Short & Sweet: The Stone

Short Bible studies, quick devotions

Short and Sweet Nourishment for the Soul

6 “And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus,” Ephesians 2:6

“So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord–who is the Spirit–makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.”2 2 Corinthians 3:18

“Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.
Matthew 5:16

I sat with my back propped against my husband’s legs. My sweatshirt felt good against my skin as the northern summer breezes flowed landward off Lake Michigan. The tall sea-green beach grasses wafted gently in the water. The sunset promised to be a keeper. My heart felt as content as the unusually peaceful waters of the Great Lake.

My eyes scanned the horizon like a seasoned sailor, counting the moments until the great event — the setting of the sun. We Michiganders take our sunsets seriously. Tourists and natives alike dotted the dunes along the shore. Watching. Waiting.

Rock Sparkle pngAs the sun slipped lower in the sky, something caught my attention along the shore; a quiet radiance amid thousands of dark cool stones at the waters edge; one stone made brilliant by the setting of the sun. Loathe to disturb my comfort, I turned my head for a better view of the shining pebble.

Why a stone?

It stood like a lighthouse among its dull counterparts, beaming and casting its light. I marveled that such a small object could make so great an impact. A rock. Plain. Small. Unremarkable. Why a stone? Why not a diamond? Or a ruby? Just one small, plain stone.

Why one stone?

Thousands of millions of stones line the beaches of the northern Great Lakes … tossed and tumbled … worn smooth by relentless waves of time. But, only one glimmered in the sunset. Why? Three reasons: Position. Reflection. Water. The small rock, washed with water, was in the right position to reflect the light of the sun.

“And you are living stones …

… that God is building into his spiritual temple. What’s more, you are his holy priests. Through the mediation of Jesus Christ, you offer spiritual sacrifices that please God.”

We are His stones. Small. Plain. Unremarkable. Made of clay. But, as living stones we can have great influence for three reasons: Position. Reflection. Water. Position in Christ. Reflection of His glory. Living Water. God has placed us on beaches of this earth, among the thousands of millions of people tossed and tumbled by the relentless waves of deception, to reflect His glory and truth in the darkness. Soaked by Living Water, we shine and reflect His light, enabling others to find their way to the Father.

Let your light shine before men.

Action Points:

  1. How can you let your light shine?
  2. Name something specific you can do today to shine God’s light to those around you.
  3. Do you tend to shut down your light around certain people? Why?

Life is sweet.


all rights reserved.

Copyright 2015.





Short & Sweet: She Understood

Short and Sweet Nourishment for the Soul

Short and Sweet Nourishment for the Soul

Now there was a man in Maon whose business was in Carmel, and the man was very rich. He had three thousand sheep and a thousand goats. And he was shearing his sheep in Carmel. 3 The name of the man was Nabal, and the name of his wife Abigail. And she was a woman of good understanding and beautiful appearance; but the man was harsh and evil in his doings. He was of the house of Caleb.

1 Samuel 25:2-3

Once upon a time, in a land far away, lived a beautiful woman and her evil husband. Now, the husband was a fool, but Abigail understood.

The account of Nabal and Abigail rivals any fairy tale of long ago, complete with a beautiful woman, a wicked husband, a valiant king upon a steed and an intriguing plot.

To summarize, David and his men protect Nabal’s flocks from raiders and predators until the time of shearing. When payday arrives, instead of wages, David’s men receive insults. Justly so, David orders his men to saddle-up and ride for Nabal’s house.  Enter our hero, actually a she-ro … Abigail.

She understood.

She understood whom? …  she understood what?

She understood her husband’s harsh evil ways.

She understood her God’s righteous holy ways.

Abigail learns of her husband’s foolish behavior from one of her servants. Without a moment to spare, she quickly orders a gift for David, loads the donkeys, and saves the day (and her husband’s neck). Why did Abigail chooses to act on behalf of her cruel harsh husband? She could have easily been rid of him that day … let him reap the consequences for his actions. Who would have blamed her? Instead, she acts on his behalf. Why? Because she understood.

