1 Thessalonians A Life of Faith, Part 11: God’s Co-worker

DOve JPEG 10 edt“ … and we sent Timothy to visit you. He is our brother and God’s co-worker in proclaiming the Good News of Christ. We sent him to strengthen you, to encourage you in your faith.”

Co-workers can be a wonderful blessing. When I was in college, I used to work at a popular pizza place. I had a wonderful co-worker. We were so close we often rode to work together. My co-worker and I covered for one another at work, traded clothes,  shared our hurts and dreams and often saw each other apart from work. Clothes and dreams weren’t the only things we shared, however. On one of our many long trips to work, my co-worker shared the Gospel with me. It is because of her witness that I became a Christian.

Our verse above states, ” He [Timothy] is our brother and God’s co-worker.” Well, my co-worker is “my sister and God’s co-worker.” As a matter of fact, we are sisters and still co-workers today; true co-workers, laboring together as God’s co-workers to bring the message of the Gospel to a lost and lonely world.

You too, can be God’s co-worker. First you must lay down your life, pick up your cross and follow Him.

To do part 11 of The Life of Faith Thessalonians study, please click on the link below.

1 Thessalonians A Life of Faith, Part 11: God’s Co-worker

1 Thessalonians A Life of Faith, Part 10: The Word

DOve JPEG 10 edtBefore the days of email, texting and social media, people wrote letters. As a young girl, I had a few pen-pals; good friends who live far away with whom one corresponds via traditional postal mail. In order to create beautiful letters,  I spent my allowance on beautiful stationary, sealing wax and stamps.

The coming of the mailman was an event. Those who are over the age of 40 understand the thrill of a mailman approaching the house with hands filled with letters — especially love letters. The greatest love letter in the world was written thousands of years ago. The letter containspart 10 of A Life of Faith, please click on the link below.

A Life of Faith, Part 10: The Word


Journey Like the Magi


405px-The_visit_of_the_wise-men-2“We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.” Matthew 2:2

Three mysterious Magi appear in King Herod’s court asking about a new king. I can just imagine that despite their road-weary condition, their entourage commands attention and awe. Don’t you want to know more about these three who journey the farthest to find Jesus? I’ve often wondered about their lives. How could they take so much time to go find this new king? Did they leave families behind? Who instilled the faith in their lives that they needed to drop everything and embark on this life-changing journey as soon as they saw the star in the sky?

Recently, I attended a beautiful Advent retreat at Sustainable Faith Indy. During the “first movement” of the retreat, we were directed to reflect on the Magi and their part in the Christmas story: DSC_5787

First of all, I am struck by the Wise Men’s simple faith. They saw the star and they acted on it. Actually, they were compelled to follow it. An important point that I’ve often overlooked in the past is that in order for them to see, they had to be looking.Their eyes were to the sky and they were alert, watching and waiting.

Even though I’m not a professional astronomer as the Magi probably were, I can be a professional follower of Jesus. I can lift my eyes off of myself and be watching for glimpses of the sacred in the everyday as I live my life. God will guide me, too, as I navigate the journey of my life.

What really stands out to me from their story, however, is that the Magi are the perfect combination of humbleness and boldness. If they were  humble but not bold, they never would have found Jesus. If they were bold but not humble, they never would have worshipped him. They needed both attributes, and so do we.

God tells us in Isaiah 66:2 “This is the one I esteem he who is humble and contrite of spirit and trembles at my word.” He also tells us in Proverbs 28:1 “The righteous are as bold as a lion.”

God is constantly looking for those he can use to partner with Him in His work. To do that we need the boldness to step out and do what He is asking us to do. And we also need a humble spirit — one that is not filled with myself, but filled with the Holy Spirit. Don’t, however, confuse humbleness with timidity. The are two different things. We can have a skewed sense of humbleness that tells us “I’’m not good enough, smart enough, rich enough to do this.” And then we do nothing, because we believe a lie. We need to have the boldness to take that step and know that God will come through and equip us to what He has called us to do.

This Christmas let’s follow in the steps of the Magi. Let’s look up, and act with a humble, bold spirit to follow God on the journey He has for us in the upcoming year. Where is He leading you?

Merry Christmas!

1 Thessalonians A Life of Faith, Part 8: From Cherish to Charge

DOve JPEG 10 edtFamily is the bedrock element of civilization and culture. God, creator and founder of family, placed the responsibility of family within the institution of marriage.  In God’s perfect plan, children are taught, fostered and nurtured to live a life of faith by a father and a mother.

Most children would agree, mothers have a softer touch than their masculine counterparts. No matter what our age, when we are sick, hurt, or upset, we want our mother.

But, when the chips are down and there is a problem to be solved (or a car to be repaired), fathers are on call.  Sometimes children need a good dose of a dad’s no-nonsense “straighten up and fly right” (especially teen-age sons). Such life-changing talks are best delivered by fathers.

Moms … dads … fathers … mothers …  cherish …  charge.It all adds up to family; not perfect but complete.  Together, fathers and mothers teach  and model  to their offspring how to live a life of faith.

In order to continue your study in 1 Thessalonians: A Life of Faith,  please click on the link below.

1 Thessalonians Part 8: From Cherish to Charge

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1 Thessalonians A Life of Faith, Part 7: Approved by God

DOve JPEG 10 edt“You have been approved,” is a very exciting phrase. Hearing that phrase boosts one’s self esteem. It is wonderful to weighed  in the balance and found acceptable, trustworthy, and capable.

Throughout the course of a  life time, we have been approved for college loans, mortgages, car loans and college admissions. These approvals, however,  fall infinitely short in comparison to being  approved by God.

What has God approved us to do? According to 1 Thessalonians 2, we have been approved to communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world. Since we have been life of faith, we have a responsibility to be ready in season and out of season to give a reason for the great hope we have. It is an honor and a privilege to be entrusted by the God of the universe with the Gospel.

We (me and YOU) have been approved by God. To do part 7 of A Life of Faith, please click on the link below.

A Life of Faith Part 7, Approved By God


1 Thessalonians A Life of Faith, Part 6: The Blessing of Suffering

DOve JPEG 10 edtGod has given us many blessings, the greatest of which is the gift of life.  We can choose to live a life of selfishness and greed, following after our own desires, or we can live a blessings:  grace, joy, peace, love, fruit, ministry, and yes,  suffering.

At first, it may seem as if suffering and blessing have no point of commonality, but as we shall learn, suffering leads to blessing if we will only trust the Lord.  The present hardship you are experiencing can be re-purposed by God into blessing. Blessing from suffering … what kind of God has that kind of power? The Great I AM.  Living blessing of suffering.

Please click on the link below to down load Part 6 of A Life of Faith.

A Life of Faith, Part 6: The Blessing of Suffering