A Bundle of Prayer


Prayer is the language of our relationship with God.

God’s word tells us to pray without ceasing, pray about everything, pray continually, pray for everyone, pray in good times, and pray in bad times. We are to offer prayers of thanksgiving and intercession. Our battles will be won or lost because of our prayer life.

Prayer is hard work.

It is the one sure deadly defense against the enemy of our soul. A vital relationship with God is overflowing with prayer, yet so many of us struggle with prayer. I know I do. We all need help and encouragement. In order to help you with your prayer life, we have put together a bundle of resources for you in a new interactive format called Sway. Please take advantage of the many resources embedded within the post. Be on the look out for active links and the stack of cards. Feel free to take your time. Don’t feel like you have to do everything at once. This resource is meant to be used over and over again.

Please comment below on what you learned, and on how you like the Sway format. We look forward to hearing from you!

Cover it all in prayer!


Pray Specifically: The Fast He Has Chosen by Mary Kane

Flower potMany Christian people are fearful of fasting. I used to be too. I was afraid that I would do something wrong and offend God. I also thought that fasting would make me weak. In contrast, fasting actually strengthens and reinforces the faith of believers, putting them on the fast track to spiritual growth.

There is one type of fast that God favors above all others. You may be surprised to learn that with God it’s not about the food but the heart. To Pray Specifically about fasting please click on the link below:


The Fast He Has Chosen


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