Fill’er Up!-Take 5! by Mary Kane

What do you like to snack on? Cookies? Cake? Popcorn? How about filling up on God’s Word! To do the study, click on the link!

Mission Possible-Take 5! by Mary Kane

You have been called. You have been chosen. God has a mission for you. Will you accept this mission? Click on the link to do the study, “Mission Possible!”

Saving Grace-Take 5! by Mary Kane

It is by grace that we are saved not by works! Worried about your less than perfect track record? God has got you covered! Click on the link to do Take 5!-Saving Grace!

Saving Grace-Take 5! by Mary Kane

Have you ever worried that you aren’t worthy to be used by Jesus for His kingdom? Put your worries aside and rest in His beautiful grace! Please click on the link to do the Bible study Saving Grace!

Power Walk!-Take 5! by Mary Kane

God calls us to walk closely with Him! To do the Bible study “Power Walk” please click on the link!

You are Mine-Take 5! by Mary Kane

Who do you belong to? God has something to say on this subject! To do the Take 5! Bible study “You are Mine,” please click on the link!