (we already tried that once), but for Him. We have liberty to do good works, serve others, and take the Gospel of freedom to every nation on earth.
As we draw near to Independence Day, remember to thank God for not only for the liberty of our nation, but of our souls as well.
Action Points:
- What is something you need to be set free from?
- Who needs to hear about the liberty we have in Christ? How can you share the Gospel with this person?
- Pray for nations that are closed to the Gospel. To see a list of countries in need of prayer, please click on the following link: Closed Countries
Please enjoy the music below.
God Bless America.
“liberty.” Dictionary.com Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 28 Jun. 2015. <Dictionary.com https://dictionary.reference.com/browse/firm>.