Abigail understood …

… she must trust God’s Word over her own feelings.

… she must do the right thing no matter the cost.

… she must protect others from themselves.

… she must do right for those who do her wrong.

Because she understood, Abigail saves the lives of her husband and the male servants of her house. Her quick thinking also protects David’s reputation and his relationship with God. She does the right thing, the hard thing, the wise thing, and leaves her life (and husband) in the hands of God. And because she understood, God has a wonderful happily ever after for Abigail (and a not so happily ever after for Nabal). You can read the rest of the story in 1 Samuel 25.

And the beautiful woman received a message, “David sent us to you, to ask you to become his wife … and she followed the messengers of David, and became his wife.” So the beautiful woman and the king lived happily ever after.

Action Points

  1. Wisdom does not depend in IQ, but on the Word of God; the more Word we have, the wiser we become. How can you get more of God’s Word in your heart? (Hint:  Joyce Meyer Ministries, Living Proof Ministries)
  2. Think of a current situation are you facing. What do you feel like doing about it? What does God’s Word say you should do about it?
  3. What parts of your situation need you to take godly action? What parts do you need to leave in the hands of God?

Life is sweet.


Short & Sweet: She Believed

Nourishment for the Soul

Nourishment for the Soul

“And blessed is she who believed that there would be

a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord.”

Luke 1:45

Mary was a young Jewish girl who lived in the city of Nazareth. She was just an ordinary girl who lived an everyday life in an obscure town in Israel, but she believed.

One day an angel came to Mary and told her she had been chosen by God to bear the Christ Child. Despite her circumstances, despite her marital status, despite her social standing, Mary did an extraordinary thing: she believed.

Her faith was not based on the conditions or approval of man. Her faith was based on the Word of God. She completely trusted God’s will for her life. She did not waiver or worry. She did not ask questions or ask God to change one facet of His will for her life. She believed. She believed what God said to her.

What are some things God has spoken to you that you need to believe?

…  your sins are forgiven, go forth and sin no more …

… white as snow, though your sins are like scarlet, you are white as snow …

… I know the plans I have for your, plans to give you a hope and a future …

… come to Me, all you who  labor and are heavy burdened and I will give you rest …

Mary fulfilled her destiny because she believed. You will too. Blessed is she who believes what the Lord has said to her is true. She Believed.

Action Points

  1. What has God said to you that you need to believe?
  2. Name one thing you will do today to show God you believe Him.
  3. Beliefs are not based on feelings but truths. Memorize a Bible verse that speaks to the point 1.

Life is sweet.


by Mary Kane

all rights reserved.

copyright 2015






Short & Sweet: The Other Cheek by Mary Kane

Nourishment and Refreshment for your soul.

Nourishment and Refreshment for your soul.

29 To him who strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other also. And from him who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your tunic either.” Luke 6:29

I admit, I have struggled with this verse; it goes against what comes natural to my flesh.  If someone insults me, I want to insult in return … an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. When I was growing up, I quickly learned what happened to people who did not “defend themselves”; they were beaten, battered, and bullied.

Through the years, I have heard many different people speak and preach on this verse, but I think most missed the point. Luke 6:29 is not about defending or not defending oneself, it’s about deferring to a higher calling. It’s turning the cheek for the sake of the Gospel.

Over the weekend, I watched a great movie, “42.” (Yes, the movie contains strong language. Don’t judge me.) The story line revolves around a man who is asked to give up his right to retaliate; his right to justly defend himself against grave injustice … against cruel and ugly treatment … against racism and hatred. He is asked by his boss to “turn the other cheek.” Why? Because of a greater cause. Something bigger than personal dignity and respect, the destiny of all mankind.

