5 Days to Fast and Pray

So we fasted and earnestly prayed that our God would take care of us, and he heard our prayer.

Ezra 8:23

Prayer and fasting. Powerful stuff. Together they are spiritual dynamite ignited by power of the Spirit. Prayer and fasting are game-changing disciplines forĀ  desperate times.

Can anyone deny times are desperate? Everyday the news reports escalating chaos and violenceā€”brother against brother, religion against religion, and nation against nation. God has called to be His hands, His feet, and His voice to a lost and wounded world.He has anointed us to speak the hope of the Gospel to every tribe, tongue and nation.

Will you answer? Join us August 1-5, for a week of prayer and fasting. Let’s pray for our people, our leaders, and our world to wake up, repent and follow God.

You will need a Facebook account to participate. It’s always free! Follow the link to sign up and get a Facebook account if you don’t have one yet: www.facebook.com


Action Steps:

  1. Click on the link below and sign up for 5 Days to Fast and Pray.
  2. After you sign up, check your email and accept the invitation to join our 5 Days to Fast and Pray Facebook Group.
  3. Decide how you will fast (see below for more info on fasting).
  4. Join us each night at 8:30 Eastern Time to pray via Facebook.
  5. Invite your friends to join us.

A Word About Fasting

There are many types of fasts. We are trusting that you can determine which type of fast is best for you. Some of you may want to fast from desserts for the week. Some of you may undertake a social media fast. Some may fast from one meal a day. The Holy Spirit will show you if you pray about it. The idea is to replace whatever it it you’re fasting from with a prayer time. The fast gives you a greater focus on God and His agenda, rather than our own.

Sign Up Here

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