As believers, Jesus asks us to do the same thing; turn the other cheek for the sake of mankind. Turning the other cheek does not mean living a life in the shadows, afraid of our own shadow. (Clearly there is a time to fight.) We are to live in the light, to live courageously, despite the opposition and to maybe even take a few beatings for the sake of the cross. What is more important, vindicating ourselves, or the cause of the Christ? Can we allow someone to take advantage of us and offer forgiveness for the sake of the Gospel?

What takes more effort, to let your temper flare or to rein it in for a greater cause? Turning the other cheek does not indicate weakness. It requires great strength and self control. There are two kinds of people – those who choose to fight, and those who choose the greater fight: the fight for the Gospel.

Turn the other cheek.

Action Points:

  1. When are you tempted not to turn the other cheek?
  2. When should you stand and fight?
  3. In your present challenge, is God calling you to stand or to turn the other cheek?

Life is sweet.




Short & Sweet: The Rod, by Mary Kane

Nourishment and Refreshment for your soul.

Nourishment and Refreshment for your soul.

There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots.

2 The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon Him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
The Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.” Isaiah 11:1
Jesus is called by many names: The Bright and Morning Star, The Word, The Lamb of God, Living Water and The Bread of Life. Each name reveals something about His character and our relationship with Him. Isaiah 11:1 names Jesus as a Rod from the stem of Jesse. The Living Water, and Bread of Life are understandable, but what does Rod mean? To gain understanding, we must go back to the original language. Please consider the following definitions:
Rod: in Hebrew, choter, which means a branch or rod
Stem: in Hebrew, geza, which translates as the trunk of a felled tree or a newly planted tree, putting forth new roots.
Branch: in Hebrew, netser, which descends from the root word natsar, which means to defend, to guard, to keep a covenant (emphasis mine).
Putting it all together: From the family of Jesse, God was bringing to pass something new – a new covenant. This new covenant would be established by Jesus, the Rod from the family tree of Jesse.
To close today’s study time, please read one more verse. “Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.” Proverbs 13:24
The success of the next generation depends upon us sharing with them the Good News of Jesus, the Rod of Jesse. Let’s be faithful to God’s calling.
Action Points:
    1. How can you help your children have more Jesus?
    2. What do you need to do to deepen your own relationship with Him?

Life is Sweet.


Short & Sweet: Crossroad, by Mary Kane

Nourishment and refreshment for your soul.

Nourishment and Refreshment for your soul.

“7 A highway shall be there, and a road, and it shall be called the Highway of Holiness. The unclean shall not pass over it, but it shall be for others. Whoever walks the road, although a fool, shall not go astray.” Isaiah 35:8

In my family, when we take a road trip, my husband and my sons NEVER let me navigate.  I was not born with that innate sense of direction, which was instilled in the male members of my family. Even when my children were little (three and five), my oldest son, Erik, would navigate while I drove. (It was quite a sight to see the five-year-old strapped in the car seat, holding the Rand McNally map in one hand and a stuffed puppy in the other, calling out Ohio Turnpike exit numbers).
Now my sons are grown and I often have to drive myself.  I have taken many interesting detours. Invariably (even if I have a map), when I come to a crossroad, and I have to make a decision, I choose the wrong road. Eventually, however, by hook or crook, I end up at my destination.
Life is also full of crossroads. We can be cruising down the highway of life when all of a sudden … we come to a crossroad. We must make a decision. This decision will affect the course of the rest of our life. No pressure. A crossroad. One way is crowded, smooth, glitzy, and wide. The other way is narrow, rustic, hard, but good … the Cross Road.
Jesus is there to help us navigate the crossroads of life. After all, He walked the Cross Road all by Himself. Carrying a heavy load. He knows the way … He is the way. You are never lost when you have been found by Jesus.
The Cross Road.
Action Point:
  1. Where are you walking –  the wide road or the Cross Road?
  2. If you are on the Cross Road, have taken any short-cuts or detours? How’d they work for you? (Same here.)
  3. If you are headed in the wrong direction, what do you need to do to turn around? God does allow u-turns.

Life is sweet.
